Bob Rtarp • 2 days ago let me try to explain how the system works for all you mentally handicapped people(people with underdeveloped frontal lobes)/
This is America we live in , a democracy. A democracy is where the people can vote and their voices heard to pass laws.
The good people of aurora voted and decided not to let monster fighting breed dogs like the pitbull into its neighborhoods and endanger their families. Now the losers of the vote are angry and threatening elected officials? You Pit nuts are anti American, evil people.
I have an idea, instead of getting angry at the results of a democratic vote why don't you think about why you are part of a fringe group?
Why are you not the norm? Why are you angry? Why do dangerous animals excite you? You are the minority and if you don't like our laws in this community you can move out.Julie Edwards-Matanga Bob Rtarp • 2 days ago There is a reason that they like pit bulls, there are actual studies about these anti-social types that tend to have criminal backgrounds.Jan Smith Julie Edwards-Matanga • 2 days ago A total of 166 owners of high risk dogs were compared with 189 owners of low risk dogs. The high risk dog owners had nearly 10 times more criminal convictions than other dog owners. Breaking the data down by categories of criminal behavior they found that high risk dog owners were 6.8 times more likely to be convicted of an aggressive crime, 2.8 times more likely to have carried out a crime involving children, 2.4 times more likely to have perpetrated domestic violence, and 5.4 times more likely to have an alcohol related conviction when compared to low risk dog owners. Jan Smith • a day ago Do we really want to discuss criminal backgrounds? Be careful of glass houses.Jeff Birdcart Jan Smith • a day ago but it's the "breed" and not the owners?? can you all just make your mind up?? even "loving family" pitbulls with good owners have attacked?? but when pit advocates say it's the owners you all say NO it's the breed but you all consitantly blame the owners and even have pages dedicated to it??? what the go?? blink blink?
Phillipgalloway Julie Edwards-Matanga • a day ago Yes, Like Jeff Bordshit and his side dish babysitter. Drug charges from selling drugs to kids, in Wisconsin but this is Colorado, they don't mind that kind of thing here.Everyone has drug problems in Colorado. Driving while intoxicated multiple times. This is the person you hate filled miscreants look up to, because he drank the kook-aid.
Mary Ann Redfern Bob Rtarp • a day ago But no one wants them and their pit bulls in OUR neighborhoods either is the problem. Maybe they should have an island all to themselves and their "pets". Wonder how long it would take for that to become an island of just a few wild dogs????Jeff Birdcart Mary Ann Redfern • a day ago you'll have to let us all know maryann as you all will be there?? the island that is because this grotty foamer rag means zip in the big picture, just over 100,000 people voted in a population of over 80 million?? i'm not good with percentages but i reckon the win for bsl in aurora means bugger all in the scheme of things don't you think? ,, at least by this morons story they've come out and exposed themselves as the foamers we all thought they were?? sentinel, don't ecpect anyone to take you serious?? oh and maryann the crack about you being on the island was about being part of a minority and not a personal insult in anyway so pls spare the firy tongued response normally involved with your replies? hust saying? blinkety blink??
Sandy Chlubna Bob Rtarp • 2 days ago Pit bull owners: In your statement you have called them "mentally handicapped" (apologies to all the cognitively disabled people out there), "monster dogs", "threatening" "Pit nuts", "anti-American", "evil", "fringe", "angry". From what I am reading you seem to be the one with anger issues.Mary Ann Redfern Sandy Chlubna • a day ago A lot of people do not like pit bull terriers OR their violently inclined owners. A LOT OF PEOPLE. You just have to get over it and move on since you CANNOT CHANGE IT.Bob Rtarp Sandy Chlubna • a day ago dealing with troglodytes like you would make gandi angry. you don't care about humans getting killed or maimed. When faced with articles of unprovoked attacks on children people like you blame the victims. your sick love of a dangerous fighting breed animal comes before our safety and the safety of all our loved ones. We the majority are tired of low lifes like you and we will not tolerate you any longer.Jeff Birdcart Bob Rtarp • a day ago wow you guys take every available opportunity to run your pre determined scripts all militantly chiming in with your descriptive adjectives and the "standard" foamer comments,, we're not the ones causing bsl to fall down it's your fanatically inclined techniques, even the average Joe can spot a fanatic from a mile away and that's exactly what we have here i think?? and as i said to maryann your crowing about winning a vote involving a little over a hundred thousands people ? there's over 80 million residents in USA?
Jeff Birdcart Bob Rtarp • a day ago do you have aggression issues?? a recent survey revealed 84% of people poled thought the goverrnment should not interfere with a persons choice of pets? the american bar association gives the thumbs down??
no one legitimate animal organization supports it?? no where in the world has it worked if so pls feel free to drop a link so i can see for myself, but the only people supporting bsl are fanatics like dogsbut?
