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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Rick Stevens "Now that's a beautiful picture. smile emoticon" Ricks referring to a picture of a pet that had been shot in the head by a crazed neighbor!!!! t


Here we have a perfect example of the style of advocacy they employ Nina was murdered/executed by a neighbor in her own front yard he then threw her corpse into his pickup and dumped the body, if his actions were legitimately based why dispose of the body? why not ring the police and report it?

Percy Lunsford (the shooter)

Look up and check out the new FB page "Justice For Nina". Apparently, this pit was menacing the neighborhood and someone decided to do something about it -- before someone got attacked and mauled. Or killed. Read the owner's post about what the pit had been doing prior to its being shot and killed. Very telling. Incredibly, the Page has a pit nutter "like" count of almost 60,000.

7 people like this.
Rick Stevens Now that's a beautiful picture. smile emoticon
Joanne Edwards they shouldn't let it roam unlucky.
Barbara Casey I think it sad. The pit bull apologists will no doubt have a field day with this one. This is the fallout from the attacks on innocent victims. Who is really thinking about the dogs? Not the pit bull apologists. Competent pit bull ownership comes with a high regard fro the safety of the public at large and for the dogs. Again, who is thinking about the dogs? Not them.
Sheri Mobley If you opt to have one of these, keep them the hell away from everyone else.
Max Laughlin Wow you could not get that much attention when a child is killed by a pit bull.
Kendall Vibbert That's a pretty pic., Better the Beast, than a Baby laying there Mauled to Death.
Patricia Forbell Justice and karma are sweet! 
Lesley Karen Luscombe Justice has already been served. Now all that is left is the whining squawks of the Pit-hags. Move along now. All is well. smile emoticon
Lesley Karen Luscombe LMAO - you have to read between the lines (but it's not hard) to see what exactly this mauler had been DOING in the neighborhood. Chances are high that when 'Mommy' left it outside, it got out and ROAMED and menaced itself into a hail of bullets.

This dog was a MONSTER, and the owner is an absolute moron unfit to own a rock.

WHY can't the idiots who post on that page really READ what happened here? That dog did NOT write this! That dog was TERRORISING the neighborhood!!!! grin emoticon

I have HIGHLIGHTED IN CAPS the bits that are really applicable. smile emoticon

"Hi! My name is Nina. I live with my mommy and my brother. I stay inside and I even sleep in mommy's bed with her. I love my family and they love me. MY MOMMY PUTS ME OUTSIDE ON MY LEAD for me to get some fresh air and to use the potty. I really wish I could run free like all the other dogs, cats, geese, goats, ducks and chickens do that live here but mommy tells me no. SHE SAID THAT THE NEIGHBORS DON'TLIKE ME because I am a pitbull. I KNOW THAT I HAVE BEEN A BAD GIRL AND CHASED CARS, GOLF CARTS, CATS, GEESE AND OTHER DOGS, but I didn't know I wasn't supposed to. I see other dogs chasing stuff and I thought I was supposed to too. And those darn geese have chased me too. But I would never hurt a human unless it was trying to hurt me or my family. I really am a good girl. I am very sweet and I am always anxious to give kisses to everyone. Look at me, I am so pretty. Who wouldn't like me? It confuses me so much. The humans don't realize how smart I am. I can understand some of their words AND I CAN CAN ALSO SENSE THEIR BAD INTENTIONS.

READ THIS BIT CAREFULLY - SEE HOW PEOPLE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARE SICK TO DEATH OF THIS DOG. "Some people yell at me and threaten to do mean things to me. Some of them even swing sticks and stuff at me. Other dogs ride by in their mommy and daddy's vehicles barking and growling at me and this excites me because I am a very curious creature. Some of the other dogs in my neighborhood run past my house or even come into my yard and growl and bark at me too and to me, this is a threat. Not only to me but to my family that I would die protecting. If people would just open their minds some and maybe stop by and ask my mommy if I bite or if I'm mean, they would see that I am a very sweet, loving, loyal protective girl. MAYBE THEN MOMMY WOULD LET ME RUN LOOSE TO PLAY (Mommy has already been doing this, believe me, and Mommy had a clear WISH to let the thing out and roam 'like other dogs' right from the beginning).

On Dec 17, 2015, it was later in the afternoon and MY MOMMY PUT ME OUT ON MY LEAD TO POTTY AND GET SOME FRESH AIR. SHE HAD TO RUN SOME ERRANDS IN TOWN. (Mommy had left the dog leashed outside; anyone else think it got off the leash?) She left my brother at home with me because she was headed to get some Christmas things and didn't want my brother to peak at them. My brother was inside when the mean man from down the street, P**** ********d, pulled up in his truck and started to shoot at me. I was scared to death but I couldn't run away and hide because I was on my lead. He shot me a few times and I fell to the ground. He walked up and stood over me and shot me some more. I don't know how many times he shot at me but it was a lot. My brother heard the noise and was looking out the window in the door to see what was going on. My poor brother saw what that mean man did to me. I know he was just as scared as I was. He had to be. After that mean man stopped shooting, he unhooked me from my lead and dragged me to his truck. He put me in the back of his truck and he drove off. He took me down the dirt road and threw me away like I was trash. (Mr L seems to have VERY GOOD REASON to do such a thing, wouldn't you say?)

