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Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Pit Bulls are they Genetically Predisposed Killing Machines! or just Dogs?

Along with landsharks, maulers , etc etc and all the other charming language BSL proponents use regularly they are trying to use half rights to prove full wrongs.
Genetics can play a part in aggressive tendencies but that’s not a breed thing or necessarily a species thing for that matter, aggression can be past through siblings and sires and dams etc etc, stallions and mares, billies and nannies etc etc, in other words siblings of an aggressive coupling could reasonably be assumed to be aggressive, possibly.
“Probably most people recognize that every dog breed results from human manipulation of inherited physical traits.  Until recently,  most people probably also recognized that much dog behavior is also a result of manipulating inheritance:”

Some dogs get a bad rap. Pit bulls, rottweilers, dobermans are all considered aggressive dogs, while labs and corgis are supposed to be fun and docile. But while breeding might have something to do with temperament, a recent study suggests that a far better predictor of how aggressive a dog will be is what their owner is like.”

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The next thing they keep rolling out is that killing/fighting to the death specifically is in the Dna,, whereas as like any other breed/type of they have to be trained and thousands being dumped would tend to indicate most won’t fight because you don’t end up at a shelter if you are willing to fight, in the fighting world you either end up dead discarded dumped like trash or a champion to be bred & profited from???


“The Training

All fighting dogs are conditioned from a very early age to develop what dog-fighters refer to as “gameness.” The scope and method of training varies dramatically depending on the level and experience of the dog-fighter. 
The following implements and techniques are commonly used to train the dogs:

Treadmill : Dogs are run on the treadmills to increase cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Catmill/Jenny : Apparatus that looks like a carnival horse walker with several beams jetting out from a central rotating pole

Springpole/Jumppole : A large pole with a spring hanging down to which a rope, tire,

Flirtpole : A handheld pole with a lure attached

Chains : Dogs have very heavy chains wrapped around their necks

Weights : Weights are often affixed to chains

Bait :   Animals are tied up while fighting dogs literally maul them often with fatal results.

Drugs/Vitamins/Supplements : Dogs are given vitamins, supplements and drugs to condition them for or to incite them to fight.
The dogs are trained against one another and against older, more experienced dogs. In the early stages of training, the dogs are incited to lunge at each other without touching and engage in quick, controlled fights called “rolls” or “bumps.” 
Once the dogs appear match ready, they are pitted against stronger dogs to test their “gameness” [ ] or tenacity in the face of exhaustion and impending defeat. 
If the dogs pass the test, they are deemed ready to fight.”

Well obviously they aren’t all born ready made killers the training starts from when they are puppies…and is extremely brutal if they’re willing ti fight but not very good they die, if they’re not willing to fight they get used as bait and then disposed of generally in secret in a ditch, the woods somewhere quiet and secluded never to be found.
So to try and say that the majority of “pit bulls” at shelters are dangerous fighting/killing machines when they’re more likely to be victims with most having been attacked by another dog or their human for not fighting the other dog
Please stop blaming a breed/type of dog for the deaths , typically this is a human problem not a dog problem, OWNER SPECIFIC LEGISLATION, is the only real way to stop the maximum % of dog bite related deaths.
The "Calgary Model"  has reduced not only dog bite related fatalities but overall dog bites have seen significant reductions too every where it's been enacted.....
More to come.....

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