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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Dogsbite and Pit bulls

Having been consistently told by breed specific legislation proponents that statistics were accurate when I insisted they weren't and being told promptly and quite rudely I was a nutter and to prove it so I've decided to take a closer look at the 2016 fatalities and see exactly how accurate they really are after all?

the first case involved the tragic death of young Tyler Huston which is listed as a pit bull attack.

Here's dogsbite post concerning the tragedy and as you can see they say all three dogs were pit bulls.

Tyler Trammell-Huston

Fatal pit bull attack, Tyler Trammell-Huston

9-years old | Linda, California

Tyler Trammell-Huston, 9-years old, was brutally killed by his sister's three pit bulls after she left him alone with the dogs. At the time of the attack, Tyler was staying with his half-sister, Alexandria Griffin-Heady, who hoped to "rescue" him from the foster system. Tyler was in protective custody, living at a foster home under the care of Sacramento County Child Protection Services. In October, CPS began granting unsupervised overnight visits with his sister and her pit bulls who lived in a small trailer that sat adjacent to a home where two of Tyler's siblings lived. Griffin-Heady had raised the pit bulls, a mother and two offspring, since they were puppies. She gushed about her pit bulls on social media and posted numerous photos of them. In a tearful press conference after Tyler's death, Griffin-Heady called her pit bulls "my babies" and "What made them do that I will never know." In late March, the Yuba County DA declined to bring charges. [source citations]
Date of death:January 3, 2016Chained:No
Breed of dog:Pit bull (3)Relationship to dog:Family
Sex of dog:MixedOwner of dog:Half-sister
Spay/Neuter:NoMultiple dogs:Yes
On/Off property:OnCriminal charges:No

Now a quick google search uncovers many stories covering the tragedy some call the dogs involved pit bulls like the ones below you'll notice it includes both dogsbite and Daxtons friends.

2016 Dog Bite Fatality: Boy Killed by His Sister's Three Pit Bulls in ... › Blog

Tyler Trammell-Huston (9) – Linda, CA – Killed By Sister's 3 Pit Bulls ...

California boy, 9, mauled to death by sister's pit bulls - CBS News

Whereas the majority of news outlets chose more accurately to replace "pit bulls" with the word dogs.

Sister in Yuba dog-mauling case: 'I will never forgive myself' | The 

 As you can see by the post

 below the dogs were mixed breeds

12 August 2014
So its offical. I'm keeping the two of them. Everyone judge and say what you like won't change my mind introducing Noah and not sure what I should name the little lady, been calling her Penelope because when she's born She looked like a pig although she no longer does so looking for a new name. Checking out Greek god names

Miles Quartermaine's photo.

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Kosey Wentz What breed?

Alexandria Shalaya Griffin-Heady Kosey they are staffordshire bull terrier red nose american pitbull German Shepherd mixes my girl is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier daddy was the pitbull and German Shepherd mix

So the dogs were about 5 different breeds she thinks and after all bare in mind this young lady is not a breed expert.
First time taking dogs to the beach. Coca is naughty on the beach so she doesnt get to come

And they look pretty much like mutts to me?
14 2024 when he turns 18 and graduating from High School I will imagine what he would have looked like crossing that stage. And his face beaming with happiness and pride, they will not. Around June 14 2016 around the time I would have been adopting him, I will think about how happy he was gonna be, and our trip to NY he wanted to take in celebration of the adoption. Going to the Empire state building and him giving me a kiss. I will cry. They will not. Thinking about his wedding day, what his babies would have been named and looked like. Right now he is a fun story to be made of examples and torn apart. It breaks my heart I failed him on January 3rd. But it kills me I cannot protect his death and how he is being exploited. I'm sorry to all the people I love and care about that have had to deal with this. I feel like I failed you as well. And thank you to all the people that have been so kind. You are all so beautiful inside and it means the world.

When the internet's pit bull obsessives grab ahold of something, they don't let go.

The Anti pit Propaganda Machine kicked straight into motion regardless of all the evidence they were pit bulls and this young lady was white trash and so they attacked her because she wouldn't join their kill all pit bulls campaign.

And dogsbite was leading the charge victimizing this poor young grieving sister. 
Significant update in the death of Tyler Trammell-Huston. Court filings reveal new evidence. His sister and owner of the pit bulls blames Tyler for his own death then takes to Facebook defending the breed.‪#‎NotMakingItUp‬

The blog tracks U.S. dog bite fatalities, dog bite statistics, severe pit bull attacks, breed-specific dangerous dog laws and dog bite victims' issues.

