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Monday, 26 September 2016

Dogsbite is a scam & Foamers are going to foam!

Now here's what you can expect if you join the Facebook pit bull hate group "Dangerous Dogs"  and try and share legitimate factual science based arguments as you can see the poster's name appears black instead of blue which indicates she's been removed from the group and blocked from seeing the group and as you can see they all jump on the crazy train yet again attacking this individual in true "foamer" style.

As you can see by their comments all these people claim to know more about pit bulls then a formerly educated Animal Behaviorist and yet they claim she's suffers from an over inflated sense of self worth how ironic coming from these stalkers and cyber bully's they're obviously not real smart?

Just becuase im an animal behaviourist ( which gives me insite into dogs behaviour and agression I'm not going to say staffies and pits are 100% safe as they are terriers but if you thing pits and staffies should be all destroyed that should extend to all terriers. As all terriers are highly intelligent dogs that have kill switches instead of dials. It's the owners responsibility to be more intelligent and all terriers must be trained in the correct way. I was pinned down by my grandfather's English bull terrier (OK it was the house guard dog and I was already afraid of it thanx to my uncle =/, and bitten by the EBT cross rottie because I was running ( which set off the hunt and kill mode).
But as a behaviourist I will point out there is nothing neurological nor physical that makes any breed more aggressive than others. What makes dogs predisposed to becoming dangerous is puppy farms and some backyard breeding as they have a tendency to be more anxious so more likely to show anxiety aggression and lack of appropriate dog training and socialisation which then creates a dog who not only has Anxiety aggression but also territorial aggression. Then there is the teaching that should be taught during pre-school and primary school age. It's shocking how many people don't know how to approach strangers dogs and don't know the dogs body language.
June Mason Oh so you're a behaviourist ..what qualifications do you have ?..where are you based ?
Although I'm sure a ' behaviourist' would never refer to any breed as a ' yapping rat' .
Are your clients aware of your views? ...See more
Allen James 'Behaviorist' is a made up profession,there is no authentic qualification for it
Hannah Honey Two week online courses
Michael Botterill What university did you graduate from and what exactly is your degree in then?
Heather Jackson It's in " bullshit" 😂
Susan DeVilder What University teaches people to spell "insight" as insite???
Nancy Perdue Probably BMU aka Black Market University. LOL
Bill Hyslop Susan DeVilder An American one.
Nicholas Valentine If you were an animal behaviourist of any experience you wouldn't come out with such crap .
Katie Jane You think genetics have no role to play in a dog how the hell can you be a dog trainer.

Take you plastic certificate and burn it because like hell do you deserve it....See more
Nicholas Valentine Well said Katie .
Rachel Simas Now let's hear from a real animal behaviorist:

"To perform well, a fighting dog had to attack without provocation or warning, and to continue attacking regardless of the response of the other animal. Bull and bear-baiting dogs had to be willing to attack in the absence of the species-specific signs that normally provoke aggression, responding to the mere presence of another animals, and not stopping in response to external stimuli. The Dogues du Bordeaux used to guard extended farmlands in France, the Boerbulls used similarly in South Africa, and the fugitive slave-chasing dogs of Latin America, such as the Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasiliero, all were selected specifically for a propensity to kill.

As they selected for performance, breeders could not know exactly which physical changes they were selecting for. But research now shows that selection for aggressive performance includes consistently selecting for very specific abnormalities in the brain. These abnormalities appear in many breeds of dog as an accident or anomaly, which breeders then attempt to breed out of the dogs. In the case of the aggressive breeds, the opposite occurred. Rather than excluding abnormally aggressive dogs from their breeding stock, breeders focused on creating lineages in which all the dogs would carry the genes causing them to reliably exhibit the desired impulsive aggressive behavior."

Read more:
Clarice Larson Baaha. Their bite makes a difference too! A rat terrier isn't going to do the same damage as a pit bull terrier.
*Note, and English bulldog ate the throat out of my papillon poodle mix last year.. They're not off the hook yet either.
Bully breeds suck. Sorry.
Stu Mahaffey Breeding Emma,,, google it,,,,, and your blocked,,,
Lori Janusky 😂😂😂😂
Lori Janusky She friends with the one from yesterday. Poor Sammy jo had to keep asking question on s staffie page to reply here. The primary source discussion was quite amusing.
Hannah Honey Even less bright that she's telling her friends she did it.
The good thing is that some of it will sink in to some of them via osmosis.
Rachael Mills These ppl just don't quit ....smdh
Mukta Begum what about puppies who grow up and kill, the were in a loving family.
Tammie Voncannon Exactly. I was a true believer that it was all in how they were raised. But I learned from personal experience, it is NOT how they were raised.
Katie Jane I was on a staffie group and got banned because I commented on here apologizing for the swearing of other bull breed owners.

