Saturday 30 July 2016

Pearl Ward - ambushed by pit bull haters

As you can see "Pearl" has been removed from the hate group where they'll continue to ridicule and berate her until they grow tired of having fun at her expense and what was her crime, she joined their group thinking it was a legitimate advocacy but as you can see she was pretty quickly brought to the stark realization she had walked into a pit bull hate den.

Clearly Jeff Borchardt even spams the hate groups with his so called statistics from where they call mixed breed mutts "pit bulls" and they call broken links to expired news stories "Citations"!

Despite putting forward a valid argument based on her own experiences and the available legitimate science based data and information Pearl quickly learns the depths of the cognitive dissonance that runs deep in the majority of breed specific legislation advocates who rely on nothing more then media reports and propaganda from Merritless.

Hello, thank you for accepting me to the group!
Here are my two pooches, Jamie the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Zuko the Russell mix! Both of my dogs enjoy participating and competing in flyball, although Zuko has since retired, Jamie still enjoys competing along side all of her team mates.
Have a nice day 
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Like58 hrs
Pearl Ward What has confused you?
Like8 hrs
Sheri Mobley You!
Like28 hrs
Pearl Ward Why?
Like8 hrs
Sheri Mobley You figure it out.
Like38 hrs
Pearl Ward If you haven't got the balls to just say it, I assume you don't like one of my dogs?
Well, he may be a little bit scruffy and grumpy sometimes, but I can assure you that my little Russell, Zuko, is harmless 
Like18 hrs
Sheri Mobley I don't like your pit bull, they are dangerous, ugly and pretty much worthless.
Like58 hrs
Pearl Ward I don't own a pit bull?
Like8 hrs
Sheri Mobley Yes, you do!
Like48 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr I have a big set I don't like pit bulls I don't like the damage they do to kids I don't like them killing people. But if you think it can never happen to you enjoy
Like68 hrs
Pearl Ward No, I don't Sheri. I own a Staffordshire Bull Terrier 
Like18 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl. You're not trying to just stop by and cause trouble are you? Nahhh. I mean what kind of person does that? Surely people have something better to do then start trouble on facebook because they own a particular dog breed type that some people think are dangerous? I mean, don't they???
Like68 hrsEdited
Susan DeVilder I mean what could be the end game here?
Like18 hrs
Susan DeVilder Hey Pearl. Maybe you could answer something for me that I have seriously been wondering about for a long time?
Like18 hrs
Pearl Ward Susan, that's not my intention at all. I was fully aware that my Staffy might not be popular here but I was made aware that I was still welcome even if I owned a bull breed.
Dangerous dogs are something that concern me as I work with dogs for a living.
Like8 hrs
Pearl Ward Sure, ask away 
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward You realized that and yet here you are!
Like18 hrs
Susan DeVilder But never mind. My question is does it make you upset that people don't care for pit bull type breeds?
Like48 hrs
Pearl Ward People are entitled to their opinions as long as it is not a misinformed one 
So, no, it doesn;t bother me at all. There are some breeds I don't particularly like either.
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward Well in this country, we find that many people for some reason are almost driven literally insane by the fact that people don't like their breed choice. It's almost I would say bordering mental illness. And I always wondered why people care so much what other people think about their dog breed choice. It just seems weird.
Like38 hrs
Susan DeVilder I mean if people hated Shih Tzus, because I own a Shih Tzu. I would think, well who gives a crap what they think. But for some reason pit bull owners relate to their breed so much that it causes them great distress. I mean the kind of distress that needs medication.
Like58 hrsEdited
Pearl Ward Well I agree and disagree with you 
I think some people take it too much to heart when their breed of choice is disliked. I am fully aware that there are people who don't like staffs but so long as they don't give me abuse, then I honestly couldn't give a damn. If you want to cross the street when you see me walking my dog, that's fine with me.
However, the reason bull breed owners get very passionate is that we do often face unnecessary hate and dogs of this breed are literally killed just because of their breed, regardless if the individual is aggressive. I know some here agree with that but, for me, that is wrong.
I won't get arsey with anyone who dislikes my dog though. I know she's lovely and that's all that matters 
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward I completely understand that it would be hard for you to know that people don't like your dog. But you certainly must understand why. I mean, people don't like pit bulls because they are potentially dangerous. And no one wants to be on the wrong end of a pit bull attack. That could mean death or disfigurement.
Like28 hrs
Pearl Ward I understand why people don't like my dog just like I'm sure you'll understand me when I say my dogs feeling towards you are mutual 
Like7 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward That's what we all worry about! And as much as you say you don't care that people don't like your dog breed choice, it kind of shows you do.
Like57 hrs
Ryan McCabe No thanks, don't want that thing within 50 feet of me and my dog
Like46 hrs
Hannah Honey Your dogs "feelings are mutual?"
What I was saying about people projecting their own feelings onto others. I experienced this over the weekend when a dog bit my aunt and the owner said, "tell Rocky you're fine and okay, he feels bad," when Rocky clearly didn't give a crap even slightly. It was no big deal, everything ended up fine due to Rocky NOT BEING A PIT BULL.The attitude, tho, is probably normal: "I think I know what my dog " feels." " No, you do not. Sorry, but that's insane.
Like24 hrsEdited
Sheri Mobley Pearl Ward, no one gives a crap about your dogs feelings, good thing you don't live close to me.
Like8 mins
Dana Renfrow Hmm. Should I bite this time?
Like28 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr These breeds are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes and/or size standards since the mid 1930's. Some are even dual registered (i.e., registered as an American Pit Bull Terrier with the UKC and as an American Staffordshire Terrier with the AKC).
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special…
Like48 hrs
Pearl Ward I am from the UK where APBTs are a banned breed. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are not considered pit type here and therefore not banned. It may be different elsewhere, but where I'm from, she is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier 
Like8 hrs
Emily Petrucci Same is Australia
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder She is. But she is considered a pit bull type breed. And Staffies kill people in the UK, don't they?
Like28 hrs
Pearl Ward Susan, yes that's why we all lock our doors at night.
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder So, you are touchy on the subject of whether Staffies kill people?
Like38 hrs
Pearl Ward I know you are trying to bait me but I'm not sure what outcome you want from the discussion?
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward I am not. I am trying to understand why pit bull breed type owners are so defensive. And I am wondering if they have a right to be. Don't other people have more of a right to be defensive about a dog breed type that has done incredible amounts of destruction?
Like18 hrs
Brandi Hodgson The video on her page of her dog hanging off tree branches shows that it's a pit bull. What other breeds latch onto trees, spring poles, etc and shake it for minutes at a time like pit bulls do?? Some day that branch might be replaced by an arm or leg, and that pit will be latched on and shaking the exact same way. It's a breed trait.
Like45 hrs
Hannah Honey Same dog.
Like4 hrs
Hannah Honey The smilies are as annoying as Katie with "hun"- you must all be buddies. Let me guess, you all work the er together, patching up victims of Chihuahuas.
Like4 hrs
Pearl Ward Are everyone concerned for my safety?
Like8 hrs
Susan DeVilder We are concerned about all people who continue to own potentially dangerous breeds. And we also worry about people who might come into contact with the dogs, or even other animals for that matter.
Like27 hrsEdited
Pearl Ward I think you hit the nail on the head there. Potentially. Isn't that a grand word. And I know you'll all be seething when I say this, but any dog has the 'potential' to be dangerous.

