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Thursday, 31 May 2018

Justice For Titan the pit bull executed within hours of being adopted - #pitbulldropoff or coincidence?

'Titan' was adopted from the Garland Animal Services last Friday. 

"Sometime over the weekend, his body was found dumped on Dowdy Ferry Road near the Trinity River in southeast Dallas.

Dallas Police and the SPCA of Texas are investigating Titan's death as an animal cruelty incident, but police have not elaborated about a potential suspect."

Do you believe in zero tolerance for animal abusers? 

Then it’s time you paid a visit to Dowdy Ferry Road in southeast Dallas. That goes double for Dallas’ elected officials and highest-paid City Hall managers.

Animal advocates will set in place 91 handmade crosses, each of them symbolizing one of the dead animals they have found dumped there since Aug. 1.

Those 91 corpses break down like so: 64 dead dogs, two dead cats, two dead horses, six dead goats, two dead sheep, three slaughtered cows, one dead deer, one dead pig, seven bags of dead roosters and skeletons of three other animals that couldn’t be identified.

The dumping grounds are just south of Interstate 20 on Dowdy Ferry. 

Ironically, the site is less than a mile from the lovely Great Trinity Forest Gateway Park at Dowdy Ferry and Interstate 20, an amenity the city rightfully crows about. 

But walk a few blocks on down Dowdy Ferry and you’re likely to stumble over dead animals.

Here's the newly established Facebook page for more information related to the Saturday event. 

And here's our just-posted editorial about the abuse/neglect issue.

Garland Animal Shelter is known to neglect and abuse animals. 
The following conditions have been documented, reported, and ignored:
1. Kennel temperatures reaching over 104 degrees 
2. Animals laying in their blood 
3. Emaciated and underfed dogs
4. Kennels without water 
5. Dogs without cones after a spay or neuter 
6. Animals laying in urine and feces 
7. Animals with stitches still in (up to 60 days) after spay or neuter 

Please sign this petition.....

Titan was found dead a day after being adopted was his death part of anti pit bull activists latest campaign..... #pitbulldropoff.....


People are adopting pit bulls with the express goal of euthanizing them, and then bragging about it on the Internet with the hashtag #PitbullDropOff.

People were definitely saying they were doing it.....

Seems it was a hoax.....

Bree's account was hacked and she was most certainly not involved in such abhorrent behavior indicating it was a sophisticated & well orchestrated hoax (apparently) ....

"While we cannot speak to the broader claim that some terrible human beings have adopted dogs for the purpose of putting them down. 

We can say with confidence that the current viral #PitbullDropOff trend on social media is a hoax orchestrated by anonymous hoaxsters using unrelated photographs, fake context, and a characteristic reliance on racism and misogyny. Don’t feed the trolls."

Well the harsh reality is Titans recent adoption & subsequent callous execution seems to be yet another in an increasing incidences of pit bulls being founded savagely abused by humans indicating it may well be happening which seems to be the situation in Titan's case......

Justice For Titan was born out of the need to bring Titans killer/s to justice.....

Justice For Titan
This page is dedicated to information and advocacy for justice for Titan, the pitbull adopted from Garland, Texas, and killed.

Jeremy Boss a Dowdy Fairy Road Commision advocate was alerted by one of his team after they discovered Titan's body on the side of the road appearing to have been shot on the side of the highway.....

Titans corpse discarded like trash only hours after adoption.....

A single bullet wound to his temple & still collared wearing a leash, defecation confirming he was shot right there.....

Only hours before his gruesome & tragic execution Titan featured in a rescue video which quite possibly got the attention of a cold hearted killer.....

It really is time for this brutal killing to stop & it's time for a full extensive investigation now.....

These good people are on the front lines in Titan's case.

They were alerted to Titan being on the road and went out to discover his remains. 

They got animal control and police involved. They demanded a necropsy for Titan. 

Please like/follow their page.....

For anyone in the Dallas area, there will be a candlelight vigil for Titan and another dog, Zorro, onFriday night, June 1st.

Titan's warriors made phone calls to city/county officials and this afternoon 

I sent the following email to all of them:

"I am certain many of you have heard of the dog, Titan, found shot to death on Dowdy Ferry Road over the weekend, shortly after being adopted from Garland Animal Services.