Susan DeVilder • 2 days ago Not surprised to see Bob Kronk's name in this editorial. And understand this about Bob Kronk. I follow most news article about pit bull attacks, mauling and fatalities. And you know who else does as well? Bob Kronk. That's right. Whenever there is a news story about a pit bull fatality or attack, Bob Kronk is there to defend the pit bull. Bob knows as well as anyone the true damage that these dogs do. He knows full well the devastation they leave behind. Yet, there he is, defending the dogs that keep killing and mauling people. It would be one thing if Bob didn't know how many people's lives are ruined by this dog breed type. But he does. And he just can't bring himself to care. Putting dogs over humans is just what Bob does.Chef David Edelstein Susan DeVilder • 2 days ago PS... I will put my 25 years of dog training and rehabilitation of ALL BREEDS up against your propaganda machine any day of the week... 10 times on Sunday.Jan Smith Chef David Edelstein • 2 days ago How is this not a breed specific issue? From 1930 to 1960 the U.S. averaged fewer than one fatal dog attack per year, yet almost all dogs ran free, less than 1% were fixed, and males far outnumbered females because of the common practice of drowning female pups to prevent surplus litters. Pit bulls during that entire 30-year span killed nine people. Dobermans killed two, one in 1955 and one in 1960, and that was enough to create the lasting image of the Doberman as a dangerous breed.
Since 2010 we have averaged 28.7 fatalities per year from pit bulls alone. From 1960 to 1985, the U.S. averaged about 600,000 bites per year requiring medical treatment, with a dog population
of about 35 million. From 2000 to today, with a dog population of about 70 million, the average number of dog bites per year requiring medical attention has been between 4.7 and 4.8 million.
What changed?
In 1960 pit bulls were about half of one percent of the U.S. dog population. By 2000 they were about 3.5%, and now they are 7% of dog births, though still only about 3.5% of the dog population due to excessively high mortality, mostly through shelter surrenders and impoundments.Jim Murray Mahutga Jan Smith • 2 days ago He knows nothing about dogs. Just a self proclaimed trainer, lolJeff Birdcart Jim Murray Mahutga • a day ago keep up the good work Jim very witty by far better then anything i've seen from you?? tudoring?? lol? blink bklink
Susan DeVilder ColoRADogs • a day ago You wouldn't know what a credible source looks like ColoRADogs, as you rely on the NCRC for you information.ColoRADogs Mary Ann Redfern • a day ago Hi Mary-
Yes, we still work with reputable shelters in other states. California has one of our favorite shelters but we also bring in puppies and adults from OK (that was outlast litter), TX, NM and of course locally. Isn't it great that CO has such high live release records that we are able to save lives that would otherwise be lost of all breeds of dogs?
Jeff Birdcart Jan Smith • a day ago pmsl!! merritless !!! lol!! and your blaming pitbull fighting rings and conspiracies for bringing bsl down and your using merritless as a source?? ?? lol!!! google debunking merrit bifton and see what pops up?? lol!! merrit is not a statistician he is not an expert? he's a washed up ex investigative reporter who's been shamed into running his own little brand of hate toward pitbulls ,, he's a creator of all things propaganda, he is the reason bsl is falling down? of him and colleen who couldn't lie staraight in bed and jeff i'm a legend boofhead and his merry band of misfyis and perverts!!! that's why bsl is falling down??
Jeff Birdcart Jan Smith • a day ago you been taking merrit lessons there i see?? or just copy and paste?? apart from your profile pic your language identifies you as a foot soldier for the propaganda militia?
Julie Edwards-Matanga Chef David Edelstein • 2 days ago Bob Cronk's buddy, the Chef from Denver, where pit bulls are also banned. He also likes to pick on victims.1tonysolesky1 Chef David Edelstein • a day ago Actually Chef David Edelstien, I will put my 45 years of experience with dog breeding up against your training, 10 dollars to every one you put up. I will bet you I can pick a dog from a litter that will by breed, perform a task better than any dog of another breed that you pick can be trained. I will bet you, I can also pick a pit bull from a litter and without any training get it to fight the baddest beagle or poodle and just about most other breeds that you can actively try and train to fight. Training is merely the direction of instincts and ones success with the same exact training methods is purely limited by a dogs breeding. Many people confuse obedience training with how to direct a dog. In reality, you breed for behavior and you encourage it. All else is the lording over and breaking of a dog in discipline/obedience, a response that the dog chooses to participate in and why sometimes they deify our expectations and commands. Instincts on the other hand, are not about choices. The best dog, is a dog bred for and then trained to that purpose.Phillipgalloway 1tonysolesky1 • a day ago A house painter with 45 yrs experience training dogs. ROFLMAO
Mary Ann Redfern Chef David Edelstein • a day ago Who cares? Who are you and who cares what you think?
Chef David Edelstein Susan DeVilder • 2 days ago And they call Pit Bull enthusiasts "nutters"??? Lady, you take the cake... waving your propaganda and sensationalism flag HIHGH AND PROUD. And that... coming from a woman who wouldnt know a Pit Bull from a hole in her back side.
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