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Sunday, 13 December 2015

33 pit bull hater pages/groups with an average "likes' of 222 claiming to be the majority!!! pmsl!!!!

The pit bull haters consistently claim to be apart of a majority that wants all pit bull eradicated from the face of the earth so lets take a bit of a look at their claims here we have a sample of hater pages and groups from facebook.

Do the world a favor Borchardt & Lynn, stop pretending victims really matter to you.
ZOMBIESANDDOGS “A Kentucky woman was beaten, scalped and had a part of her ear torn off when police say her ex-boyfriend sicced his pit bull on her in a vicious attack.”- The Daily Mail I can’t eve...
This page should be used as a guide for pro-BSL advocates to know which Animal Farm Foundation cultists to block. These are the worst haters on Facebook.…/Inside-the-Dark-…/659397414148279
This has been active for at least 3 years. The admins are Julie Edwards-Matanga from San Bernadino who does/has substitute teaches music at and Jon Birchall from New Zealand aka Jon Anonnon aka
Inside the Dark Dark Sick Minds of Pit Bull and Other Dangerous Dog Owners's photo.
Inside the Dark Dark Sick Minds of Pit Bull and Other Dangerous Dog Owners
2 talking about this
Created by Jennifer Sue Scott who lies about the "pit bull" attack on her Golden Retriever puppy and herself. She is a salesperson for Direct Supply Linked In:
A Jeff Borchardt minion
Confessions of a Pit Loving Whack Job's photo.
Confessions of a Pit Loving Whack Job
48 talking about this
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo to Pit Bulls Shot or Confronted By Police
The disgusting things going on at the save mickey page is terrible. They make posts blaming children for being mauled. And ridicule parents who want to protect their kids from being mauled. Disturbed people!

So here we have 33 pit bull hates pages masquerading as public safety advocates so let's do the maths, the 33 groups/pages have a total likes of 7,353 between the 33 pages at an average 222.8 likes per group/page.

Now I'm no rocket scientist but anyone claiming that the anti pit bull lobby is the majority is either extremely ignorant or they're a bold faced liar in the case of the pro breed specific legislation proponents I thinks it's the latter?

more to come....

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