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Sunday, 10 May 2015

William Johnson Someone told me that Kim doesn't even have a pit bull anymore. Unless she's gotten a new one or three. She doesn't seem, to me at least, to care about dogs at all. I think she's just running a desperate campaign to be the top facebook nuttress.

I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. I know we are supposed to have compassion for the mentally ill, but in this case, I just can't. Good luck Kim! Lol..
J. Thomas Beasley is promoting pseudopsychology in attempt to slander and...
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  • 18 people like this.
  • Dennis Baker Kim is Cuckoo for Coconuts.
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Mr Johnson, isn't a "Moral Turpitude" sort of like a "Volcano" only not as sweet...way past drinkin' them anyway!Bonny Thomas Lee
  • William Johnson Seriously. She's such a mess. I do feel bad for her family. Can you imagine living with that?
  • William Johnson Bonny Thomas Lee, I guess I'll have to break out the bartenders book. Or I could just create one, if there isn't already.
  • Lisa Gaffney Lol they beefed up the wording from "Mommy! He doesn't like my doggie.... Wahhhh!" to "I'm a delusional freak who can form sentences, just not rational thoughts"
  • Lisa Gaffney "As a civil servant- Beasley is held to a higher standard of ethical behavior and needs to be held accountable for his malicious defaming of millions of people." .... Oh you mean like like taxpayer paid Animal Control positions in Kent County whose PRIMARY purpose is public safety, not pit pushing. Kim, you're even dumber than I thought and thats not saying much. Rattle your head around from time to time to give those rocks in there some movement & allow some oxygen in.
  • William Johnson Moral Turpitude
    Fill a large glass with ice, then add. 
    1.5 Oz citrus vodka
    ...See More
  • Valerie Webber Holy moly! As of 7 hours ago they had 10 supporters! `Where are they going to find the other 999,990 they lied about? I am impressed, the majority project is going strong!
  • Lisa Gaffney Well we know Terry Holt is good for 7 votes.
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Well Mr. Johnson, that almost makes a seasoned and mature drinker want to "hurl" as the kids say..I will be coming to Wilmington DL. soon to see family, will definitely stop by.
  • Laurel Davis it's a crime to tell the truth about pit bulls? delusional
  • Liza Mae Do you think she even read his book?
  • William Johnson Maybe Kim could visit me in Philadelphia someday. I could introduce her to the US constitution. I'd be happy to point out the first amendment to her.
  • Lisa Gaffney She could always get the dogfighters and backyard breeders to sign, as well as those with meth labs to protect, marijuana grow operations, those on parole who can't legally carry weapons so use fighting breeds instead, Tia, Cesar; there are a lot of people with a vested interest $$$ in these dogs. Thats pretty much who signs these things anyway .. Oh and let's not forget the misinformed patsies who take the word of Toledo Blade and Huffington Post as fact. The funny thing is she refers to those who seek to protect the public and their safety... Rather than the wallets and criminal livelihood of lying soulless thugs... As dangerous. How so? "Your honor, they refuse to stand still and be mauled or killed ... They actually would protect themselves if under attack!!! Can you believe it?!?" We aren't the ones encouraging the deaths and maimings of thousands of people and tens of thousands of animals. Even the deaths of every pit, be it to euthanization from overbreeding, being shot by police, or killed by dogfighters... Its totally on THEM. We didn't have anything to do with it. What you allow to happen will continue. You have nobody to blame but yourselves. You had carte blanche with these dogs and you've all squandered it.. When they fall to the wayside eventually this time, it will be for GOOD, because no one will EVER forget what a clusterF they created.
  • William Johnson No US citizen with brain matter would sign that. I thought we all agreed to the right of free speech. Much like Colleen and Jeff, Mr. Beasley scares them.
  • Jeff Borchardt Lol...What'd you do now Kim?
  • Laurel Davis Doesn't matter who signs, pointing out uncomfortable truths about a dog breed isn't grounds for disbarment. And a person can be unpopular with pit lovers--it is not grounds to be disbarred. Even Nixon wasn't disbarred (talk about unpopular) he was associated with a New Jersey law firm for years after he resigned.
  • Jeff Borchardt Don't leave out Kimberly. He linked to Kara's story on our website too.
    Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership, and advocate for public safety and animal welfare. Through education, promotional vehicles, and providing resources, we aspire to function as an authority on these topics and serve our commu…
  • Andy Noon He uses his trolling of these sites of our discussions as a lack of family compassion when I see these sites as a way to vent on the stupidity of arrogant owners of dangerous dogs. I would admit if I thought a family member of the victims would see these comments without an asshole like him reposting them, I would show more compassion. But that is not what these sites are for and should not be used in that matter. He would not like it, if it was turned the other way.
  • William Johnson Andy Noon. Mr. Beasley is an attorney who wrote a very imformative book, and has plans to write another. Kim is a whack job who thinks Mr. Beasley should be disbarred for expressing his first amendment rights.
  • Valerie Webber Kim's problem is that it is a bit hard to discredit an attorney that is speaking the truth about Pit Bulls.
  • Jeff Borchardt Can you image how much material she's giving him for his next book?
  • Valerie Webber First book discusses the truth about Pit Bulls, the second book discusses the truth about those that defend them.
  • Andy Noon My comment was towards the crap I was reading into from the zombie page that the links took me to. I may have gone too deep into the story before coming back and commenting. I am not the most social of people.
  • Harve Morgan That broad, and that is questionable, hits everyone. Pay her no never mind.
  • Gwendolyn Hanan Alrighty then, here we go; I think these are pretty obvious pit bull owner traits, if you want to add or change any descriptor please feel free.

