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Thursday, 23 August 2018

"The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" exposed.....

The members of Jeff Borchardts anti pit bull activist group claim they're "victims advocates" whereas the groups content exposes their true nature they're animal abusers.....

Jeff's Facebook profiles all of which feature the same pictures & similar anti pit activist content.....

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Here's an example of a typical post from the group.....

Kala Durden

Link to post.....

Link to video..... EuamoPitBullofc/videos

As you can see Kala poses a question regarding a box of puppies.....

John A. Henneberger response is a relatively tame comment....

Kayjay Fowler  wants to display the dead bodies of the puppies on spikes attached to the roof of her house....

Anna Somma wants to throw the puppies in a garbage bin.....

David Bock would send these innocent puppies to the moon.....

Abby Campbell wants to kill them via lethal injection.......

Frank Gaal wants to burn them alive with a flamethrower.....

David James Walton would blow the puppies to pieces with a "hand grenade"!....

Amy Hughes would feed them poison hot dogs......

Michael Pompeii  would dump them in a river weighed down with a "ball & chain" to drown.....

Greg Woody too would burn these puppies alive.....

Carla Teresa White is a particularly nasty anti pit bull activist & she'd "choot 'em!"....

Ironically this group claims to be a victims advocacy whereas the group content exposes them as fanatical animal abusers disguising their petty pit bull extinction campaign as a noble cause trying to push breed specific legislation knowing only too well that Bsl fails to make communities safer.....

Another example of the group members true nature....

A quick perusal of the group confirms they encourage promote & applaud abuse against pit bulls......

They regularly post boasting of having killed neighborhood pets & as you can see over 120 members of the group reacted with likes, loves & laughter at the killing of a pit bull.....

According to the group members all pit bull owners are "degenerate thugs" who need to be treated with contempt.....

Anti pit bull activists claim anyone of average intelligence can identify a pit bull then they seem to demonstrate they're all below average intelligence by using images of American Bully's in juvenile memes attacking American Pit Bull Terriers.....

The fact is Jeff Borchardt is using the tragic death of his son Daxton after the infant was allegedly attacked by his babysitters "Boxer" mixes Jeff insists were "pit bulls".....

As you can see "Bosston & Penny" were "Boxer X" not pit bulls courtesy of screenshots from the Vets reports contained in the Coroner's report.....

What sort of person would use their dead child in a vain attempt to gain the notoriety his dismal Dj career failed to deliver?

Poor little Daxton would be rolling in his grave given the utterly disgusting behavior his father claims is done in his honor......

(RIP Daxton)

Are they victims advocates or deranged animal abusers?

More to come.....