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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Are you or your friends one of the 385 pit bull owners being victimized by this anti pit bull activist Facebook page?

Anti pit bull activists really get their panties in a bunch if anyone dares to utter that "Pit Bulls' are nanny dogs and they've even created a Facebook page attacking Nanny Dogs claiming they have never existed in spite of the mountains of literary evidence supporting the claims.

The fact is the term "Nanny Dog" has actually been used in reference to many types and breeds of dogs throughout history.....

Pit Bulls Used To Be Nanny Dogs

Anti pit bull activists regularly post a link to a story by Bad Rap which allegedly dispels the "myth" whereas the fact is unless Bad Rap actually spoke to every pit bull owner throughout the known history of the dog and confirmed with each and every owner that they "never" called their pet a "nanny dog" then how can they possibly be making the claim that they "never" existed?......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Typically anti pit bull pages like this one claim to be acting in the best interests of dog bite victims the reality is they regularly share images of children and babies interacting with family pets without their parents consent something which is illegal in most american states all under the guise of community safety.....

This page features more then 385 screenshots of people's comments being shared for the express purpose of humiliating the individuals involved.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Just another one of the 385 victims comments being shared for ridicule by this page which seems to be using Facebook as a platform to launch hate attacks on pit bulls owners and breed specific legislation opponents.....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

The one common denominator to all the screenshot is the individual being victimized believes that pit bulls were used as Nanny dogs and they have the god given right to express their opinion without being bullied in this way.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Daxton's Friends propaganda features heavily on the page indicating the page owner is associated with and supports Jeff Borchardt and his cyber bullying.....

Link to spam..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Memes are the foundation of their hate campaign and as you can see by the meme below they take madness to a whole new level with some of the stuff they post is beyond ridiculous......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

More propaganda as they can't prove even one of the dogs involved were actually American Pit Bull Terriers and in fact I've challenged them numerous times to share their proof but they have none.....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

If you work rescuing pit bulls you instantly become fair game to the anti pit bull activists and as you can see they don't fear Facebook community standards and regularly use people's full names in posts and share actual images of their victims and Facebook does absolutely nothing to stop them in spite of numerous complaints and reports.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

All of their memes are emotive usually featuring graphic images like the one below all designed to instill fear of pit bull into society generally though they have absolutely no proof confirming the dogs involved were even actually pit bulls as is the case in this instance.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Babies are used by these haters in their memes as they really don't care about people or victims they hate pit bulls and everyone is fair game in their petty hate campaign even babies as you can see by this propaganda meme.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Using victims of dogfighters too is perfectly acceptable to these alleged victims advocates further victimizing actual victims.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Using images of children shared by Jeff D Borchardt from his hate page "Pit Bull Breed Identification Photos - Owner Submitted", Jeff trolls the internet looking for images like this to share in his hate campaign giving little regard to the health and well being of his victims.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Sharing Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness post which is using images of babies without their parents permission which seems to be accepted behavior among their hate groups and pages in spite of the fact it's highly illegal in most American states......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Another baby being shared from the Dj's hate page where he shares pictures of babies and children interacting with their pets that he's stalked from the internet......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

And yet another baby picture being shared without permission which as  I've said seems to be normal operating procedure for the majority of the hate pages.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

The foundation of their hate campaign lays on emotive juvenile memes like this one as they have no legitimate data or information supporting the majority of their claims which are based on opinions formed using incomplete or inaccurate data......

Link to hat post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

And the memes just keep coming ironically they all claim their campaign is based on "ironclad" facts which honestly couldn't be further from the actual truth......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Anti Pit Bull Memes post being shared featuring children once again as children and babies are just pawns to be used in their pit bull extinction campaign.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

More memes indicating violence is never far from these peoples minds and given most of the anti pit bull activists seem to have extensive criminal records to varying degrees there's no surprise here.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

And yet another innocent baby picture being shared without the parents consent an act which is illegal in most American States but seems to be accepted operating procedure for the anti pit bull activists & Facebook.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Another child victim of this group of haters indicating they actually have very little regard for the health and well being of the children they victimize in this way.....

