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Thursday, 27 August 2015

Jeff Borchardt promoting junk propaganda, try doing something for the victims Boofhead??

Daxton's, this is not a legitimate source to be relying on and to say it's objective and informative are both mis-leading and wrong this type of book just adds too the myths and fear mongering surrounding this type of dog.

Assuming he's passed the bar exam Mr Beasley should be a competent law defender in America or any where in the world for that matter but to claim he's "objective" and/or an "expert" regarding American Pit Bull Terriers or dogs in general is a bit of a farce to say the least.

Please check out his facebook page this person seems to be on the kool aid and drinking his fill of it's all the "pitbulls" fault check it out for yourself....

This so-called expert seems to simply be doing what some humans do and that's take advantage of unfortunate and sometimes tragic situations hopefully he'll announce a worthy victims organisation to benefit from profits (not that there'll be a lot of profit to be had).

And I mean a legitimate victims advocacy nothing like Daxton's frends who seem to use donations to run newspaper ads attacking pitbulls and do absolutely nothing for actual victims.

Stop lobbying lawmakers, stalking people and trying to make a big name for yourself by running newspaper ads and do something for an actual victim or maybe even two, you know the sort of stuff legitimate victims organisations do??

just sayin................. 

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