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Monday, 1 February 2016

The nasty conflict about pit bulls!

I advocate against breed specific legislation for the same reason that all these organizations (links below) do not support it either and that's because it doesn't work and even if it did "work" it still totally ignores the 38% of dog bite related fatalities that don't involve banned breeds and they deserve a voice too and we need to stop all dog bite fatalities not just those alleged to have involved pit bulls?....

All of these legitimate animal organizations opposed breed specific legislation in favor of breed neutral legislation coupled with educational programs as recent studies reveal children struggle to read dog body language quite obviously contributing to bite numbers.

Even the United States government has weighed in on the issue:
United States Department of Justice

- See more at:

Advocating against breed specific legislation see's you get labeled as a "pitbutter" or "pitiot" and all the associated Bsl proponent tactics associated such as stalking your Facebook account and googling your name in order to get some "dirt" on you and they'll use pictures meme-ing them and sharing them all over the internet including your children and worse case scenario they've been known to contact both employers and landlords seeking to get you evicted from your home and/or fired from you place of employment.

Well for the first and probably last time in history I agree with Colleen I hope reporters and investigators become involved as Buzz Feed only just scratched the surface as to the extent of pro Breed specific legislation advocates in-appropriate use of social which they utilize as a platform to launch their attacks on rescues and owners alike generally using fake profiles to hide their true identities.

BuzzFeed monitors trends on the Internet. They picked up on the nasty social media conflict about pit bulls. Our hope is that more reporters and researchers take a look at this trend more closely; it's being played out every day online. ‪#‎ReadIt‬
When the internet's pit bull obsessives grab ahold of something, they don't let go.
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James Hassinger Did you really say Jeff has a really intense masculinity? I lol'd at that, not because he's not masculine, I just don't envision what we do as masculine, it's just the right thing to do, save lives It was taken somewhat out of context. I had been explaining to him how there were many women in the dog bite victim advocacy movement and that Jeff brought a very different type of energy.
Kell Brigan Not a great article, IMO. They minimize pit-caused deaths as "fewer than accidental falls or poisonings" (which the U.S. continually spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to study and try to prevent, ahem...) and also implies that Griffin-Heady would not have faced criminal neglect charges if, for instance, Tyler had found a gun in an unlocked cabinet or fallen into a swimming pool while home alone. They don't quite get it. I also hope the writers don't have kids.
Karen White YES! I saw that too. That comment was definitely a nudge in the "this isn't even important" category. He / she needs to look back at things like the Pinto car or drop side cribs or other things. It doesn't take 30 deaths a year for 2 or 3 decades for the govt to go full on BAN when these things happen. Wonder why pit bulls are "protected".
LikeReply3January 28 at 7:52amEdited
Lesley Karen Luscombe 'Animal Rights' instead of 'Animal Welfare', I suppose.

The damn things are almost human, according to the whackos who love them. There are both hits and misses in it! Again, our hope is that more reporters and researchers take a look at this trend more closely.
Lesley Karen Luscombe The comments are largely ludicrous, lots of pro-Pit trolls abusing people and claiming that they've been bitten by deadly Chihuahuas.
Kesia Finley I think that regardless, this article would make anyone on either side of the argument sit back and think about it.
Bobbie Irish Like psychopathic human murderers, yes, they do resemble.
LikeReply9 hrs
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Karen White Very good article. I'm glad you returned his contact for comment. Wish all the pro pit groups would have, but they're too busy bashing victims parents and blaming dead and mauled children, all while being "anonymous". I bet you a NICKLE these groups are run by dog fighters and pit bull breeders. They HAVE TO fight BSL. It would financially put them out of business.
James Hassinger Wow.... that was riveting! I couldn't stop reading, it was like a John Grisham book. That article could be a movie.
Karen Asmus Gordon I have found pitbull owners as nasty as the breed.....
Mary Shaffer A new pit bull attack in Cleveland Ohio. The dog is dead, the attack victim alive.
Bobbie Irish SSS. Shoot. Shovel. Shutup
LikeReply9 hrs

Bobbie Irish's comment sums up the mindset and style of the what they call victims advocacy these people are hiding their murderous plot behind the noble cause of victims advocacy however a quick perusal of any of their hate groups or pages quickly affirms they hate pit bulls and they want them all dead but they totally ignore all the victims of non banned breeds and seem willing to sacrifice these victims in order to complete their mission.

And just for the record by and large pro Bsl advocates or pit bull haters as I call them are by and large the biggest offenders in this dispute which is understandable as they have no actual facts their whole campaign revolves around  lies, disinformation and cyber bullying.

I have little doubt there will be more extensive and thorough investigations and welcome them with the hopes of ridding the internet of these bully's and hopefully restore the experience of surfing the internet and commenting on news articles to being less confronting and dangerous for users.

How many people have to commit suicide before the internet and Facebook in particular enforce the rules and regulations within their community standards thus ensuring the safety of their subscribers and meeting their obligations in relation to their "duty of care".

Remove all the hater using Facebook as a platform to launch their hate campaigns?

more to come......

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