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Saturday, 5 August 2017

Dawn James - Craven Desires is fake advocacy at it's most deplorable.....

Craven Desires profile picture shows a drawing supposedly from a little girl and as you can see she's smiling after shooting her first pit bull with a bow and arrow.....

"My first pit bull"

The blog archive for her blog starts in December 2009 and given that the Facebook page was probably created shortly thereafter this page has been actively hating on pit bulls and their owners for roughly 8 years and has gathered 304 Likes on that whole time.....

Dawn James/ Dawn Marie is the master mind behind Craven Desires......

Craven Desires AKA Dawn James 19223 48th Ave W
Lynnwood Wa 98036

Link to source.....

Now there's no trying to conceal their hatred like the other alleged victims support groups on Facebook Dawn basically attacks all and sundry on this page boldly using peoples names and even tagging them without fear of having their comments removed or Facebook taking any action to stop their bullying.

This meme really gives an insight in to the minds of these so called victims advocates.

"If you don't control your pit bull I will".....

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Pit Bulls are deadly weapons and stories from the media just like it further insight these terrible people to continue in their hate campaign and true be told the media has a lot to answer for in relation to using the "pit bull" to try and bring attention to themselves as they are quickly being identified as being blatantly biased and lacking any sincere integrity or relationship to the facts and/or truth.....

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Yet another distasteful meme being created and circulated by these people and their minority of fanatics....

"A dead pile of pits is a good start"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Ironically the video shows a cruel callous police officer needlessly using a taser on an escaped family pet and typically Dawn some how in her twisted mind justifies this animal abusers actions....

"Vicious mutants should be killed on the spot"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Link to the original story.... Animal Abuse - Policeman

Comment on previous post by Sharon Yildiz not only supporting this cruel action but actually seemingly celebrating it.....

The majority of scientific studies relating to dog bite related fatalities quite clearly indicate that a dogs breed plays no part in fatalities and confirms many factors are involved but none relate to the breed of the dog.

[PDF]Dangerous dogs – a sensible solution - Australian Veterinary ...

There's one common denominator to all attacks and that is an irresponsible owner given that dogs do not attack for no reason, there's always a reason and generally speaking plenty of warning it's just most are so subtle humans do not recognize them.

"Keep telling yourself it's how you raise them" is one of their many catch cries......

Link to post..... Craven Desires

The anti pit bull lobby create emotive memes focusing on the American Pit Bull Terriers fighting history when in fact the majority of pit bulls bred in America nowadays are bred for all sorts of other activities from weight pulling to water diving etc etc.....

Dock JumpingDisc DogsAgility,  & Flyball


"Never forget this is why pit bulls exist" is really a poor argument given that dog fighting is illegal & being slowly fazed out across the nation.

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Victim bashing a pit bull owner after an attack because she won't denounce the breed is just one of the tools for the trade of breed specific legislation advocacy this woman was attacked by her pet and now she's being attacked by these alleged public safety advocates.....

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Link to the original story.....

Dear karma is a subtle threat to the people named all of whom are members of legitimate animal organizations opposing breed specific legislation or authors of studies exposing Bsl doesn't work.....

Link to post..... Craven desires

As you can see by their propaganda meme they accuse everyone opposing bsl as being stupid regardless of whether you actually own a pit bull or not.....

"when you're stupid"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

I really am left shaking my head when I see the lengths these people go to in their hatred of pit bulls.....

"Pit bulls are a cancer on animal advocacy"....

Link to post.... Craven Desires

These people use victims of the two legged variety and four legged variety in their hate campaign these 2 pets were executed and thrown under a bridge and now they're being used in this under handed foul extinction campaign being waged against family pets.....

"I wonder why"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Link to the original post... 2 pit bulls found executed

Each and every day we see these people claiming they can identify pit bulls and each and every day we see them using English Staffy's in their ludicrous memes attacking pit bulls.....

"I just killed my owner"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

They rejoice and celebrate when the police shoot pit bulls regardless of whether the dog actually attacked any one or not.....

As you can see they often wish death on owners too.....

"What a beautiful sight"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Link to the original story.... Tragedy of dog attack

There's a definite pattern of behavior appearing on this so called community page with the posts all focused on pit bulls and their owners as opposed to victims.....

"Happy fucking ending"

Link to post..... Craven Desires


Dan Zilla - "finds few things more enjoyable then seeing game pit bulls shot to death".....

They attack owners of non pit bulls mistaking "American Bully's" for pit bulls and they're attacking the owner in an incident in which a cat was injured and one of the mans pets was euthanized....

"Fucktards mutant got out"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

Link to the original story..... I woke to a nightmare

To celebrate anyone's death is simply unacceptable and to do it under the guise that you are acting in the best interests of the community really indicates theses people are suffering some sort of dislocation from what society as a whole considers to be acceptable behavior.....

"Another pit bull kills it's owner"

Link to post..... Craven Desires

In the comments section of the post.....

Col Piotr Waldemair Dzierzynski calls for "celebratory gun fire."

Now this is distasteful in the extreme do they have no conscience?

" baste "

Link to post..... Craven Desires

It's hard to come up with a reasonable response as to why Facebook is allowing these people and the other like them to attack both pit bulls and their owners but unfortunately that's exactly how it seems as you can see with your own 2 eyes....

I know a lot of advocates ignore these people in the hopes that they'll get bored with it and go away but that's not happening the silence of voice against them has emboldened them into becoming and acting even more outrageously and it really is time we all start acting like the majority we are.....

They are emailing all the local councils and city officials with all the dogsbite propaganda and the dammed fools are falling for it and actually citing dogsbite in spite of the fact there so called statistics aren't even worth the paper they're written on given that Merrit Clifton has no qualifications in either data gathering or data correlation.

Merrit Clifton Debunked

We need some of these bigger pro pit bull pages to become involved and we all need to act as one and shut down this ruse/scam that is dogsbitedotorg once and for all in the name of the millions of pit bulls they've had a hand in killing in the time of Bsl.....

Are you with me or against me?

Please sign our petition calling for the American Press Society to boycott

More to come.....


  1. She lied about Pitbulls being bred for human aggression.

  2. There are more out there
