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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

No Place Like Home Rescue's owner Anne Marie Rogers and her list of 10 facts about pit bulls, it's hilarious!

Anne Marie Rogers.....

No Place Like Home Rescue of Michigan 

The post.....

Source.... NPLHR

Source..... NPLHR

So let's consider and examine the truth to these alleged "facts" being put forward by Anne Marie Rogers on her Rescue page.....

Number one in the list of alleged facts......

1. Pit Bulls were originally bred for bull and bear baiting, and later for dog on dog combat. They are Bloodsport dogs."

Actually that's not correct through investigation and legitimate research we've found that while the ancestors of pit bulls were used for bull & bear baiting (American Bulldogs) by the time Apbt's were bred bull baiting had long been declared illegal.....

The majority of pit bulls in America today have been bred for various types of sporting competitions such as Agility competitions.....

Then there's various jumping competitions.....

Climbing competitions.....

Pull competitions.....

Frisbee competitions.....

Mostly thought they're just loving family pets.

Number 2 on AMR's list.....

2. Pit Bulls have a genetic trait for unpredictable explosive aggression. They hold, shake and maul, ripping flesh from bone and they don’t let go until their victims are dead. It’s called their “gameness” trait.

Pit bulls are also genetically predisposed to non human aggression and while certain pit bulls are dog aggressive typically not all are even viable for training to become a fighting dog which is confirmed by their numbers in shelters.

"B. The Training"

"All fighting dogs are conditioned from a very early age to develop what dog-fighters refer to as “gameness.” The scope and method of training varies dramatically depending on the level and experience of the dog-fighter. 
The following implements and techniques are commonly used to train the dogs:"
Detailed Discussion of Dog Fighting | Animal Legal & Historical Center

"However, many professional fighters invest much time and money in conditioning their animals. They are often given quality nutrition and basic veterinary care. The dogs are exercised under controlled conditions, such as on a treadmill.

The conditioning of fighting dogs may also make use of a variety of legal and illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids to enhance muscle mass and encourage aggressiveness. Narcotic drugs may also be used to increase the dogs’ aggression, increase reactivity and mask pain or fear during a fight."

A Closer Look at Dog Fighting | ASPCA

Fyi, "gameness" actually refers to a dog that's getting a licking but is still willing to line up to go again if asked to do so and will fight right down to it's own last breathe when losing.

"Game (Gameness):" 

"1. The sport of dog-fighting; 

2. The combined qualities of courage, aggression, and tenacity in the face of utter exhaustion and possible death. 

Game test: to determine a dog’s gameness by rolling until completely exhausted, then having the dog prove gameness by scratching to a fresh dog"

(rolling = matching the dog with a new opponent in a fight as part of training)

Number 3,4 & 5 in the list of alleged facts.....

3. Pit bulls are, by a wide margin, the #1 canine killer of pets and people.
4. On average, Pit Bulls kill 30 people each year.
5. Pit bulls kill over 30,000 beloved pets per year.

Well that's just all propaganda and I challenge NPLHR to post the links to the sources confirming these statistics.....

I'll demonstrate for them.....

"The most commonly reported dog breeds involved were pit bulls (24 deaths), followed by rottweilers (16 deaths), and German shepherds (10 deaths). The authors point out that many breeds, however, are involved in the problem.

The death rate from dog bite-related fatalities (18 deaths per year) in the 6-year study period remained relatively constant compared with the prior 10 years.
The authors emphasized that "most of the factors contributing to dog bites are related to the level of responsibility exercised by dog owners." 

Source..... Medicinet

In America in 2016 there was 31 dog bite related fatalities and 11 of those were alleged to have involved pit bulls, 20 (65%) of those deaths involved either mixed breed dogs or non pit bull type dogs.

Number 6 on NPLHR'S alleged fact list.....

6. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) would help stop severe maulings and fatalities by pit bulls. Cities that enforce BSL have a proven reduction in attacks.

Once again that's just not true many countries have dropped breed specific legislation after coming to the realization that it doesn't work.

Please follow the links below to see for yourself.....

U.S. communities increasingly ditching pit bull bans - USA Today

The fact is Breed specific legislation has little to no effect on actual dog bite instances or fatalities and that's why it's being dropped in favor of legislation which holds all owners of all dog types responsible for their own actions.

Number 7 on the fact list.....