Did you know that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is one of the only d...See more
Like7 hrs
Bill Hinton No more than if you were smoking while pumping petrol.
Like27 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward I guess I am just not a risk taker. I love my family and other animals too much. To each his own I guess.
Like37 hrs
Susan DeVilder Pearl Ward Oh yeah. They are all real nanny dogs! Except when they kill children.
Like67 hrs
Bill Hinton Pearl Ward the FDA recommends eating glyphosate (Roundup). You need to research IF you really want the truth about these killers.
Like27 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Susan DeVilder I had this talk with the neighbor behind me with all the trouble I have had with the pit across the street. She drags a staffie over to meet me I told her nothing but a pit now you are going to cost me money need a extra mag for my gun. She keeps him on a tight leash
Like27 hrs
Pearl Ward So are the KC wrong?
What is the percentage of staffy attacks in regard to the percenatage of registered Staffys?
Like7 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Hard to get a number on most are like pits here grab your staffie and run
Like7 hrs
Pearl Ward "and his genuine love of children is well know"
The Staffordshire is one of the most popular of all the terriers. With the human race, he is kindness itself, and…
Like7 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Lets just say one in a million will kill someone now you draw the short straw and wind up with that one. Is your life or a family member worth the risk. If you are wrong you can't go back
Like7 hrs
Pearl Ward Where did you pull that number from? Your ass?
Like7 hrs
Dennis Ballance Sr Yea you are one of them when facts don't suit you cuss or call names
Like17 hrs
Gail Cousart Turner Isn't this the second one today WTH?
Like17 hrs
Susan DeVilder Yes it is.
Like6 hrs
Ryan McCabe Why is Pearl even in this group?
Like46 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Welcome to the group. Here are some medical studies that prove your dogs are high risk.