This is completely unacceptable. 

The entire shelter system in the US urgently needs to be overhauled; however, this situation is particularly egregious.

There need to be immediate changes to the way adoptions are handled, especially those of the pit bull breeds. There has to be more than show a driver's license and you can have any dog here. Because there are worse outcomes than being killed at the shelter, as Titan found out. And, by the way, I never thought I would write those words.

I implore you to fully investigate Titan's case, as well as the entire situation of animals (live and dead) being dumped there. Something needs to be done! Cameras in the area, fines for those who dump, JAIL TIME for those who dump. Especially for those who shoot a dog and dump.

Please, please do not sweep this under the rug or slap Titan's killer on the wrist. And, most importantly, please do not ever let this happen again.

We, the animal advocacy community, worked hard to get Titan out of the shelter and celebrated when we thought it had happened. Hours later, our cheers turned to tears.

Please know that we are all watching and that we DEMAND justice for that sweet boy!"

In addition, phone calls have been made to the SPCA in Dallas, who cannot discuss much, given that the investigation is ongoing. But it never hurts to let them know we care what happens. Also, contact has been made with the Dallas news media. 

We know of at least one Dallas television station currently working on the story. Stay tuned. Justice for Titan!!!

Garland, Texas, City Council Meeting Tuesday June 5 7PM. 

If you are in that area, please make your voice heard!

Contact information for Garland, Texas, as well as news media in the area. 

Be aware the news media has been alerted and at least 3 TV stations are currently pursuing the case....

However, it does not hurt for them to hear from a lot of people! 

Thanks to Nat Krav Maga for the Garland information.

Cindy Burkett
3200 Broadway suite 240
Garland, TX 75043
phone number: 972-278-7276

Texas State Senators:

⭐️Senator Bob Hall

*Capitol Office;
PO box 12068
Capitol Station Austin Texas 78711
Phone: 512-463-0102
EXT E1.808

*District Address;
Alliance Building #2
6537 Horizon Road
Rockwall Texas 75032
Phone: 972-722-3131

⭐️Senator Van Taylor

*Capitol Office;
PO box 12068
Capitol Station Austin Texas 78711
Phone: 512-463-0108
EXT E1.708

* District address;
6301 Preston Road Suite 700
Plano Texas 75024
Phone: 972-398-9416

⭐️Senator Don Huffines

*Capitol Office;
PO box 12068
Capitol Station Austin Texas 78711
Phone: 512-463-0116
EXT E1.608

*District Address;
8222 Douglas Avenue Suite 675
Dallas Texas 75225
Phone: 214-239-6131

FBI Dallas

One Justice Way
Dallas Texas 75220
Phone number 972-559-5000

Dallas Animal Cruelty Unit

133 N Riverfront Boulevard LB19
Dallas Texas 75207
Garland specific: 972-205-3570 or 972-205-3545

Governor Abbott's Office
PO Box 12428
Austin Texas 78711 - 2428

Information and referral hotline: 800 843-5789

Office of the governor main switchboard 512-463-2000

TThese emails are directors of agriculture, zoonosis, the detective on the case, the city attorney and other important people that can influence change for these animals!.


The following news stations should be flooded as well:

☎️Call the following news stations to report 


☎️Call the following state representatives 

John Cornyn: 202-224-2934

Ted Cruz: 202-224-5922

🖋File report against vet- Autumn Paul…/Complaint%20Form%20-%20L…

🖋Report to media here…/investigates/got-a-tip…/287-184712998…/the…/2017/09/01/send-a-news-tip

If you can think of anyone else that we should contact please let us know! 

3200 Broadway suite 240
Garland, TX 75043
phone number: 972-278-7276

Thank you for all your help!


Investigation Underway After Dog Adopted, Then Found Dead - NBC 5

#PitBullDropOff | Know Your Meme

Everyone please share this petition......

"Due to unfair publicity and treatment  against pit bull dogs in shelters throughout United states apparently shelters somehow don't even bother to check any info about adopters or rescuer who adopting or rescue pit bulls"

Please we urge you to join us in our fight against animal abuse.....

You can start by signing our petition & sharing this blog.....

More to come.....

Friday, 25 May 2018

James Lang - arrested for "Animal Cruelty" after callously shooting his neighbor's pet pit bull.....