7. Shelters and rescues will purposely mislabel a dog’s breed to help adopt it. In other words, they LIE to the public and will call a pit bull a lab mix or boxer mix.

The fact is even experienced shelter staff struggle to reliably identify dog breeds visually without any other information as to the dogs heritage.....

Is That Dog a Pit Bull? A Cross-Country Comparison of Perceptions of ...

You only have to look at the banner for NPLHR's page to see she can't identify a pit bull as they have used an image of an American Bully......

Number 8 on the list of facts.....

8. Pit Bulls were never nanny dogs. They are NOT SAFE to have around children or other animals.

Well the thing is no-one in their right minds would consider any type of dog to be an actual "Nanny" but the term "nanny dog" has been tossed around and has referred to a number of different types and breeds of dogs and the anti pit bull activists literally hate it.....

Wasn't Petie a pit bull and didn't people call him a "nanny dog"......

Pit bulls are definitely okay with children and the millions of pit bulls in America that haven't hurt a soul in their life are testimony to the fact.....

Link to video for the above image...... youtube

Pit Bull Puppy And Boy Grow Up Together | The Dodo - YouTube

Number 9 on the list of facts......

9. Aggression is GENETIC. Pit Bulls do not need special training to fight. It is inherent in their nature to attack and kill other animals.

Once again nothing could be further from the truth pit bulls have to undergo extensive training to become a fighting dog and to think they are born with the know how to fight is naive or intentionally deceptive.....

To dispel this claim for the nonsense it is you only have to google search the subject.....

"About 13,300,000 results (0.65 seconds)"

Search results...... Google 

Training a Fight Dog - People | HowStuffWorks

13,300,000 results for a search for something the anti pit bull activists claim doesn't need doing, all dogs are born with instincts but equally they all need training.....

Number 10 on the list of facts......

10. No one can train, love or rehabilitate the inherently genetic aggression out of a Pit Bull.

This once again is complete and utter nonsense as everyone may remember Micheal Vick's fighting dogs that were rehabilitated after a life of abuse at the hands of dog fighters.....

How Michael Vick's pit bulls changed animal rescue forever | New ...

These Were Michael Vick's Fighting Dogs. Where They Are Now is ...

Sep 20, 2010 - Uploaded by CBS
After Michael Vick's kennel bust, Andrew Yori reached out to the Bad Rap rescue organization and adopted ...

Now the post to the page was accompanied by 7 images all of which are straight up anti pit bull activist propaganda.....

The first image which is a full on hate fest against pit bulls riddled with lies and disinformation and typically contains images of "Cane Corso's" which are #notapitbull.....

Anne Marie seems willing to promote blatant lies in her propaganda too, the fatal and tragic story associated with this meme is that only one of the dogs were involved and there's no actual proof the dog was actually a pit bull as it was a rescue dog of unknown history.....

Here's some links to the actual story if you care to follow up on this tragedy......

Three-week-old baby girl is killed in her home by a pit bull ... - Daily Mail

This image once again is based off lies as it's a well known fact that over thirty five breeds/types of dogs have been involved in fatalities including most of the breeds listed as not having been involved in a human fatality.

It's lies and disinformation like this that's contributing to the escalated dog bite relate fatalities in America.....

All of dogsbite's so called statistics come from Merrit Clifton an ex 2nd rate journo that uses nothing more then media reports to assembly his stats but has no formal training or education in either data gathering or data correlation.....

This is one of the meme's in the propaganda package and as you can see the statistics for the graph within the meme are from dogsbite dot org a notoriously deceptive anti pit bull activist scam site.

Now according to that meme there were 287 victims to dog attacks between 2005 and 2015......

And yet if you go to the dogsbite website you'll see this......

Source...... dogsbite

So which is it? was there 287 victims or 392 victims????

Anne Marie Rogers has demonstrated with this post that she's completely bias against pit bulls and is not a reliable source for anything relating to pit bulls......

Any animal taken in by her so called rescue gets zero tolerance if the dog shows any aggression they are put down.....

Anne Marie Roger's rescue has come to the attention of animal advocates world wide with the comment below and is being monitored.....

Advocates Call For “Dog Serial Killer” Rescue Founder To Be ...

The scary part is that Ann Marie Rogers... - Detroit Pit Crew Dog ...

No Place like home rescue is AMR's way of secretly killing pit bulls fooling people into surrendering them and then having them murdered she's not a nice person she's seems to be part of the anti pit bull lobby.....

More to come.....

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