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Sunday, 29 October 2017

Jeff Borchardt - what's with all the lies about pit bulls Jeff the police report says "Boxer X"?

Sussi Iwicki got Daxton Borchardt killed by taking him out in her backyard with her poorly trained un-socialized boxer mixes the anti pit bull activists claim are pit bulls in spite of the police report saying they were boxer mixes.....

Marie McGrath seems to be badly affected by cognitive dissonance as even after being presented with the evidence she just can't accept the reality that Jeff Borchardt is lying about the dogs allegedly involved in the death of his son.....

Link to post..... Pit Bull  Hate Group

As you can see the dogs were "Boxer X" another words they were Boxer mixes (screenshots from the police report).....


Carol Miller claims I have the mental issues in spite of the fact that the anti pit bull activists seem to be the ones struggling to accept reality.....

Marie McGrath claims I've admitted to having a mental illness which typically is garbage as I'm on disability because of OCPD which is issues with my lungs.....

Laurel Davis (Wood) actually I'm not the one struggling to accept reality at all I'm sim ply pointing out the obvious.....

Cyn Rzeznik (Cynthia Neuman) claims to be a victims advocate and yet she wishes I would drop dead at least that way I couldn't be exposing all their lies and disinformation.....

Jeff Borchardt still maintains the dogs involved were pit bulls in spite of the evidence indicating and confirming they weren't pit bulls but boxer mixes, most of his minions believe every thing he says in spite of the glaring contradictions in his story he's embarrassed alright just not for me he's embarrassed at being caught in a bold faced lie......

Joanna Zizzi typically posts a meme in support of Jeff and as you can see this is the type of thing they claim is in the best interests of the community and based on empirical science based data?

Jeff Borchardt.... desperately tries to further his cause with yet more lies claiming the dogs were loved & trusted family pets despite forbidding the babysitter from having the dogs any where near his son......

Marie McGrath claims to have shared my post in some futile attempt to demonstrate that I'm scared of them whereas the reality is I banned them from my pages as they post spam and disinformation constantly attacking legitimate followers with their petty name calling and blame games......

Amber Jindra (Lind) claims that only pit bulls have the bite force to kill people she's clearly delusional......

Carla Teresa White makes some sort of strange declaration about marching on Washington in support of a pit bull ban but tells every one to bring their guns because the pit bull owners will most surely attack, this is one messed up delusional group of people.....

Dennis Baker ironically claims that pit bulls owners and supporters have no real science or morals strangely considering it's his fellow haters that constantly post fantasizing about killing pit bulls......

Marie McGrath  in this comment is referring to a post I made regarding their struggle to get donations for their pit bull extinction campaign and typically Mad Dog misrepresents my post.....

Here's a screenshot of my post in relations to donations to dogsbite and as you can see $1,000 + $200 = $1,200 and they actually raised $189 which is way short of what they were hoping to raise?

Mad Dog is obviously suffering from a mental illness of some description or her writing, reading and comprehension are well below average as she seems to ignore the facts and just ramble on with nonsense being as she has no legitimate science or data supporting her position.....

Dana Renfrow lives in her own little la la land where she can do no wrong personal attacks lies and disinformation are normal operating procedure especially when you are a part of a pit bull hating cult.....

And again....

Gary Steen claims that I've been using 5 Facebook accounts which is nonsense.....

Sara Karran I get along fine with my neighbors and no I don't work as I'm on a disability pension and FYI I don't own a "pit bull" so that's a fail on all counts......

Dana Cruz claims I live in a "trailer park" whereas the reality is  I live on acreage (7.5 acres) in Queensland 40 minutes drive from the beautiful Fraser Island.

Bosston & Penny taken away from their mother too young 5 weeks old in picture and canine experts express concerns about removing puppies from their litter too early in life as it can lead to troublesome issues in adult dogs including aggression......

The Screenshots featured in the post and as you can see the dogs were mixed breed mutts but that doesn't fit Jeff Borchardt's story so he lies about it and all his culty followers support his obvious lies.....

Bosston vet report lists him as Canine Boxer mix.....

Penny vet report and again Boxer Mix.....

The dogs lived in a pen in the back yard or were crated inside the house 24/7.....

How did Daxton end up out in the back yard with the dogs in spite of his father forbidding the babysitter from taking his child any where near the dogs......

The police asked Sussi Iwicki about what breed the dogs were after her relatively minor injuries had been dressed at the hospital and she claimed to not know the breed in spite of calling the dogs pit bulls in the 911 call.....

Sussi had relatively minor injuries in spite of claiming to have fought her dogs attempting to save Daxton from her dogs for fifteen minutes as you can see she had bruising on her arms and legs and a bite to her thumb her wounds were dressed and she was released from the hospital shortly after......

All of the screenshots relating to the dogs being boxer mixes came from the police report which clearly confirms the dogs were not pit bulls and Jeff Borchardt  is using the tragically avoidable death of his infant son to gain notoriety.

