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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Anti Pit Bull Advocates doing what they do......

Now these people consistently claim to be acting in the interests of public safety advocating for victims whereas the content and posts of their grotty little Facebook hate groups seem to indicate that they are little more then ignorant narrow minded buffoons.

They champion the cause of public safety in an extremely peculiar ways take the post below for instance where we see them celebrating and applaud someone's pet being attacked and eaten by a crocodile.

Aaron's a notorious pit bull hater he regularly changes banners on posts often even changing the wording of the headlines & exchanging pictures too he's representative of what to expect of these so called public safety advocates.

Australia: Staffy killed and eaten by saltwater croc in Western Australia.

A HORRIFIED Kimberley dog owner was left helpless as he watched a giant saltwater crocodile snatch his pet, toss it up into the air then eat it.
Pamela Lee Becking Anybody want to bet that what really happened is that the shit bull tried to attack the croc?
Valerie Brown What happened? Did the victim fight back...and win?
Aaron B Wood the staffy was killed and eatenn
Valerie Brown A victory for the victim!
Aaron B Wood that staffy owner now realises what many animal owners have witnessed at the jaws of these killers
Pamela Lee Becking There's a kind of poetic justice to it.
Valerie Brown Pits are nothing but vermin in need of extermination.
Pamela Lee Becking And apparently croc food.
Valerie Brown People in this country should not have to live like this.
Pamela Lee Becking The lunatics have clearly taken over the asylum.
Pamela Lee Becking Lesley Karen Luscombe The shit bulls would probably rise again like the walking dead.
Valerie Brown Lesley Karen Luscombe I always feel sorry for the mixes too when it is with a favored breed, but they got to go too.
Pamela Lee Becking Valerie Brown Unfortunately, even when a pit is mixed it seems that the aggressive killer genes win out.
Valerie Brown Pamela Lee Becking Yes, the Pit genes seem to over ride the dog genes.
Sara Zilm Not to mention not even being able to speak publicly about this killer without being overwhelmingly attacked by the fucking idiot public
Like123 hrs
Cyn Rzeznik I find this to be absolutely hilarious! As in, I was literally ROTFLMAO! If I was there and saw it happen, I'd be laughing hysterically! CHOMP GULP HAHAHAHA! GOOD!!!
Robert Blanda but it was a "Nanny" croc! Worst it could do is lick you to death!

Aaron and his hater mates all quote numbers from, Animals 24/7 & Daxton's Friends none of which are accepted and/or supported by even one legitimate animal or legal organization in the world.

First we have Colleen Lynn from Dogsbite, now she has absolutely no formal training and/or education in Canine science and or behaviors nor does she have any formal training in data gathering and/or correlation.

Colleen is an ex failed phone psychic come media mogul with absolutely no credibility in either the animal or science worlds and her ramblings have been extensively debunked on many occasions......

Unethical Website of the Month: Dogsbite.Org | Ethics Alarms


And then we have Merrit Clifton from animals 24/7 a washed up second rate journalist with no formal training and/or education in data gathering and statistic generation through correlation.

He was canned from his editors job and created his own website and claims to be an experienced and accepted statistician which is a load of nonsense he gather information from media reports and does little to no actual investigation to either confirm or support his claims.

Merrit also claims support from the broader scientific community but nothing could be further from the truth the fact is this dispensable individual is making a living off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls, he's a hack!

Merrit Clifton Debunked

And then we have the drug selling drunk driving cyberbully Dj from Wisconsin who seems to be the poster boy for Breed specific Legislation the self proclaimed pit bull expert.

First there was his post about poisoning neighborhood pets with anti freeze if they look like pit bulls.....

Then there was the whole "peanut butter" incident involving a 12 year old girl where he told her to smear her "pussy" with peanut butter and let her mauler lick it off.....

The irony of all this is the dogs involved in the death of Jeff's son Daxton (RIP Daxton) were actually listed on their vets reports as "Boxer mixes" and in spite of the claims they were loved family pets the reality was they lived in a pen in the yard or a crate in the house?

Jeff has 5 Facebook accounts he uses to bully and stalk anyone that exposes his lies and disinformation .....

You may have noticed there's even a Facebook page dedicated to victims of Jeff Borchardt.....

The internet is abound with information exposing these haters for what they are.....

DEBUNKING JEFF D BORCHARDT: Killing an Innocent dog

Anyone of average intelligence can quickly realize that these people are clearly not public safety advocates they are hiding their vindictive pit bull extermination campaign behind the noble cause of victims advocacy whereas these people make more victims then they could ever possibly hope to help.

If you ask them how breed specific legislation will help to prevent another 128 victims of non pit bull types dogs in the coming decade too they immediately attack you and label you as a pit bull loving baby hating inbred redneck imbecile criminal junky of lower merit to the community.

You'll also be labeled as a victim basher if you even mention breed neutral legislation such as the "Calgary model" which has been shown to lower actual dog bite fatalities and instances of attack where ever it's been enacted.

I've been attacked and ridiculed by these people for simply speaking for all dog bite victims and not just pit bull victims these people are not public safety advocates they are pit bull haters and they are willing to sacrifice another 128 victims in the coming decade to non pit bull type dogs in order to achieve pit bull extinction, are you?

This is what they call public safety advocacy don't be their next victim step up and contact your local Government representatives and ensure they're not listening to the lies and propaganda being promoted as fact by these nasty people.....

more to come.....

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