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Monday, 11 July 2016

Julia Lewis sharing dogfighting videos equals victim bashing?

When Julia's not busy changing news headlines she shares disgusting dog fighting videos in her Facebook pit bull hate group called "Dangerous Dogs"

Then her and her mindless friends rant and rave repeating all the garbage dogsbut is brain washing them with supplied by the washed up hack Merritless.

As you can see these sick people will use any/all victims in their sickening extinction campaign against pit bulls.

Actually Julia there's 36 breeds and types of fighting dogs and you'd already know that if you used google for anything other than sourcing news articles so you can change the headlines or sick dog fighting victims like this one below.

This is a list of dog fighting breeds originally developed for, or commonly used at some time in their history for dog fighting. Extinct breeds are included.

Source..... Wiki

These grab, hold and shake characteristics, and the way they relentlessly continue this action, are precisely what make pit bull type dogs so dangerous. That white dog looks spent.
No other dog has this inbred behaviour.



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Heidi Adkins Hilchey This ruined my day
Like323 hrs
Marie Chriscoe Sick sob's.
Like122 hrs
Gayle Stone Disgusting
Like122 hrs
Rachael Mills Omg that dog needs to die ....seriously it will do this to any dog....maybe even both dogs but I feel sorry for the white one....ppl are fucken lames....smdh and Heidi Adkins Hilchey me too.....
Like122 hrs
Deborah Phillips These are some very sick demonic people I'm sure one day God will deal with them I only hope.Maybe he will turn them in with all the animals they killed and done like this poor dog
Like422 hrs
Olivia Wyatt It's the fault of these stupid, violent idiots! How can they just stand around enjoying these dogs ripping each other apart?! I pray God will deal with these people who promote such wicked violence. Remember this: one act of violence leads to another act of violence. People who crave violence are never satisfied with just one act of violence--------they always want more!
Like121 hrs
Kathy Bark The tail wag, too....
Like320 hrs
Brandi Hodgson I posted this on the video:

I think they're just playing. The brown one is wagging his tail and the white one is smiling. Isn't that what people say their sweet pibbles do when they're happy?? They look like they're enjoying their play time.

Like415 hrs
Cindy Pinkham Pearce This is horrible who could allow this.. Unreal
Like120 hrs
Steven Mercado This is a disgusting taught behavior.... Humans are the reason these animals are like this. These people don't consider them pets.... But if you notice not one human was bit. That's because they are trained that way. Once these animals attack a handler they are put down. So these animals aren't trained to attack humans,no matter how much abuse they take from the handler.
Like20 hrs
Carol Miller This is genetically driven behavior and these dogs are not "trained" to do this any more than a Border Collie is trained to herd.

Pit bulls are bred for an activity so violent that it is a felony in all 50 states, and most of the civilized world. The criteria for inclusion into the breed/type gene pool was the desire and ability to attack unprovoked and to continue that behavior until death occurs.

Manbiters were never culled, nobody ever culled money. Many of the most desirable bloodlines are based on manbiters, Honeybunch, Zebo, Virgil, Bolio, Bullyson, and many others were known manbiters. Dogs successful in the pit went on to careers as breeding stock in the dog fighter's yard.

Like719 hrs
Brandi Hodgson You say they won't attack humans no matter how abused they are, yet pit bulls that have never been abused attack and kill humans, often young children and elderly people that have obviously not abused the dog. I'm not seeing the logic in your post.
Like416 hrs
Bill N Kristina It's the owners and the dog.
Like20 hrs
Dani Lavoie This hurts my heart. Not only do I find it disgusting that an animal could be so vile attacking another one in such a way but that anyone would stand by and watch this makes them equally as rotten. Just effing nasty and this goes against everything I believe.
Like118 hrs
Victoria Rouch Note the tail wagging. You can't train a dog to enjoy something. That's natural.
Like214 hrsEdited
Bill Hyslop You don't have to teach a pit bull to kill.
Like115 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking I started watching this and had to stop. It turned my stomach. I despise pit bulls and would like nothing better than to see the breed become extinct but allowing these dogs to attack one another is just sickening. What's even worse is that the people standing around watching this slaughter are actually enjoying it. The owners are just as dangerous as the pit bulls.
Like11 hrs

As you can see if you take the time to read their mindless ignorant comments these people are either extremely ignorant or intentionally lying in order to achieve their end game which is the death of all pit bulls either way they obviously don't know anything about dogs in general and particularly pit bulls or fighting breeds.

Regardless of their breed or type no dog is born knowing how to do anything other then breathe, eat, & drink! all dogs that serve a purpose have to be trained for that purpose yes they are born with instincts but not training quite obviously.

As you see these people clearly are either delusional or bold faced liars if you "google" how to train a pit bull to be a fighting dog here's a typical response;

About 680,000 results (0.72 seconds) 

It seems extremely strange that there's 680,000 results for an inquiry regarding training a pit bull to do something that Bill Hyslop claims you don't have to do confirming that Bill is a d*ckhead.

As I've stated many times and I've even asked all the top pit bull haters this question, Jeff Borchardt blocked me and ran off like the big girl's blouse he is and none of the other dimwits even tried to answer because the answer blows their whole campaign out of the water;

If pit bulls kill because of their "Genes" how is it that over 30 non fighting breed/types of dog have killed humans and if you're right how is it that any attacks involved non pit bull types?

The reality is that over 30 breeds/types of dog have been involved in human fatalities in fact throughout the last decade one person died each month every month as a result of an attack that involved a non pit bull type dog that in itself dispels their claims and reveals the short coming as of breed specific legislation which does absolutely nothing to prevent deaths involving non pit bull types, dogs that have tallied 128 deaths over the last decade.

Who are these people helping?,

well the fact is they are helping the dog fighters re-posting their gory deplorable fighting videos making them more income and virtually promoting such abhorrent videos and actions, these people are not safety advocates.

more to come......

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