The plain fact is the dogs allegedly involved were mixed breed mutts and not pit bulls as Jeff claims indicating his willingness to lies and misrepresent this tragedy in order to suit his cause.

His followers are so affected by cognitive dissonance they're unable to accept the truth of this situation specifically that Jeff Borchardt is a bold faced liar and his hatred for pit bulls is so intense he's willing to sacrifice all the victims of non pit bull type dogs in order to achieve pit bull extinction.

Jeff Borchardt supports and promotes legislation which does absolutely nothing to prevent attacks involving non pit bull type dogs which occur at a rate of one per month every month leaving 128 people dead between 2005 and 2015.

If you truly care about community safety please disregard Bsl and promote the "Calgary model" which has curbed both bite instances and dog bite fatalities everywhere it's been enacted.

The fact is Jeff Borchardt is a criminal and he can't lie straight in bed his whole campaign is based on lies and disinformation tragically using his sons death to gain the notoriety that his Dj career failed to bring him......

More to come.....

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Angela Lynn Jackson hating on American Bully's thinking they're American Pit Bull Terriers cause she hates "pit bulls" .....

Angela Lynn Jackson

The post.....

Link to the post in the ...... hate group

Link to the original video..... Pit Bullz Lover's

The Comments.....

Carrie Anne Martinette thinks they're admitting their dogs are dangerous as opposed to them probably thinking no-one would be stupid enough to mess with her in the company of the dogs.....

Aaron B Wood thinks along the same lines as our previous commentator once their bias influences their logic which is negated by their hate for pit bulls and their owners.....

Sarah Mae Neznek claims she feels sorry for the girl which seems quite strange consider the big smile on the girls face and her seemingly enjoying the company of her pets.....

Brad Endres fakes concern for the child simply parroting previous comments as fear mongering plays a large part in their pit bull extinction campaign.....

Lisa Moyer proclaims that she lives in a CC (conceal carry) area and infers these dogs would be shot once again inferring all the problem pit bulls have been taken care of with firearms these people consistently promote the use of firearms in public in spite of the risks.....

Rob Wise declares the dogs to be "mutant beasts" & "demons" illustrating his mindset and complete bias against pit bulls.....

Sarah Reynolds actually no they are not "pit bulls" and I'll cover that later in this blog.....

Bj Crosson just about sums up all that is the style of this so called victims advocacy posting a Gif making light of suicide victims and offending their families....

Staci Scheiwiller displays the type of mindset we're dealing with in relation to what these people consider to be in the best interests of the community they gang up and mass report people to Cps, their employers & landlords even on some occasions they're dangerous they're fanatics.....

Amber Jindra sarcastically fakes concern for the child in true anti pit bull activist style please note the language and wording these people use they've made up their own code.....

Helga Joubert claims the girl is not enjoying the making of the video whereas it's there for all to see she's at ease with the dogs and they're seemingly comfortable and happy with her Helga's cognitive dissonance is obviously acting up again.....

I don't know she looks pretty happy to me and the dogs are most certainly calmly awaiting her commands the anti pit bull activists regularly threaten to report parents for simply allowing their children to interact with their pets.....

American Pit Bull Terriers.....

"The American Pit Bull Terrier varies in size. Males normally are about 18-21 inches (45–53 cm) in height and around 35-60 pounds (15–27 kg) in weight. Females are normally around 17-20 inches (43–50 cm) in height and 30-50 pounds (13–22 kg) in weight.[3]
The American Pit Bull is medium-sized, and has a short coat and smooth well-defined muscle structure."

American Bully

"The American Bully is a recently formed companion dog breed,[1]originally recognized by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC). It has been recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC) since July 15, 2013.[1] It is a small to large breed which has been divided into four categories; PocketStandardClassic and XL."

These are the dogs featured in the video and as you can see they tend to look more like American Bully's as opposed to being American pit Bull Terrier's.....

There's much confusion on this subject but to further confuse the issue anti pit bull activists are intentionally mislabeling dogs as pit bulls knowing full well that they are not.....

Anti pit bull activists are taking full advantage of the confusion but it's still not helping their cause as they have no legitimate scientific empirical data or information to base their campaign on leaving them to post the sort of post we are seeing in this blog.

One only has to scroll through the grotty little group looking at the posts and comments therein to realize these people are straight up liars their hatred for both pit bulls and their owners pollutes their very existence and turns them into bitter twisted fools who willingly endanger the community with their propaganda and disinformation.

They are seemingly willing to sacrifice the victims of non pit bull type dogs each and every month in order to achieve their goal of making pit bulls extinct and how many innocent people have to dog by the teeth of non pit bull type dogs in the meantime, 128 people lost their lives in attacks involving non pit bull type dogs between 2005 and 2015.....

The viable alternative to Breed Specific Legislation is "The Calgary Model" a breed neutral owner specific legislation which has proven to lower both bite instances and dog bite fatalities everywhere it's been enacted.....

More to come......