James Lang claims to have "tripped" while discharging his shotgun loaded with buckshot.....

Harley resting after the shooting Megan has created a GoFundMe to pay Harleys Vet fees as Harley was not "grazed" and will require surgery to remove the pellets.....

An incriminating video uploaded by the Langs in a desperate attempt to justify the shooting you'll note there's no mention of the investigating officer finding the firearm stashed behind a nearby shed after he panicked & tried to hide the weapon.....

As you can see the whole family has been traumatised by this violent needless behavior, Harley was not "grazed" he was shot and the little girl that lives with him will likely never forget an incident after helping her Mommy scrub Harleys blood off the walls.....

And floor! it was not a "graze".....

Image "Incident Report".....

Transcribed from the incident report.....

On Saturday, May 5, 2018 I deputy Thomas Stafford was on patrol in Sequoyah county, OK. I was dispatched to 100291 South 4711 which is located in Sequoyah County, Ok in reference to animal cruelty. 

I arrived and spoke with Megan James who stated she was inside her residence and her dog was outside the back of the residence where her daughter and little sister were playing. She stated she then heard two gunshots and her dog ran up to her with blood coming from his right shoulder area and appeared to have a gunshot wound. She screamed for her uncle to come to her location. 

Her uncle then went to the neighbors house which is approximately seventy five feet from Ms. James residence to speak with the neighbors. She told me that when he came back they had told her uncle that they didn't have to tell him anything. 

While speaking her I observed a blue in color pit bull that had an apparent gunshot wound to it's right shoulder area. I also spoke with Shane smith who stated he witnessed the incident when he walked off the porch of Ms. James residence. 

He told me that he had walked off the porch and observed their pit bull at the fence line digging around. He stated he called the dog and the dog headed to his location which was approximately fifteen feet from the fence. The dog stopped and began to sniff something and he then heard two gunshots. 

When he looked back for the dog, he observed him bleeding from his right shoulder. He also stated the bushes and tree branches were moving on the other side of the fence and he heard his neighbor James's voice. 

I went to the neighbors residence and came into contact with James and Jennifer lang. I read Mr. Lang the Miranda warning and he stated he understood his rights and wished to speak with me about the incident. 

He stated he was in his fifth wheel and heard Mrs. Lang screaming about a pit bull jumping up their dogs out past the barn. He said the dog was also chasing their chickens. Then stated the dog then came towards them in an intimidating manner. 

He grabbed his shotgun and loaded it with birdshot as he was approaching the smoker near the barn. Mr. Lang said the dog then stood up and acted aggressive. He yelled and swing the gun at the dog and it went back to messing with his dog. 

He fired "a couple of warning shots" towards the dog. The second shot he stated he "tripped" on something when firing and the rounds hit the tree. 

The dog at this time was not actively chasing any livestock nor being aggressive with Mr. Lang. He said the shots were only meant to scare the dog not injure it. I asked Mr. Lang where the gun was that he had used to fire the rounds at the dog. He was hesitant and said he threw it in the woods. 

I again asked him where the firearm was and he walked me to the North side of his property, Mr. Lang had placed the 12 gauge shotgun behind a wall and concealed it with leaves, I asked why he attempted to conceal the firearm from me and he stated " I watch YouTube." I advised Mr. Lang that it appeared as if he was attempting to be dishonest with me about the incident. 

Mrs. Lang then took me over by the barn where she said her husband had shot the dog. Next to the smoker, were two fresh spent 12 gauge shotgun shells. 

It appeared Mr. Lang had been firing to the south of where his dog was located into the wood line which is consistent with the statements of Mr. Smith and Ms. James.

James was arrested.....

The evidence found 2 days after the shooting a dead chicken.....

James Jennifer Lang joined The Pit bull Propaganda Machine Revealed where they recently posted & commented about a dream James had experienced not too long before the shooting.....





This is how Harley lets his Mom know he's finished going potty he's a typical goof ball.....

Harley playing with his human sister.....

Getting some loving from his Dad.....

It seems that participating in the anti pit bull group created by Jeff Borchardt and the constant fear mongering and exposure to brutally graphic memes & videos often featuring horrible victims images is affecting James's judgement.

