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Monday, 26 September 2016

Jeff borchardt declares the American Bar Association is either part of or influenced by the mythical "pit bull lobby"!

So now Jeff is even accusing the American Bar Association of being part of or influenced by the mythical "highly funded pit bull lobby" and as you can see his followers are swallowing it hook line and sinker.

The irony runs deep in the Dj and his definition of what constitutes "bias' is typical of all his assertions and claims in relation to pit bulls which are polluted by his need for vengeance against the breed in spite of the fact the dogs involved in the alleged attack on his son were actually "boxer " mixes.

Strangely Jeff claims that his son being killed by "boxer " mixes makes him an expert on "pit bulls' and dog bite related fatalities in general but his claims of being a public safety or victims advocate are quickly discredited by his support for breed specific legislation which ignore all the victims of non pit bull type dogs.

As you can see by Jeff's post he's not an advocate or an expert, he's a hate & revenge driven father grieving the loss of his son in all the wrong ways why else would he be supporting legislation that does nothing to prevent another 128 victims to non pit bull type dogs in the next decade too (that's one victim each and every month for the last ten years do we want another 128 in the next decade too?).

What, no mention that Ledy VanKavage, also a board member of Animal Farm Foundation, steered the ABA Animal Law Committee from 2010 to 2012 as the chair (also chair-elect) and heavily influenced it?
No mention that jurisdictions with well-written BSL have a 100% success record in high courts?
You just can't stop your deceptive tactics, can you Jane?
Animal Farm Foundation
The American Bar Association recently issued a letter to lawmakers in Montreal to express their professional concern about Montreal's proposed Breed Specific/Discriminatory Legislation.
"In 2012, the ABA adopted a resolution urging all levels of government to adopt comprehensive breed-neutral dangerous dog/reckless owner laws that focus on the behavior of both dog
owners and dogs. The resolution further recommends the rejection and repeal of any breed discriminatory laws for the following reasons:
● Breed discriminatory laws may violate due process protections...
● Breed discriminatory laws are ineffective at improving public safety...
● Breed discriminatory laws are expensive and difficult to enforce...
● Breed discriminatory laws infringe on the property rights of responsible dog owners and unfairly impact low-income families..."
Read the full letter, which does an excellent job of laying out the facts about the many failures of BSL, here:
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Dana Renfrow Ugh. "Discriminatory" is their favorite word, isn't it? In a time where racial tension is dividing us senselessly, what a good word to repeat over and over in hopes it'll make people forget all the facts and worry about treading on the civil rights of a DOG, instead of the rights of people.
What a fucking trip.
Hannah Honey Property owners don't have the right to do whatever they want with their property.
I can't go to church dressed like a dominatrix, yeilding my property, a whip.
I can't go to a pta meeting and bring a pitcher of bloody marys' (unfortunately.)
I can't, if I wanted to, smoke in my apartment, or near doorways of buildings, even if the cigarettes are my property.
Cars can't be left running, unattended and guns can't be left loaded and laying around.
An animal is your property but that doesn't mean you can shove it everyone else's face.
People need to keep their horrible dog habit contained instead of acting entitled to special privelidges due to bad lifestyle choices.
Hannah Honey Dealing with damage by pit bulls is MORE expensive.
Pit bulls infringe on the rights of responsible dog owners (everyone who owns a different breed.)
Jeff Borchardt They have nothing else. Next talking point please.
Valerie Brown Why is the ABA meddling in Montreal's affairs? Why is the ABA taking this one step above and beyond in defense of Pit Bulls out of all the topics and issues that impact the states and Canada? What's it to them what Montreal does with Pit Bulls? Wow, are they discrediting and embarrassing themselves all over a bunch of blood thirsty killers. They should have sent a word in support of pedophiles and murderers while they were at it.
Carol Miller Pit bull advocacy is in the business of meddling and bullying. Meddling is just the first step if it does not work they go on to lawyers, lobbyists, and threats of legal action.
Hannah Honey Really. What do they care?
Mia Johnson Unfortunately the long tentacles of the pit bull lobby extend well into Canada. God forbid anyone cut off any sources of funding to them. This letter just makes it clear how much power and money and influence they have.
Hannah Honey Cigarettes and pit bulls are the most comparable things.
Don't expose me to your choice of poison.

The true irony is Jeff and his followers accuse the NCRC and AFF of being "bias" and as such call for any information tendered by these organizations to be rejected because the "seem' to favor pit bulls. (another words they use real facts from real studies and this chaffs Jeff's butt)

The irony lays in the fact that Jeff considers himself not to be "bias' even though he's publicly expressed a wish to feed neighborhood pit bulls anti freeze and publicly declared war on pit bulls the day of his sons attack.

The true bewilderment for me though lays in the fact that law makers, councils and judges all seem to be fooled & take their propaganda and try and use it as legitimate data whereas it's little more then amateurish data gathering from media reports and correlation undertaken by a washed up journalist with absolutely no schooling in such area of expertise dogsbite's own "site terms" section clearly states they're not professionals?

more to come.....

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