Jeff Borchardt was as classy as ever posting a Meme made from pictures he stalked from the victims sister's Facebook account in his own unique substandard manner absolutely no compassion or empathy.

They even stalked the victims Aunty's Facebook page accusing her of being a nutter and just wow family too
Here is a post by the Sister (Pit Bull Owner) of Tyler Trammell Huston, the latest fatal Pit Bull attack victim in Linda, Calif.
Alexandria posted: "Too all pit haters, or people who dislike the bread due to being violent., here is a fun fact. Anybody know what they were originally bread for? Anybody? The nanny... to look over and protect the babies."
14 months later her beloved Pit Bulls killed her 9yr old brother.This myth has killed many children, yet Pit Bull Advocates continue to spread it.

And here’s one of their most common techniques they attack an individual and then claim to be helping them while maintaining “pitnutters” are behind it all which is clearly not the case as you can see.
Tyler Trammell-Huston was violently mauled to death by his half sister’s three beloved pit bulls and people are outraged.
As always with pit bull attacks, the victim and the owner are being blamed. Pit bull apologists are saying Tyler must have done something to provoke the dogs, and people in general are saying Alexandria Griffin-Heady should never have left the nine-year-old boy alone with them on Jan. 4, in the small RV in Yuba County, California, where they lived.
Hypocritically, many of those crucifying her are the very same individuals who promote pit bulls as safe family pets and who “educate” others with various untruths such as the nanny dog myth. Griffin-Heady was part of their advocacy.

Tyler Trammell-Huston was violently mauled to death by his half sister’s three beloved pit bulls and people are outraged. As always with pit bull attacks, the victim and the owner are being blamed.

Here’s an example with Helga accusing their victim of being the stalker when it’s quite clear that this poor young lady is being stalked by the people claiming she’s the nutter.

I've read a comment regarding Alexandria Griffin-Heady, stating that she's guilty of trolling, cyberstalking, and that "She posted belligerent pictures of her pit bulls mocking the reports of vicious pit bull attacks."
I've seen the videos of her having lick-fests with her animals, and I saw the one loaded with misspellings where she repeated the nanny dog myth, but does anybody have screen shots of her trolling and specifically harassing victims as this comment implies?

Even the dog bite lawyers joined in on the feeding frenzy very questionable to say the least?
The District Attorney of the County of Yolo, California, failed to follow the law in deciding not to prosecute Alexandria Griffin-Heady, 24, the owner of the pitbulls that killed Tyler Trammell-Huston, 9, on January 3, 2016.
Griffin-Heady left the boy alone in her mobile home with three pitbulls, two of which were confined in a wire cage. She knew the cage...
See more

So if it wasn't bad enough that Alexandria lost her younger brother in a tragic accident then she had to cope with these so-called public safety advocates stalking her and cyber bullying both her and her family.
Tyler Trammell-Huston, 9, died from being mauled by three pit bull terriers in a house trailer in Yuba County, Calif., while his sister went to work for a few hours on Jan. 3, 2016. Alexandria Griffin-Heady has said she had never known her dogs to be violent. At a tearful news conference last week, she said she had promised to protect her little brother and would never forgive herself for leaving him alone. The dogs – a mother and two offspring – have been in custody at a Yuba County shelter since the attack; Griffin-Heady isn’t fighting the decision to put them to death. Andrew Seng - The Sacramento Bee

The Yuba County Sheriff’s Office is recommending that the district attorney chargeAlexandria Griffin-Heady in connection with the death earlier this month of her…

Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs I would like to see her charged and convicted. I would like the judge to recommend that her sentence be that she received mental health services to cope with a conviction of child endagerment and that she should do community service to spread the word about the dangers of pit bulls. However of she believes this is a freak accident and does not hold that view of pit bulls now, then she should be given time. There is a difference between people that own these dogs and people that own and promote them avidly.

Once again exposing their bully tactics stalking a victim and using her own videos in some twisted attempt at advocacy and trying to justify their own actions in stalking the poor young lady 
Fyi; just follow the link to her page it's not covered in pit bull stuff at all and never has been.
Before moving to California, Alexandria had been living in a hotel room in Florida with her pit bulls. Badeker said she had a love for pit bulls, believing they are unfairly "stigmatized and maligned." Alexandria's Facebook page is filled with images of her pit bulls, as is her YouTube page, where she refers to them as her "wolfpack."

