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Thursday, 14 September 2017

Anti Pit Bull Activist Johnny Morales applauding the cold blooded execution of a loved family pet (RIP Nina).....

Johnny Morales is one of the particularly nasty anti pit bull activists that applauds and promotes the execution style murder of an innocent family pet in front of it's 14 year old owner.

Johnny has shared a petition for "Nina" to "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" and as you can see these alleged public safety advocates actually applaud this cruel brutal abuse of a family pet.

Link to post.....

On December 17th the following happened.

"Yesterday afternoon a neighbor of mine pulled up at my house, where my youngest son was here at home by himself while I had ran to Tuscaloosa to run a couple errands. 

The shooter..... Percy Lunsford

My dog, a full blooded pit was outside on her lead to use the bathroom. This man fired his hand gun several times and Hunter jumped up to see what the noise was and he seen our dog fall over due to one of the shots. My son is inside looking thru the little window on my front door and is able to see more than person, let alone kid should have to see. 

After he shot her a couple times he walked up, stood over her and shot her a few more times. He unhooked my baby from her lead and drug her to the back end of his truck and loaded her into the bed. 

I was told he then backed in at his house to let his wife see that he had done it. She was up on the porch waiting for him. He then drove down the dirt road and threw her out like garage. Luckily I was able to find her body so I can give her a proper burial. 

What I didn't count on was seeing all the bullet holes in her on her back, side, side of her head and the top of her head. He shot her at least 6 times. How can people be so cruel? Again, I am sorry for the graphic pics but I want everyone to see what this sick individual is capable of doing."

This was a pre-planned brutal execution of a family pet in front of it's juvenile owners by a very cruel and callous individual and lets just see what these victims advocates have to say about this tragic incident.....

Clark Ay Caramba reveals his true nature using this tragic brutal incident to push the point of shooting all pit bulls typically this guy denies wanting all pit bulls eradicated but then regularly posts comments like the one in the screenshot below and much worse.

Kristian Renoir Warez in true anti pit bull activist style is using a leaked picture from the Miami pit bull mass murder where innocent family pets were confiscated in their thousands and murdered for no other reason then they looked like pit bulls.

Micheal Johnson is a typical activist claiming to be acting ion the interest of public safety but making tasteless comments like the one below, Micheal is on the board of daxtons and dogsbite we believe.....

Joe Hill's short and nasty comment personifies all that is the breed specific legislation activists and their advocacy style.....

Emily Miller supports this action by the neighbor even though he entered the dogs property and then shot a dog that was tethered 6 times then threw the corpse into his truck and then dumped the body in a roadside ditch after parading it to his wife as proof he killed the dog.

Susan Lince Blais blames the owner in this instance for tethering the dog outside unattended.....

Carla Teresa White is one of the more tasteless activists in the groups she regularly chimes in with pretty insensitive comments often verging on madness as you can see she seems to think Percy is a dog....

The shooter in this case claimed that "Nina" had attacked his wife and attempted to justify his actions even though his wife was never actually attacked as Nina jumped up on her legs when she was in her golf buggy leaving the woman with a scratch on her shin.

Thankfully the police responded to this outrageous behavior arresting and charging  Percy Lunsford according to an update to the Facebook group "Justice For Nina".....

"Good news. Percy Lunsford has been arrested this morning. He has bonded out already thou. Kinda a bit of mixed emotions about it thou. Glad he has been picked up"

This is directly from the petition created urging the DA to hold the shooter responsible for his callous actions.....

"Percy Lusford came into my yard,onto my property with the sole intention of murdering my pit bull who was tied out on a lead in my yard. His wife had already made threats of carrying out this act as well as false police reports regarding this dog stating the dog had gotten outside of a locked house and attached her. 

The deputies found this unsubstantiated. He managed to find a window of time that he thought he would be able to get away with the crime. He had driven up and down the road waiting to make sure none of the near by neighbors were outside to be a witness to the horrific thing he did. Nina was shot 6 times with a ,380.