    1) Engaged in conduct that shocks the public conscience
    ...See More
  • Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg share and tweet it.. ITS big news. The nutters are mad at reality
  • Beth Clifton "Investigate J. Thomas Beasley, Esq for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude" lolololol Guess we will need to define moral turpitude to these idiots!
  • William Johnson Does pretending you had a child viciously attacked by a pit bull, in order to gain access to a secret group of parents of child survivors, for the sole purpose of gathering screenshots for your blog count as moral turpitude?
  • Gwendolyn Hanan Yes it does!!! Sounds like #4
  • William Johnson Well then, Kim is hereby found guilty of moral turpitude.
  • Beth Clifton Morally corrupt! LOSER, but hey, she IS a pit bull owner!!
  • Jeff Borchardt She'll tell you it's a mutt Beth Clifton.
  • Valerie Webber That is their newest tactic. They are all claiming not to own a Pit Bull but they will bait, badger, stalk, and threaten violence for hours, days, weeks, defending a breed they don't own. Uh huh.
  • Jeff Borchardt "And we rely on each other, uh-ahhh"
  • William Johnson Someone told me that Kim doesn't even have a pit bull anymore. Unless she's gotten a new one or three. She doesn't seem, to me at least, to care about dogs at all. I think she's just running a desperate campaign to be the top facebook nuttress.
  • Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg "And we rely on each other, uh-ahh.. One nutter to another Uh-ahh."
  • Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg I can't wait for the second book. They need a public shaming. There is so much material for how creepy they are.. Just looking at pininterest board where one nutter blamed repeated attacks on the HOUSE. Must of been haunted huh?
  • Jeff Borchardt Ya know what? I just thought of a section in J Thomas Beasley's new book where he talks about "mutt's" having a tendency to behave like the breed they closest resemble... IE: what "the dog looks like"... Or, "visual identification"... Kimberly might want to pick up his new book. 
  • William Johnson One nutter to another uh-ahh... Lol. Only laughing because it's Kim. And she is so far beyond human decency, and she knows exactly what she is doing. 

    But it really does bring up an interesting point. So many of the pit bull "advocates" really are suffering from mental illnesses. That's why they relate to the "poor pibbles wibbles" even after it's attacked someone. They are unable to form normal human relationships.
  • Jenny Pollman 21 supporters... Lmao!
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Annie Cowan Brown I commented on the page. Maybe we all should.
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • John M VanMunster Annie Cowan Brown How do you comment without signing?
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Liza Vespi William Johnson, the making of this petition would be the equivalent of, say, a bartender starting one against the founder of MADD. Moral turpitude, I tells ya!
    16 hrs · Like · 6
  • Heather Clemenceau Yes, a petition started by "Zombies and dogs" - no credibility problems there. Mind = blown. She clearly doesn't come close to understanding the difference between an ethical complaint against a lawyer and a rant against someone who disagrees with he...See More
    8 hrs · Edited · Like · 7
  • Jeff Borchardt I had to look it up.... Deals with issues of immigration? What is she smoking down there in AZ?
    10 hrs · Like · 2
  • Liza Mae That is one legal application of its use.
    7 hrs · Like
  • Liza Mae She is so hyperbolic. Because if this one little book, millions will live in fear from the DBO minions, of which there are only three of us. Heck, I'm juggling 322 profiles myself!
    7 hrs · Like · 2

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