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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Alleged victims advocates celebrate the killing of 21 pit bulls

Now in spite of the obvious contradictions in their behavior these people claim to be victims advocates whereas a quick read of not only this post but the majority of the posts and comments to this group revolve around hating and killing pit bulls any way they can and they literally celebrate the deaths of pit bulls.

Aaron secretly thinks he's a power ranger and judging by the sorts of stuff he posts it's glaringly obvious these people care nothing for anyone but themselves as their promotion of legislation which ignores victims of non pit bull type dogs.

You only have to read their comments to realize they're not advocates they're fanatics and they lie and promote disinformation as a matter of normal operating procedure but is it any wonder when you look at their leaders, Merrit Clifton, Culleen Lynn & Jeff Borchardt.

Merrit is a washed up second rate journalists who claims to be a statistician when in reality he's actually using the deaths of millions of pit bulls to make his living he's not a statistician nor has he had any formal education or training in the canine or animal field.

Then we have Culleen she's an ex failed phone psychic that jogged around Seattle trying to startle dogs that look like pit bulls into biting her and eventually she found one was bitten (she calls it a mauling typically) and so the shonkiest website in the world was created to act as Culleens income into the future.

And finally there's their resident cyber bully and stalker the self proclaimed canine expert from Wisconsin his son was killed by the babysitters "boxer" mixes he claims were pit bulls and now he's punishing the pit bulls of the world and their owners for the loss of his son contrary to the reality that his own poor choices got his son killed, in reality he's a Dj and a pretty ordinary one at that!

Canada: pit bull rights groups have been blocked from trying to prevent 21 fighting pit bulls from being euthanized. The 21 pits were seized from an Ontario fighting ring and are scheduled to be euthanized
Two animal rights groups trying to stop Ontario’s animal welfare organization from destroying 21 dogs seized during a raid on an alleged dogfighting ring won’t be…
LikeShow more reactions
Pamela Lee Becking It's great to see common sense and good judgment prevail once in a while. It doesn't happen nearly often enough.
Like102 hrs
Peggy Severson I blame that Michael Vick guy.....almost all of his fighting dogs were adopted out.
Like12 hrs
Aaron B Wood yeah, but they won't admit that they're all aggressuive as hell
Like12 hrs
Valerie Brown No, they weren't adopted out. A few were PTS immediately and more than half of them went to permanent sanctuaries because they were too dangerous. Of the remaining Pits, most of them were placed in very carefully selected homes that had to adhere to special procedures for the life of the Pits in order to ensure the safety of others. Only a few of the original 50 plus Pits were rehabilitated.
Like22 hrs
Lisa Padgett With a monumental amount of money given to them for training, etc. These were not normal owners and nothing about any of it was standard operating procedure.
But yes - after Vick - all hell has broken loose in a BAD way.
Like21 hrEdited
Valerie Brown Lisa Padgett Pit Bulls were mauling and killing in unprecedented numbers prior to Michael Vick.
Like11 hr
Peggy Severson Here are stories on like 15 of them that were adopted, I didn't say ALL lol...I knew some probably would never go into homes, but hoped all would be put down.
Like1 hrEdited
Valerie Brown You also have to remember that Vick's Pits weren't gamebred fighting Pits. Vick was an amateur dog fighter.
Valerie Brown And that article only speaks of the fluff, not the special requirements to keep those Pits.
Karen Nelson Human lives will be saved 
Like42 hrsEdited
Cyn Rzeznik Bang bang bang 💥
Like22 hrs
Valerie Brown The world is coming back to its senses. Too many people and pets being mauled and killed by this breed to keep on turning a blind eye.
Like62 hrs
Cyn Rzeznik I hope you're right.
Like12 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Thank God.
Joanna Zizzi Now, will they just dirt nap them quick!!!!
Like152 mins
Valerie Brown Better them than our children and pets.
Like251 mins

As you can see these people are celebrating the deaths of 21 victims these dogs were victims of nasty ignorant people when being held for fighting and now they're victims to these imbeciles too people with little more to do then bully and harass pit bulls and their owners all in the guise of public safety.

There's only one real problem with their campaign and that is specifically breed specific legislation has had no discernible affect on dog bite fatality statistics anywhere it's been enacted in fact in some cases overall bite instances increased as did the actual dog bite related fatalities.

The Pit Bull Problem allegedly has 304 members but there's a core group of actual active members approximately 20 that operate many fake Facebook profiles all to give the impression their group is bigger then it is and more active whereas the fact is people like this are a part of a grotty minority of fanatical pit bull  haters all being encouraged and fostered by Culleen's media group Lynn Media the majority of the hate pages and sites on the internet are being fostered by Lynn Media it's not about public safety for Culleen it's about drinking money she's a bit of a lush loves her red wine apparently.

It seems these sick individuals are willing to sacrifice the 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs every decade in order to kill all pit bulls as the reality is that one person generally a child or an elderly citizen will be attacked and die as a result of an attack involving a non pit bull type dog that's one person per month every month for the next ten years and breed specific legislation does nothing to prevent attacks and deaths involving non pit bull type dogs.

The "Calgary model" is legislation which focuses on all breeds and types of dogs and their owners and has proven to lower overall bite instances and the over all death toll everywhere it's been enacted unlike Bsl which has no support at all from any legitimate animal welfare or public safety initiatives.

Please don't be fooled by these people one perusal of ther so called victims advocacy finds them wanting when it comes to legitimates sources and or science based data and/or information as all of their stats and facts come from media reports and if you go to the flagship site, they freely admit to having had 'No Professional Advice" and yet ironically claim to be the leading source for unbiased information on the internet.

Well they're only fooling themselves as the site has no support from any of the legitimate animal or legal organizations in the world the death bell tolls for the most unethical website on the internet.

more to come.....

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