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Saturday, 26 August 2017

Marie "Mad Dog" McGrath is a lying anti pit bull activist.....

The majority of the anti pit bull activists seem to suffer from cognitive dissonance which doesn't allow them to accept anything that's contrary to their core beliefs namely that pit bulls are the only dogs in the community that need to be held responsible for attacks in spite of the numerous deaths involving non pit bull type dogs and mixed breed mutts. (128 victims to non pit bull type dogs between 2005-2015)

A number of years ago I created a page devoted to all the victims of non pit bull type dogs "What about us, Bsl" in the hope of raising awareness as to Bsl's failing to prevent attacks involving non pit bull type dogs and one of the particularly delusional anti pit bull activists found the page yesterday and proceeded to attack the page.....

Marie Mad Dog McGrath shared a post about Tyler Trammal from the page claiming the child was a pit bull victim in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.....

Marie Mad Dog McGrath

Link to Mad Dog's post..... marie.mcgrath.503/posts

I responded to Mad Dog's share by going to the post and sharing actual screenshots from the owners page confirming the dog that attacked Tyler (RIP) was actually a mixed breed mutt and not a pit bull as dogsbite claims as you can see by the screenshot below.....

Mad Dog immediately changed the subject to Daxton Borchardt who was fatally attacked by the babysitters boxer mixes that the anti pit bull activists all claim were actually pit bulls.

Mad Dog goes as far as accusing the vets involved in caring for the dogs of colluding with the babysitter and lying about the breed of the dogs to defraud insurance companies which doesn't hold water as there was no Bsl in the area where the dogs lived and the owner did not have liability insurance for the dogs obviously as the parents have been left with the debts involved in trying to save the child.

Mad Dog is desperate for the dogs to be pit bulls and makes all sorts of wild claims about the police identifying the dogs as pit bulls when clearly they were boxer mixes.

I posted screenshots from the official police report confirming the dogs were actually boxer mixes but Mad Dog refuses to accept the truth.....

Source for screenshots...... daxton-borchardt-policevet-reports

At which point Mad Dog launches a personal attack on me claiming I'm out for attention which is quite puzzling considering she's actually shared a post from my page in essence she sought me out for this confrontation.....

Mad Dog's starts to ramble about vets reports and me being deceptive when the reality is 3 different vets called the dogs "mixes" over the three years of their life while under the care of the Glenview Animal Hospital and the one policeman with any actual credentials called the dogs "pit bull types" indicating they were mixes.

As you can see I posted screenshots from the actual police report but Mad Dog refuses to accept the reality that the dogs involved in both Tyler Trammals & Daxton Borchardts deaths were actually mixed breed mutts and they're being presented as pit bulls by the anti pit bull activists and

Mad Dog then goes on further accusing the vets of colluding with the babysitter to hide the breed of her dogs in order to defraud insurance companies which is an extremely bold claim and one which has absolutely no credibility.

I called her out on her outrageous allegations in relation to the vets colluding with the dogs owners and she changes the subject immediately.....

As you can see Mad Dog claims there's not a word about Shepherds in spite of the fact that clearly the dog involved in the fatality was part shepherd part pit and part staffy a mixed breed mutt essentially.....

Link to blog containing the screenshots.....

Mad Dog responds by claiming the dog involved in Tyler Trammals tragic death was a pit bull and responds saying there was no mention of "shepherds" in spite of the fact there clearly is mention of shepherds.....

The screenshot below from the blog is from the owners Facebook page and was posted when she decided to keep the pup that ended up attacking her brother.....

As you can see the dog involved in the fatal attack on her brother had anything up to 3 breeds in it and she lists them in her response to an inquiry from her friend.....

Link to source of screenshots......

Jeff D Borchardt stalked this victim and used her personal photos from her Facebook page to create a meme attacking both her and pit bulls in general in spite of the fact the dog was a mixed breed mutt.

Here's the meme this so called victims advocate made using the victims pictures from her Facebook account and while doing this he has to have ignored the truth and the post confirming it.....

Mad Dogs post in the anti pit bull activist group claiming  victory in her epic battle with her bogey man (me) she claims it's a new page when the page was created in October 2014 (follow link to the first post on the page nearly 3 years ago).....

Link to Mad Dogs post.....

As you can see Mad Dog claims a victory in spite of the reality that she was shamed and forced to make stuff up and blatantly lie in typical anti pit bull activist style.


Marie's responding to my meme regarding the anti pit bull activists lying about Tyler's death and using his tragic death in their spiteful assinine campaign.....

Marie goes on to say that I was saying the dogs involved in Daxton's death were shepherd mixes which as you can see from the screenshots is complete nonsense and she claims that the screenshots I posted showed pit bulls which once again is complete and utter nonsense one says boxer and the other says boxer mixes.....

I banned her from the page because she was playing nonsense games change the subject and generally attacking me personally as you can see she's a flat out liar. has Tyler Trammal and many others victims of mixed breed mutts cataloged on their scandalous site as pit bull victims when in reality that's a blatant lie.....

Link to dogsbite post.....

Each and everyone of these anti pit bull activists are bold faced liars and they ignorantly believe that the general public is buying their nonsense when in reality the complete lack of support for their campaign from the broader community indicates these people are not fooling anyone with their propaganda and lies.....

These people have absolutely no credibility and their allegations and claims can be easily dispelled with a simple google search in the majority of cases which is undoubtedly causing the failure of their hate campaign against both pit bulls and their owners.

The fact is not one legitimate animal organization in the world supports breed specific legislation for good reason and that put simply is it does not work, specifically Bsl has no discernible affect on either overall bite instances or fatalities and that's a well established fact.....

Breed Specific Legislation and Dog Bites -

All the legitimate victims advocate around the world are actually promoting and supporting "The Calgary Model" which has shown to be effective in curbing both bite instances and actual dog bite fatalities everywhere it's been enacted.....

Does Breed Specific Legislation reduce dog ... -

One of the three dogs in this picture was involved in the fatal attack on Tyler which cost him his life and as you can see while they resemble pit bulls they obviously weren't pit bulls as confirmed by the owners screenshots.....

This picture personifies the difficulties in identifying actual purebred pit bulls there's many breeds that if crossed will present with a dog that resembles a pit bull but has no actual relationship to pit bulls these dogs have pit bull in them but they're not pit bulls they're mixed breed mutts.....

More to come.....

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