They claim once an image is in the public domain they are free to use it in any way they choose but just try using any of their images in the same way & they throw an instant hissy fit and launch a mass reporting campaign until the image is removed, hypocrites quite clearly.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Their whole hate campaign revolves around propaganda and emotive juvenile memes....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

The harsh reality is they can't prove even one of the attacks on the victims in this meme actually involved a legitimate American Pit Bull Terrier and you can bet there was no request made to use any of these victim's images in this way.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Jeff D Borchardt has no qualms about using victims pictures without consent he actually trolls the internet daily seeking them out.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

The National Pit Bull Victim Awareness is scam a hoax created by the same people behind dogsbite and the numerous other hate groups fighting to make pit bulls extinct......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

All of these hate groups and pages promote the use of Breaksticks which is extremely reckless given the propensity for someone to be injured trying to use them the fact is if they mistakenly try and use a breakstick on a non pit bull type dog that dog will likely turn it's attention to the user of the breakstick equally if an individual is found to be carrying a breakstick by the authorities they will most likely become under suspicion as being involved in organized dogfighting.....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

They use dogfighting images in memes showing or demonstrating the little regard they have for the many victims of dogfighting.......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

They even use Santa Claus in their hate campaign indicating nothing is out of bounds for being used in their grotty hate campaign.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Using Tyler Trammal in their hate campaign in spite of the fact Tyler was killed by a mutt.....

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Jeff Borchardt stalked Tyler's sister's Facebook page to make memes claiming Tyler was killed by pit bulls and anyone promoting the Nanny dog "myth" has blood on their hands and in essence contributed to Tyler's death there's only one small hiccup and that is Jeff saw but intentionally overlooked the post where Tyler's sister decided to keep the puppy that went on to attack and subsequently kill her younger brother.....

Another meme perpetuating the lie that Tyler was killed by a "pit bull" when the reality is the child was killed by a mutt (RIP Tyler).....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Attacking anyone that says anything relating to Nanny dogs and as you an see they're sharing their victims image with very little concern for being held accountable as Facebook just lets them do what they want.....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

They really don't care who they use in their petty hate campaign and children are fair game apparently with many many post on their hate page featuring children all without their parent or guardians consent......

Link to hate post..... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Memes memes and more memes.....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs


Here's some of the responses from a google search for "Nanny Dogs"

About 7,840,000 results (0.50 seconds)

Pitbulls Used to Be Considered the Perfect "Nanny Dogs" for Children ...

They share images and pictures of children and babies without their parents consent consistently with very little regard for the children involved.....

Link to hate post...... pitbullsusedtobenannydogs

Now the real issue here is the double standards Facebook seems to be employing in relation to anti pit bull activists and anyone who supports and/or promotes pit bulls for instance I recently got a 30 day ban and my facebook page was removed after I posted a screenshot of Denise Duirway accusing me of being a "domestic terrorist because I contacted Gabrielle Keens (Quinn) employers asking them if they supported her behavior.....

My Facebook page was deleted without any form of appeal and I got a 30 day ban from posting, commenting or participating in any way shape or form.

Here's a screenshot of the personal message sent to Gabrielle Keen's employers and as you all can see it's not "terrorism".....

Link to blog about Gabrielle Keen (Quin) plotting against her neighbors pets because they look like pit bulls.....

Pit Bulls Used To Be Nanny Dogs first post was on the 14th July 2014 and right from the get go they were using this page as a tool to bully and intimidate pit bull owners or anyone who believes in nanny dogs by screenshotting their comments and posting them for the express purpose of humiliating people and actions such as this contravene Facebook's community standards but Facebook refuses to remove them in spite of the fact that they are clearly using Facebook as a platform to launch their hate attacks and ridicule pit bull owners and breed specific legislation opponents alike.....

I've created a Facebook page for all the Victims of Anti Pit Bull Activists with a view to causing Facebook to cleanse it's site of this scourge of haters who are using Facebook as a tool to launch hate attacks against pit bulls owners please like the page and share so your friends become aware of the resource.....

If there is any lawyers or solicitors out their willing to become involved with helping the many many victims of these individuals please contact via this blog or the facebook page for the sake of protecting legitimate Facebook users from these cyber bullies.....

If you recognize or know any of the more then 385 individuals who have had their comments screenshot and shared to this anti pit bull activist facebook page please make them aware of this page and their nasty behavior although reporting the page to Facebook is fruitless as facebook seems to aid and abet these haters in their petty pit bull extinction campaign and victims would be best served by seeking legal advice immediately.....

Let me just finish by saying these people aren't delusional they are intentionally deceiving the community claiming the "Nanny Dog Myth" is contributing to the escalated dog bite related fatality tolls when in reality the reason the death toll from dog attacks has been elevated for the last three years in a row can be attributed to the false sense of security the community is lulled into believing that if there are no pit bulls around everyone's safe from dog attack.

The harsh reality is more than 25 breeds/types of dogs have been involved in fatal attacks on humans and in fact in America in 2017 65% of the dog bite related fatalities actually involved non pit bull type dogs or mixed breed mutts.....

More to come.....

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