The first couple shots were from about 20 to 25' and did not land very accurately as she was shot in her back and side as well. After shooting her a couple times from the road, he walked into my yard and stood over her and shot her several more times. He then unhooked her from her lead and proceeded to load her lifeless body into the bed of his dark grey Chevrolet truck and drove off with her. He found a spot about a mile down our road and dumped her body there like she was trash. 

My 13 year old son was home alone when this happened and he witness the whole incident so there is no question in my mind that he is guilty of this. The reason for this petition is because I do not understand why Percy Lunsford was not charged for all of the crimes he commented. I would like every charge that could have been placed on this man charged. 

He was a member of the Air Force and when u assume a role or title like that you should be behaving in a way to make your country proud of you. He fired off his gun to start with in the direction that he would have been firing over open water of the Black Warrior River, discharging a firearm within so many feet of an occupied dwelling, my son was home at the time so that should also be child endangerment, the use of a firearm while committing a crime that results is harm or loss of life, should Nina's life be any less valuable since she was a dog? Then there was the whole deal with it being premeditated.

This had been planned and executed all while they had hoped nobody could identify who did this. What about concealing evidence? I did not go to law school by no means and do not exactly know all the laws that he had broken but I'm sure someone near the attorney General, District Attorney, the District Judge of Hale Co. In Alabama. Something needs to be done to show the world this is not ok. Its time to make an example of someone. Why not 38th Percy Lunsford."

Link to Petition

The members of this group and similar groups on Facebook all have one thing in common they claim to be victims support, victim advocacy and/or public safety advocacy groups whereas they're clearly hate groups focused on eradicating or making pit bulls extinct.

I monitor these groups and contact their victims making them aware they're under attack as the members of these groups attack volunteers of rescues that adopt pit bulls and they attack pit bull owners they really don't discriminate as they attack anyone and everyone who either supports pit bulls or exposes breed specific legislation's failings.

The admins of these groups have posted numerous times asking their members to refrain from this type of behavior but obviously the admins have little to no control over their own group because the posts and comments just keep coming everyday.

Here's a few more examples of the type of comments and posts I'm referring too.....

Clark brags to the group about pulling a knife on "pit bull" owners.....

As you can see Clark is a particularly nasty activist promoting killing and disposing of the body to cover the crime and it's pretty much the norm among these groups as members promote the 3 S's "shoot, shovel & shut up" which means shoot the dog, if you kill it bury it and don't tell a soul indicating they have very low moral standards as a group.

Carl Teresa White is a fanatic and she regularly posts inciting other members to report parents for allowing their children to interact with their own pets she regularly post rants indicating she's frustrated by all the repeals of breed specific legislation around the world.

Joe hill is yet another particularly nasty anti pit bull activist who makes absolutely no attempt to hide is true intent when it comes to pit bulls.....

And again Joe exposing the true nature of his alleged victims advocacy......

Kristian Renoir Warez is a fake name being used by an activist too ashamed to reveal his/her identity and this seems to be the norm among the activists with many of them having multiple accounts in fake names which they then use to be even more outrageous given their anonymity.

The picture being used in this comment by Kristian is of a victim that had been brutalized then dragged behind a vehicle to it's tragic death and these people are using this image to warn pit bull owners to keep their pets under control or have this happen.....

The members of these groups claim to be acting in the interests of community safety but encouraging people to discharge weapons within built up areas is reckless at the very least and the false sense of security their propaganda creates in communities is undoubtedly contributing to the elevated death toll in relation to dog bite fatalities over the last 3 years in a row.

The fact is these people only support breed specific legislation because it's a good tool for killing pit bulls and it's creator Colleen Lynn has admitted that in spite of the death of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls the human death toll has in fact not lowered the dog bite related fatalities anywhere it's been enacted.

These people masquerade as victims advocates but if you scratch the surface a little it quickly reveals hate speech, fear mongering and emotive memes all in their anti pit bull campaign focused on making pit bulls extinct.

More to come.....

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