I laid there all by myself. I had been shot at least 6 times. It was dark and I was alone I had been hurt so much. I was supposed to be at home in my mommy's bed where it was warm and safe. Percy waited for my mom to leave that day and he killed me. He tried to cover up what he had done even by trying to hide my poor bloody body. My brother called mommy and told her what the mean man did to me and she called the sheriff's department. My brother did such a great job at telling the deputies exactly what happened. He is so brave. (Didya coach him, Mommy?) That night mommy came looking for me just like I knew she would. She found me and took me home where I belonged. I was buried in the yard where I will always be remembered and close to my family. I knew she would find me and bring me home just like I know she will always love me and miss me and do everything she can to get justice for what that mean man did to me and my family. My pain is over but theirs isn't. But I am up here watching over them protecting them from here."

My eyes.... gag-making nonsense, with grains of truth scattering the lies along the way.

Joseph Querry I asked that same question on their page and got verbally attacked for daring to ask if it was a random stranger that killed her dog,or was it someone who had serous dealings with the dog before because it " chased golf carts, cars,dogs,cats,geese" ,as suggested in the original post...
Lesley Karen Luscombe Joseph - yes, I saw thst someone had caused a kerfuffle in their greasy plumage, LOL. O the OUTRAGE! Good for you - I was tempted, but they'll tolerate no wider, wiser and better viewpoint. Let them stew in it. Damn doggy's not for resurrecting at ANY price.
Joseph Querry I wrote the original post,just asking,to make sure....then I said this
"I was just inquiring,as the OP said that the pitbull "chased cats,dogs,golf carts, geese,cars and animals",which would imply,running loose...
Now if my neighbor had a pitbull that would do these same things,I would be very,very nervous about living beside these people,animal and I would say it was a menace and either,call animal control,or if/when the dog was chasing my dog/animal,id shoot to kill.
However,i would not shoot when the dog is tied up after the fact of it running loose,but i said that in the original just amazed that "pitbull", "chasing", "neighborhood", and "loose" are used in same sentence and people act like it's ok.
Not ok to do what this guy did,but also not right to own an aggressive animal capable of inflicting mass amounts of damage and let it run loose,for even a second . Moreover, letting a pitbull/fighting breed/aggressive breed out "on a runner",especially in a busy neightborhood,is also VERY irresponsible....these dogs aren't chihuahuas you know,they have degloved humans,scalped humans,removed babies faces and teeth,removed arms and legs and these were family raised pits/pit type dogs,they are not a normal breed and you can't treat them as such.

Lesley Karen Luscombe Joseph - a fine post, although I am still left wondering what prompted such extreme action from the fella with the gun. And it WAS extreme, filled with anger and possibly heartache too. I hope the wider story does get told, but I doubt it somehow.
Joseph Querry Oh im quite certain the person who did it was pushed to that point,again i personally would have taken a slightly higher road,so to speak,but that dog,even from her owners words,was an obvious menace.I can only imagine living next to someone like this.

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Joseph Querry To which she replied
"How do you make the jump from "chasing" to "aggressive"? How do you know they weren't chasing these things in their own yard? Does it say?
Ever see a dog chase a ball? A car? A cat? If that's your criteria for aggressive, my Lab s...See More

Donnalyn Wigan Best part: "I was a vet tech for many years"

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Laquita Hilton ..I am against people owning pit bulls...They are dangerous...But, you do not go onto someone's property and shoot a tied up dog...You just do not do that.....
LikeReply22 hrs
Kris King It is very doubtful that the pit was tied up. Pit owners have lied many times in defense of their undogs.
LikeReply14 hrs
Laquita Hilton Kris King -- If the dog was tied up, then the shooter needs to be sent to jail for a long, long time....It would be nothing more than animal abuse....Because of the problem we have with roaming free pit bulls in my neighborhood, any time I step out of...See More
LikeReply13 hrs

There's not one ounce of compassion or empathy among the whole group they are extremely troubled individuals with a number of them stating what a lovely picture!!!

Typically they explore all the scenario's they feel justify this type of behavior they in essence support individuals taking the law into their own hands and murdering neighborhood pets?

These people clearly are not public safety advocates they're pit bull haters using victims to further their murderous cause!!!!!.

more to come.....

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