Jeff Borchardt creator of hate group.....

But it's understandable given the lengths that group will go to in order to cause the extinction of "pit bulls"....

Here's a typical post from one of the admins Dennis Baker.....

James Jennifer Lang posted to the group about the shooting.....




Jennifer Lang..... admits she unblocked her Facebook victims so she could stalk them for "evidence".....

1st comment....

2nd Comment.....

3rd Comment.....

Shane Smith's alleged "killer pit bull" which typically isn't actually a pit but an Amstaff.....

Now a quick perusal of their Social Media posting habits reveals both seem to have been brainwashed by these hate advocates even supporting the latest of their gutter tactics.....

A post from their Facebook page promoting John Wildgoose. who recently started a gofundme to finance an advertising campaign in Michigan to fight new laws preventing municipalities from enacting Bsl (pit bull bans)....

John typifies all that is Bsl advocacy and is rumored to be involved in the recent hoax in which certain individuals claimed to be acquiring pit bulls off of Craigslist & shelters then having them euthanised or brutally killing the innocent animals themselves.....

And there's no need to expand on this screenshot below featuring Mr Wildgoose & a few other activists.....

Jennifer's Facebook page is chocablock full of anti pit bull propaganda......

These people literally start foaming from the mouth if anyone mentions Nanny Dogs & they regularly report pit bull owners posting videos/pics of their children interacting with their own pets to Cps.....

One particular incident involved an "4 year old girl feeding 6 pit bulls"

All of these so called victims advocates attack shelters seeking to disrupt shelters from helping pit bulls & there's even one masquerading as a rescue.....

They create memes using victims images without theirs or their loved ones consent.....

Jennifer refers to women who own pit bulls as "pit hags" in true anti pit bull activist style.....

The Facebook profile they both use confirms they both hate pit bulls & hold an illformed opinion that all pit bulls are dangerous "demon dogs".....

The members of the group regularly encourage & promote the abuse of pit bulls.....

The creator of the group Jeff Borchardt also known as MixMaster Bogart openly promotes animal abuse saying he was going to feed his new neighbors pet "antifreeze" if it "looked" like a pit bull.....

All of these people are delusionally dangerous & very disturbing individuals.....

This is the type of people who frequent this particularly nasty little hate group.....

They all use fake names & persons to reveal their true identities.....

They all feel it's their right to murder peoples pets.....

And it's not just the men of the group....

They will poison your pets.....

This one gets sexually stimulated watching a chinese butcher killing dog, only if it's a pit bull.....

This personal message (below) from the person features a link for the video featured in the above screenshot they truly are depraved.....

They all actively promote the art of deception truly nasty individuals.....

They even encourage this type of behavior using a Chihuahua as bait ti trigger an attack.....

What sort of gun did James stash behind the shed under a pile of leaves after shooting Harley?....

And as you can see they actively encourage each other to shoot pit bulls and claim it was in self defence.....

James Jennifer Lang are members of a particularly nasty anti pit bull activist hate group where members promote exactly this type of behavior every day and openly brag about killing "pit bulls".....

Jennifer is actually verbally ridiculing the arresting officer but if James truly thought his actions were justified why did he hide the shotgun afterwards.....

In my opinion Harley & his family are lucky he's still alive as opposed to rotting in a swamp or remote wooded area given the company the shooter keeps.....

There's been a rash of brutal abuse cases involving pit bulls being mutilated and their bodies dumped all as previously discussed by these hateful dangerous individuals.....

If you're in a position to help reach out to Megan and show some support in getting Harley on the mend & ensuring this shooter pays the consequences for his abhorrent behavior which clearly endangered the community....

23rd May '18, Jennifer again posted yet another long winded morally devoid defence of her husbands reckless use of a firearm which almost cost Harley his life on their Facebook page....

Please visit Megan's gofundme to raise the money to removed the birdshot still in his shoulder & I urge you to please follow the link to "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" where you can verify the content of the group.

If you do find the content disturbing please report both the group & any post sharing screenshots attacking/ridiculing pit bull owners....

The violence against our pets is only going to escalate if our courts don't starting handing down stiffer penalties incorporating confiscation of weapons particularly firearms & registration on violent offender animal abuser data bases.

We'll keep you updated as the situation develops.....