Some really have no clue, makes them so bloody dangerous and scary to think someone owning the breed could be so idiotic!

I still can't understand how a dog behaviorist thinks genetics play no role "its bad breeding that does" (DUH GENETICS)!
Rebecca Wheeler "Behaviourist" 😀
Thanks. You gave me my first real laugh of the day.
Mike Boykin I think she is in the UK so behaviourist is spelled correctly but there are plenty of other misspellings and whatnot and behaviorism isn't something you can be degreed's more like a theory... not all psychologists buy into behaviorism:)
Rebecca Wheeler I'm not laughing at her spelling, I'm laughing at the fact that she thinks she's some kind of animal behaviorist just because she has owned a dog or two.
Tammie Voncannon I don't care if it's their intelligence, their breeding, their genes, etc., the dogs maul and kill with no warning, at a moments notice. I don't care if your nanny dog is 20 years old and has never barked. I am afraid of your dog. I don't know your dog's history.
Susan DeVilder Can't spell insight, but thinks she has it! Brilliant.
Nancy Perdue Like I said she probably went/studied at BMU (Black Market University).
Nancy Perdue They're not just Terriers, they're Bulldog mixed with Terrier. 
Mike Boykin One of the four from yesterday studied "parasicology" at uni so...
Dana Renfrow Why are there so many illiterate people? Damn
Mike Boykin I really don't judge typically, but when there is an attitude of superiority... yeah then it's fair game
Nicholas Valentine My guess is single parent living on benefits in the Welsh Valley's .
Gail L Rosbach Pit Bulls do not belong in the Terrier Group. They are nothing like real Terriers, which are great dogs. If you were an "Animal Expert" you would know that. I have a WFT, and belong to several terrier groups. I am going to share your article with all of them so they know how you feel about these great dogs. Pit Bulls should be classified as the Game Bred Fighting Dogs, or Meatgrinder Group.
Dawn Dalyce Moron...... doesn't realized that a Yorkie is capeable of killing a rat...but a Pit or Staffie is capable (and routinely does) kill adults.
Julia Lewis Her post is a terrible reflection on our UK educational system!
Joanna McGinn And when has a Norrie or a Cairn KILLED or seriously mauled anyone? Kinda doubt your 'behaviorist' title if you make uneducated statements like that.
Lori Lynn Christiansen "Nothing neurological or physical" Right. We are saying that it's GENETIC and the dogs have the physical characteristics,(powerful jaws and neck) as well as the mental ones to kill human beings. And they do. Every5-6 days on average.
Julie Edwards-Matanga Lots of typos and bad grammar are a red flag to me that you do not have a degree in higher education. Was this some kind of certificate program? Are you a Vet Tech?
Dan Davidson bit of a rude comment some people have dyslexia my self included typos and bad grammer do happen with people who have this sorry we are not all goody two shoes like you
Dan Davidson Thomas Michael Sugar not to cause trouble and not my girlfriend
Julie Edwards-Matanga Dan Davidson A goody two shoes would be your friend up there with her original post who fancies herself as educated, and has come here to condone people who have experience and an intellect to discern. Educated people have skill in the art of communic...See more
Victoria Rouch Dan Davidson Dyslexia results in the transposing of letters when reading. It does not result in poor grammar and the kind of misspellings rampant in this woman's post. Ignorance and lack of education are the causes. Let's not insult dyslexic people - many of whom spell and write fluently - by confusing a legitimate condition with stupidity.
Jeffrey Sloan The fact that a bit of terrier was mixed with the animal torturer pit bulldog line is not what makes them dangerous. What a tool. Yorkies are Terriers. Pit bulls are bull dogs, with a bit of terrier added to make a more compact attacker.
Marc Brown ROTFL. The ones who used to call themselves 'vet tech' have now discovered the term 'animal behaviorist'.
Victoria Rouch You lost me at "insite".

As you can see their comments are comical and extremely hypocritical typically you'll note they claim there's no such thing as an "animal behaviorist" and yet they regularly quote their animal behaviorist Alexandra Semionyaover and she's the nut case that keeps comparing domesticated dogs with a study on wild foxes.

At the end of the day these people have little choice but to resort to this type of behavior as all their so called experts are fakes, scammers making a living off the backs of hundreds of thousands of dead pit bulls and their grieving owners.

Merrit Clifton is a washed up journalist who gathered his "statistics" from nothing more then media reports and he has no actual schooling or education in either data collection or correlation and he's the source of all of dogsbutts statistics!

Is it any wonder these people act the way they do when their whole kill pit bulls campaign is based on lies and has absolutely no support from the broader animal or legal communities.

You don't have to take my word for it visit dogsbutt and go to their "site terms" page and just check out for yourself where they admit they're not experts and the information on their site should not be used in place of actual "professional" advice?

more to come.....

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