Ocular Trauma From Dog Bites: Characterization, Associations, and Treatment Patterns at a Regional Level I Trauma Center Over 11 Years, by Prendes MA, Jian-Amadi A, Chang SH and Shaftel SS, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, June 2015, [Epub ahead of print].

Morbidity of pediatric dog bites: A case series at a level one pediatric trauma center, by Erin M. Garvey, Denice K. Twitchell, Rebecca Ragar, John C. Egan and Ramin Jamshidi, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, February 2015, Volume 50, Issue 2:343-346.

Dog bites of the head and neck: an evaluation of a common pediatric trauma and associated treatment, by Daniel C. O'Brien, BS, Tyler B. Andre, MD, Aaron D. Robinson, MD, Lane D. Squires, MD and Travis T. Tollefson, MD, MPH, American Journal of Otolaryngology, Published Online: September 25, 2014.

Periorbital Trauma from Pit Bull Terrier Attacks, by Wladis EJ, Dewan MA, Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, Lions Eye Institute, Department of Ophthalmology, Albany Medical College, Slingerlands, NY 12159, USA, Orbit, 2012 Jun;31(3):200-2.

Effectiveness of Breed-Specific Legislation in Decreasing the Incidence of Dog-Bite Injury Hospitalisations in People in the Canadian Province of Manitoba, by Malathi Raghavan, Patricia J Martens, Dan Chateau, and Charles Burchill, Injury Prevention, Published Online First, June 30, 2012

Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs, by John K. Bini, MD, Stephen M. Cohn, MD, Shirley M. Acosta, RN, Marilyn J. McFarland, RN, MS, Mark T. Muir, MD and Joel E. Michalek, PhD; for the TRISAT Clinical Trials Group, Annals of Surgery,April 2011 - Volume 253 - Issue 4 - p 791–797,_Mauling,_and...

Dog Bites of the Face, Head and Neck in Children, by Horswell BB, Chahine CJ,West Virginia Medical Journal, 2011 Nov-Dec;107(6):24-7.

Multi-Staged Autologous Reconstruction of the Face, by Lawrence J. Gottlieb and Russell R. Reid, The Know-How of Face Transplantation, edited by Maria Z. Siemionow, Springer, 2011.

Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Stays Involving Dog Bites, 2008, by Laurel Holmquist, M.A. and Anne Elixhauser, Ph.D., Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD., November 2010.

Decline in Hospitalisations Due to Dog Bite Injuries in Catalonia, 1997–2008. An Effect of Government Regulation?, by Joan R Villalbi, Montse Cleries, Susana Bouis, Víctor Peracho, Julia Duran and Conrad Casas, Injury Prevention, August 2010;16:408-410.

Pediatric Dog Bite Injuries: A 5-Year Review of the Experience at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, by Kaye, Alison E. M.D.; Belz, Jessica M. M.D.; Kirschner, Richard E. M.D., Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, August 2009 - Volume 124 - Issue 2 - pp 551-558.

Bites, Animal (Catastrophic Pit Bull Attack Injury), by Alisha Perkins Garth, MD, Coauthor(s): N Stuart Harris, MD, FACEP, eMedicine, Updated: June 25, 2009.

Omental Free-Tissue Transfer for Coverage of Complex Upper Extremity and Hand Defects--The Forgotten Flap, by Iris A. Seitz, Craig S. Williams, Thomas A. Wiedrich, Ginard Henry, John G. Seiler and Loren S. Schechte, PubMed, March 25, 2009.

Head and Neck Dog Bites in Children, by Angelo Monroy, MD, Philomena Behar, MD, Mark Nagy, MD, Christopher Poje, MD, Michael Pizzuto, MD, and Linda Brodsky, MD, Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 140, 354-357 2009.
Like66 hrs
Jeff Borchardt A Ten-Year, Two-Institution Review of Pediatric Dog Attacks: Advocating for a Nationwide Prohibition of Dangerous Dogs, by Jugpal S. Arneja, MD, FRCSC, Kara Pappas, B.S., William Huettner, M.D., Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D., Gurbalbir Singh, M.D., FRCSC., American Association of Plastic Surgeons - 2008 Annual Meeting

Pitbull Mauling Deaths in Detroit, by Cheryl L. Loewe MD, Francisco J. Diaz MD, and John Bechinski DO, The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol 28, December 2007.

Hospitalizations Resulting from Dog Bite Injuries -- Alaska, 1991-2002, compiled by Louisa Castrodale, Int J Circumpolar Health, 2007 Sep;66(4):320-7.