At the time of the attack, he was staying with his older sister who was trying to "rescue" him from the foster system.
Since Lori got canned from her paying job she's hooked up with Culleen Lynn and created a new victims advocacy org which is basically all the same old groups and pages repackaged and wrapped and presented as something new that Lori uses to bully and stalk people and in this case a victim.
A CNN interview with Alexandria Griffin-Heady on the death of her little brother, Tyler Griffin-Huston who she was trying to save from the foster system and give a good life. Absolutely heartbreaking. I think of all the people who advocate so hard for pit bulls and truly believe with all their heart that they are just regular dogs like any other dogs - that was what this young woman believed too. She has oodles of YouTube videos and pictures of her beloved pit bulls Coca, Athena and Noah all cuddled up with her as well as her three cats. Her pit bulls had never displayed any signs of aggression - until they did frown emoticon
Every single fatal dog attack story belongs on CNN and other national media outlets so the general public learns the truth.

Officials say a 9-year-old boy was mauled to death by three pitbulls belonging to his sister while he was home alone with them. CNN affiliate KTXL has the story.

Lori and Jeff are pretty tight so she used his Facebook pit bull hate group to spread her message of hate even further at least 13 more people seen it. (PMSL!!!)  
No criminal charges will be filed against Alexandria Griffin-Heady, the sister of a 9-year-old Tyler Trammell-Huston who was mauled to death by her three pit bulls inside her trailer in January.
The Yuba County District Attorney's Office said the evidence gathered in this case showed two of the dogs were able to get out of a wire kennel they were kept in. The broken kennel was not something Griffin-Heady could have "reasonably foreseen,” according to investigators and therefore did not rise to the level of being criminally negligent.

No criminal charges will be filed against the sister of a 9-year-old boy who died from serious dog bites inside the woman's trailer.

Yet another of the pit bull hate pages in on what seems to be a coordinated campaign against this poor individual surely these people aren't using Facebook as a platform to launch hate campaigns?

Alexandria Griffin-Heady has said publicly her three dogs were never aggressive and that her brother had a good, playful relationship with them.
She told the deputy none of her dogs had been aggressive or bitten anyone, but that her brother did not know how to interact with her dogs and tried to wrestle with Noah to the point that Noah became irritated, growled and pulled away from him, the declaration says.
She said she had caught her brother behaving inappropriately with the dogs. "She has seen him kicking at them and hitting them with a shoe lace," the declaration says.
"Heady told me her dogs have attacked one other person before and that was her 4-year-old niece."
"I take great issue with the deputy's use of the word 'attack.' I hope this interview with my client was recorded..."
His client said the dogs were kissing the girl when she was knocked down and that she scratched her face on the ground, and that a dog accidentally scratched her.

"She has seen him kicking at them and hitting them with a shoe lace," the declaration says.

Every man and his dog had an opinion and usually based on the disinformation they got from dogsbite.
When she left him alone in her trailer home with three of her pit bulls to go to work, Alexandria Griffin-Heady said she failed her half-brother 9-year-old Tyler Trammell-Huston.
"I failed him, whether it's my fault, my dogs' fault, whoever's fault. I wanted to protect him, and I wanted to give him an amazing life," Griffin-Heady told FOX40.
Later that morning, Tyler was attacked by those dogs. Griffin-Heady said she never thought that would happen
Keith Shaw what say you now pit bull more excuses
Keith Shaw by the way he's dead.

And here we have Lori again this time-sharing Jeff's Meme he made using all the victims pictures without her permission once again demonstrating his willingness to stalk and bully women indicating he hates pit bulls more than he cares for any victims.
Alexandria Griffin-Heady babied her pit bulls. She loved them like they were her children. She believed the nanny dog lie. She proudly posted countless pictures and videos of them online. They were her beloved family.
Until they killed her precious brother, Tyler frown emoticon

These people claim to be acting in the interests of public safety whereas it's becoming increasingly clear they are simply trying to fore fill their secret wish to kill all pit bulls after all would legitimate victims advocates attack a victim in this manner?
These dogs clearly were not pit bulls so in this instance breed specific legislation would not have prevented this tragedy.
more to come.....

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