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Sunday, 6 December 2015

Judge Judy is quickly becoming a pit bull hating god among the minions enjoy it while you can because Judge Judy is accountible to the law too and she won't get away with stiffling peoples rights just because she hates piit bulls with a passion?

Well it's official according the the pit bull haters Judge Judy hates pit bulls and their owners and the producers are calling for pit bull victims to come forward there's only one issue Judge Judy has already displayed that she hates pit bulls wouldn't this position automatically rule judge Judy out from being able to render an un-bias outcome by her own admission?

If you have a case where you or someone you know has been attacked by a pit bull and it's similar to my case where the owners have no insurance to cover medical bills, the producer of the Judge Judy show wants your case. If anything do the show to share statistics,educate viewers,and protect others from it happening to them or someone they love. Just send me a message thru messenger and I'll connect you directly with her.
45 people like this.
Steven Hechtl I'm about to take this prick on there. He's getting a lawyer to fight it instead of paying up.
Roger Crawford You still have her contact info?
Steven Hechtl Saved all the messages and contact info
Roger Crawford Call her...she just emailed me wanting to know what's up
Tony Solesky My entire case was built on that. I would love to simply direct their legal department to it.
Roger Crawford Watcha mean Tony? Built on what?
Tony Solesky The dog owner was uninsured. Dogs are property under the law. The whole problem with holding people responsible for the actions of a dog is the fact that a dog under the law is property. Therefore you have to prove that the owner of the property is on notice to the defect of their property, even if they have insurance. We proved that the pit bull breed is inherently dangerous (defective) and therefore the mere fact that the property involved ( a pit Bull) is the same as the property involved being a hand grenade. That people all know that hand grenades are dangerous and therefore are already on notice. Insurance or not is not as relevant as people think if you cannot prove notice. Well we proved notice BUT we had a dog owner that had no insurance and was also a renter. The owner of the rental property had insurance and we proved that the mere fact that the homeowner/landlord rented to a pit bull owner that they knew had a pit bull was the same as if they rented to a hand grenade owner. Which then by law put the owner of the home property on notice to the defect they allowed to reside on their property in an uninsured dog owner. This was literally the first time in the USA such a case was won. It was covered in the National Press. Further for new law students including Jag lawyers it is studied. Just like Rowe v Wade for abortion and the maranda rights case.
Tony Solesky If you google it you will see that in civil law it is written up even outside of the USA.
Lori Welbourne Amazing connection Roger! Looking forward to watching your segment!
Renee Rosati 🏻🏻🏻awesome way to spread awareness Judge judy hates pits 🏻
Mary Jones I want to see Judge Judy make more pitnutters squirm!
Roger Crawford I'll post it when I knows it
Jennifer Sue Scott That's awesome, Roger Crawford. You rock buddy. Thanks for spreading the word.
Diana Christenhusz Sometimes I think JJ is just about the only way the truth seems to get out.
Nancy Perdue Wonderful idea to help get the word out more about the truth of these animals, and the people who advocate for them.
Tricia Malone It would be awesome if she did as many of these as she could, and it sounds like this is a start. Seriously, she could base her whole show off of these, there's so many. Maybe then a few people would wake up to the facts.
Like523 hrs
Jen Arevalo Oh yes!! This is awesome.
Like22 hrs
Lisa Padgett triple like!
Like122 hrs
Lisa Jordan I've seen a few episodes where pits have attacked people's dogs
Like122 hrs
Mary Brady Honeycutt It happened to my son but the people were renters and skipped out of town and no one can find them. So he is still paying on her medical bills 8 years later.
Like221 hrs
Mary Conner Our mailman was bitten by two pit bulls down the street, I'll ask him about it.
Like216 hrs
Roger Crawford I just need his contact phone and email if possible
Like10 hrs
Rose Solesky I always liked the kind of justice that Judge Judy puts out but never more then when she has a case involving Pit Bulls. She says it like it is and doesn't pull any punchs. Thank God someone
Like13 hrs
Rose Solesky in her position tells it like it is!!
Like13 hrs
Rick Fite How you doing Roger?
Like1 hr
Roger Crawford Hanging with Jim beam and taking each day in stride...thanx for asking
Like21 hr

I hope that Judge Judy goes the rant on one of her new cases and once again demonstrates that she has no business ruling on anything to do with pit bulls when she has a pre-disposed hatred for the dogs hopefully she'll get noticed for her discrimination and bigotry and gets the boot like the rest of the ignorant fools that have been sucked in to Colleen lynn's death to all pit bulls campaign.

In closing just a heads up to the less then honorable Judge and that is don't blame the mystical and non existent "pit bull lobby" when you lose your cushy well paid job blame your own foolishness and extremely big mouth!

more to come.....


  1. I have a pitbull and he is the sweetest baby you could ever meet

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My pittie if anyone cares is named Layla. She was dumped,I have always had dogs & if I'm being honest she kinda scared me. I have had Shar-pei. A breed I would learn that was supposed to be 'untrustworthy'. Layla is the love of my life. Don't believe everything you hear
