Beth Clifton, the newest wife of Merritt Clifton killed her dog because he was a pit bull. She doesn’t hide it or denies it- in fact, she justifies it and makes it excuses for it.
“My pit bull Trooper filled three years of my life with worry and stress over keeping him and others safe from harm. Trooper was a victim from conception of the systematic lies being told about pit bulls to promote them, and in a sense I was a victim of these lies as well, because I believed them enough to adopt Trooper and spend three years looking after him.”
First of all, Beth was a veterinary technician, humane volunteer, and former animal control officer. According to her, she was active and respected among the animal rescue community. It has me wondering, with someone with such a long list of employments pertaining to animal care, how was she the victim? I’m sorry, if she was unable to make an educated decision about what type of dog to own then how can anyone expect her to make any sort of educated speech about dog ownership of any breed? OH, THAT’S RIGHT, to be a card carrying member of one must play stupid.
I get it- Trooper had medical issues. He “broke a growth plate in his right front leg while running through the house” which resulted in him losing his leg. Of course Beth likes to blame that on him being a “pit bull” but I have this feeling it had to do with her thinking it was funny watching him slip and slide over the floor.
“Twelve hours after the surgery, Trooper was running through the house, apparently not even realizing that he now had only one front leg. We were invited to a meeting of a human amputee support group where Trooper was given a standing ovation as he performed our favorite trick, in which he cheerfully growled “I love you.”
Trooper was not going to give up. Although, he could put on a good show- Beth claims Trooper was mistrusting, not calm or well balanced even though according to her he was fantastic enough to recieve standing ovations from their support group?
Beth didn’t wake up on day and Trooper changed from this cute puppy into this 90 lb 3 1/2 year old dog aggressive, cat chasing and tortoise hunting demon dog from hell. She watched and she made excuses for his behavior.
“Twice Trooper pursued the smaller dog in an aggressive manner, placing his mouth over my smaller dog’s back, but fortunately leaving no injuries.”
Let’s get real. Beth failed Trooper. She not only failed him but then she killed him and threw him under the bus for her status among
“Trooper should have never been born in the first place!”-boasts Beth
I have this feeling Trooper would still be alive & healthy if someone other than Beth rescued him.
“I don’t have any regrets about Troopers euthanasia!”
Why should she? She gained status in her cult, she gained a husband- she placed herself as the poster child for failed pit bull ownership. She will cry that she saved Trooper and how she felt betrayed by Trooper- but one thing we won’t hear from her is admitting fault. Why should she when the DBO cult applauds her for killing Trooper.
“I’m proud of your very hard decision and remember that. Sending hugs and love!”
Although, it seems interesting that Beth’s own son, a pit bull owner & the only one not throwing Trooper under the DBO bus seems to be the one struggling with his mother’s behavior. Maybe because he knows the truth?

It’s sad. Beth killed a dog that praised, bragged about, rescued all to be part of

She takes good memories of Trooper, like this:

and turns it into hate propaganda.

I can tell you who the real monster is…. and it’s not the 3 legged dog.

It's because of people like you, that people are caught off guard and horribly mauled by these dangerous dogs. Why do you people think that these dogs matter more than human lives?? There are not enough awareness and laws in place to protect innocent people from these unpredictable animals. They are not the same as other dogs. They were bred to fight to the death. And it has nothing to do with the dog's owners. Saying that, is the same as saying that it's the humans fault that their chimpanzee is dangerous. It's against the law to have a chimpanzee. But just think if it became legal and people came up with some nonsense that if you are a good enough owner, that your Chimpanzee shouldn't be dangerous. It's this stupidity that gets people killed. These dogs kill babies and children because of their high prey drive. And 90% of the time, people say that the same dogs that just mauled someone to death, always seemed like the sweetest dog... until it ripped off a child's scalp.