Nonfatal Dog Bite--Related Injuries Treated in Hospital Emergency Departments --- United States, 2001, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 2003; 52(26): 605-610

Dog Bite Rates and Biting Dog Breeds in Texas, 1995-1997, by David E Blocker, BS, MD, University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center School of Public Health (Thesis) August 2000.

Incidence of Dog Bite Injuries Treated in Emergency Departments (1992-1994), by Harold B. Weiss, MS, MPH; Deborah I. Friedman; Jeffrey H. Coben, MD.,Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), 1998:279-1.

Dog Bites: How Big of a Problem?, by Sacks JJ, Kresnow M, Houston B, Injury Prevention, 1996; 2:52-54.

Fatal and Near-Fatal Animal Bite Injuries, by Clark MA, Sandusky GE, Hawley DA, Pless JE, Fardal PM, Tate LR, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1991 Jul;36(4):1256-61.

Dog Bites in Urban Children, by Jeffrey R. Avner and M. Douglas Baker, Pediatrics,Vol. 88 No. 1 July 1, 1991 pp. 55-57.

Mauling by Pit Bull Terriers: Case Report, by Baack BR, Kucan JO, Demarest G, Smoot EC, J Trauma, 29(4):517-520, April 1989.

Pit Bull Attack: Case Report and Literature Review, by Steven F. Vegas, MD, Jason H. Calhoun, MD, M. Eng., John Mader, MD, Texas Medicine, Vol. 84, November 1988.

Severe Attacks by Dogs: Characteristics of the Dogs, the Victims, and the Attack Settings, by John C Wright, Public Health Reports, 100:55–61, Jan-Feb 1985.Correction in: Public Health Reports, 100(4):363 Jul-Aug 1985.

The Ecology of Dog Bite Injury in St. Louis, Missouri, by Beck A, Loring H, and Lockwood R, Public Health Reports, 90:262-269, 1975.

Dog Attack Deaths Maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to December 31, 2014, by Merritt Clifton, Animals 24-7, December 31, 2014.

Report: U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities January 2006 to December 2008, by, April 20, 2009.

Breeds of Dogs Involved in Fatal Human Attacks in the United States Between 1979 and 1998, by Sacks, Sinclair, Gilchrist, Golab and Lockwood, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, September 15, 2000, Vol. 217, No. 6, Pages 836-840.

Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities United States, 1995-1996, by R Lockwood, PhD,Morbidity and Mortality Report, CDC, May 30, 1997, Vol.46, No.21.

Fatal Dog Attacks, 1989-1994, by Sacks JJ, Lockwood R, Hornreich J, Sattin RW, Pediatrics, 1996;97:891-5.

Dog Bite-Related Fatalities from 1979 through 1988, by J. J. Sacks, R. W. Sattin and S. E. Bonzo, JAMA 1989;262:1489-1492

Traumatic Deaths from Dog Attacks In the United States, by Pickney LE. Kennedy LA, Pediatrics, 1982;691:193-196.

Human Deaths Induced by Dog Bites, United States, 1974-75, by William G. Winkler, Public Health Reports, 1977 Sep-Oct; 92(5): 425–429.

Fatal Dog Attacks in Canada, 1990–2007, by Malathi Raghavan, Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2008 June; 49(6): 577–581.

Fatal Dog Bites in New Zealand, by David Healy, Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association, 10-August-2007, Vol 120 No 1259.
Like76 hrs
Laurie Anne I am glad you are concerned about Dangerous Dogs, Pearl. I myself joined this group to share my experience with a near fatal dog attack, and to try and understand why it happened.

A lot of people posting here are victims of dog attack, and some have l...See more
Like34 hrsEdited
Ashley Hamilton Hi from Ruby and Rambo
Like13 hrs
Ashley Hamilton ðŸ˜Š
Like3 hrs
Like3 hrs
Sarah Howard Why would Pearl even want to join this group except to start a ruckus? Its about dangerous dogs smdh.
Like23 hrs
Ashley Hamilton Look a pittbull ,baby goat and a baby ðŸ˜‚😂😂 idiots

If they consider this to be community safety advocacy is it any wonder the majority of them have few friends other then fellow pit bull haters and are usually estranged from their actual family due to their fanatical beliefs instilled by the masters of manipulation Culleen & Merritless one of which was "bitten" by a dog in a freak jogging accident she caused and then labelled as a "mauling" due to the fact her phone psychic gig was folding so she needed a new money maker so she decided to orchestrate this incident to justify the creation of her make money off killing pit bulls theme that she still promotes to this day.

Anyone taking the time to "google" : "debunking dogsbite" and spend an hour looking at the thousands of news stories, blogs and articles exposing the sham that is

ie...... About 3,390 results (0.38 seconds)  


More to come.....

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