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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Lisa and jeff are arseholes?

  • Lisa Gaffney Maybe we should make a thread showing victims of pit bull attacks and just include the photos on the comment posts where replies are shown rather than immediately visible. This way we could say on the main thread warning graphic pictures contained inside so those who don't want to see don't have to but people who are on the fence about the issue can observe and come to their own conclusions
    14 hrs · Edited · Like · 5
  • Rachel Simas Of course they reported it. They don't want their dirty laundry out there for us to see. They know how much crap like that goes on amongnst their supporters, and they know if the rest of the world saw they would lose all sympathy.
    14 hrs · Edited · Like · 7
  • Lisa Gaffney ^ exactly!
    14 hrs · Like · 2
  • Olivia Wyatt They don't want the world to know they have sex with pit bulls and use them for their own means.
    12 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jackie Jenkins I don't see a Michael Lee
    10 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jeff Borchardt Anything controversial must be posted on a blog where nobody can touch it.
    10 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jackie Jenkins I agree I'm tired of seeing our personal conversation spread all over the place with the nutty people
    10 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jeff Borchardt Like this. I used Noah's ESA dogs as my featured photo. Sort of killed two birds with one stone in a subtle way.  Yes, I am an asshole sometimes. I admit it.
    10 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Which, by the way, I added to my "REAL service dogs that were attacked by pit bulls." A visually impaired Calgarian is recovering from an attack by an unleashed pit bull that injured both him and his guide dog.

    It happened last Wednesday as Trevor Fitzhenry was walking his dog, Neptune, in Forest Lawn.

    “He had his jaws right on his neck, on Neptune’s neck,” said Fitzhenry. “I was thinking, ‘I am going to lose my dog. My dog is going to die here on me.’”

    Fitzhenry couldn’t actually see the attack; he has been blind for 15 years.

    “It’s just crazy because Neptune is my lifeline, he’s my eyes,” he told Global News. “I was just horrified seeing another dog attack your seeing-eye dog; it was just horrifying.”

    The dogs were eventually separated, but not before Neptune was bitten on the face and paws. Fitzhenry required stitches to his hand.

    “I was horrified, I was screaming. I was yelling for someone to come help separate these two dogs and it just wasn’t working.”
    10 hrs · Like · 2
  • Rachel Simas Lol I'm an asshole too. It's a symptom of exacerbation of being confronted with stupid people.
    10 hrs · Like · 1
  • Pia Leavy

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