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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Lorde Faust shared Michelle Stagg-Kelly's post. and laughs about Nina's brutal murder with his friends

As you can all see there's not a lot of compassion or empathy for Nina in this alleged public safety advocacy group?

The Fact is Nina didn't maul anyone she was murdered in cold blood while leashed in her own front yard when she was brutally murdered in front of her owners sixteen year old son who was absolutely traumatized by seeing the family pet assassinated.

Soooo.... after your Pit Bull came home one time too many covered in blood, you decided to put a chain on it. Then you cry like a baby because YOUR baby had to watch a killer get killed but you have no remorse or sympathy for somebody else's baby that had to watch their beloved pet get eaten alive by your Shit Bull.

Michelle Stagg-Kelly added 9 new photos.
 further. Yesterday afternoon a neighbor of mine pulled up at my house, where my youngest son was here at home by himself while I had ran to Tuscaloosa to run a couple errands. My dog, a full blooded pit was outside on her lead to use the bathroom. This man fired his hand gun several times and Hunter jumped up to see what the noise was and he seen our dog fall over due to one of the shots. My son is inside looking thru the little window on my front door and is able to see more than person, let alone kid should have to see. After he shot her a couple times he walked up, stood over her and shot her a few more times. He unhooked my baby from her lead and drug her to the back end of his truck and loaded her into the bed. I was told he then backed in at his house to let his wife see that he had done it. She was up on the porch waiting for him. He then drove down the dirt road and threw her out like garage. Luckily I was able to find her body so I can give her a proper burial. What I didn't count on was seeing all the bullet holes in her on her back, side, side of her head and the top of her head. He shot her at least 6 times. How can ppl be so cruel? Again, I am sorry for the graphic pics but I want everyone to see what this sick individual is capable of doing.
6 people like this.
Lorena McGovern Most pit owners are psychopathic. It's hard for normal caring people to understand.
Peggy Severson I wonder if she was on a lead? Something fishy about the whole story. frown emoticon
Lorde Faust She probably had to tie it up to wash the blood off of it,
Lorena McGovern You can bet that dog did a lot of bad things in that neighborhood to inspire such hatred.
Marty Johncox The dog must have done something. It failed to read the signs. It was just a misunderstanding is all.
Gwendolyn Hanan Sounds like it mauled something that belonged to the wife of the man who killed it. So, the other major thing here, if the kid is looking through the "little window" AND the kid was upset about the dog being shot, how did the kid manage to see and remember, in order, that the guy shot the dog 6 times, put it in his truck, drove to his house, showed his wife, then drove somewhere else and dumped the dog like garbage, some where so off the beaten path the owner thinks he's lucky to have found his chained up pibbles body. Pass the air freshener please....................................
Peggy Severson I wondered the same thing. That is why I said it was fishy. I don't think the dog was on a lead, and they found it in the woods......after it probably killed someone's pet.
Patricia Forbell Gee we can only wonder what REALLY happened?
Hannah Honey Then one girl, Danize, asks three times what happened, she read a comment that the cops were called on the dog previously and nothing was done, and now she can't find the comment. It's brushed off.
M.j. Brandt There has to be much more to this story, but cue the pit bull lovers and defenders that will clearly state this dog was innocent and harmless and was killed for no reason. 
We will never hear the truth from the owner.

Lorde Faust I would like to speak to that neighbor. If it were truly as the Pit Bull shitter states, she would have had the police and AC at the man's house by now. Ahh, but that is not the case, is it?
Peggy Severson The kid might have told his mom this story, but the real story probably went more like this......the boy let the dog outside...heard 6 shots, found the dog later in the general direction of where he heard the shots. The story was fabricated to make it sound more heartless.
Lorena McGovern I hope they let him go.
Lorde Faust I hope the truth comes out about the dangers of Pit Bulls in the process. Too many people defending themselves against the maulers finding themselves in court defending themselves against the law lately. Pit Bulls can kill our pets, but we can't kill them? There is something fundamentally wrong with all of this.
Lorena McGovern Probably it will come out that there were many reports about those stupid dogs and animal control did nothing. That's what seems to happen lately, they do absolutely nothing.
Lorde Faust Lorena McGovern There is always a history when you start talking to neighbors.
Lorde Faust Don't harm a hair on a Pit Bull, you will have the wrath of Hell to pay, despite the Pit Bull most likely attacking this man's wife as she tried to whisk her child away as the Pit Bull killed their puppy and kitten.
M.j. Brandt The pictures indicate the dog was in full rigor mortis which starts 2-6 hours death (in the weaker muscles first so this dog has been dead for a while)
If what her son says is true, he saw this happen and they knew where the dog was dumped. I'm not buying any of it. Maybe hearing gunshots, that's about it. People are crawling out of the woodwork to defend the dog and accuse the neighbor. I too hope the truth comes out, but pit lovers will still insist the dog was a harmless wigglebutt and did not deserve death. Death by a bullet is far less traumatic than death by mauling.

These people seem to applaud the cold blooded murder of Nina and actually hope this sick dangerous person gets away with it. Percy Lunsford has been identified and charged with animal cruelty among other things and quite rightly so. 

Please visit and report this abhorrent post in their hate group the pit bull problem .

more to come....

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