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Friday, 16 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby - they're just not real smart obviously?

Nice try Marie but I think mine's funnier and a hell of a lot more accurate then your attempt which typically fails dismally, now Marie calls me all sorts of names including baby hater, victim basher etc etc etc....

The thing is I promote the "Calgary model" because it has unilateral support across the board from both animal organizations and the legal fraternity around the world as it's been shown to lower both bite instances and the overall death toll whereas breed specific legislation has absolutely no support other then pit bull haters like Jeff Borchardt, Merrit Clifton & Colleen Lynn all of whom are using the deaths of thousands of family pets to prosper and gain notoriety.

My comment is " If pit bull advocates brains were made out of leather, they wouldn't have enough to saddle a flea."
Tony Solesky So true spread the word.
Jeff Borchardt Ohhhh! Big words, Terry!
Lalania Worley *Laiden.* Typical illiterate pitiot.
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Futile attempt to make himself appear intelligent.
We already know nutters suffer from "statistical data denial syndrome" but in this loser's case the syndrome is compounded by his limited intellect.
Jeff Borchardt SDDS....I like it.
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Perhaps I should start a SDDS page dedicated to dog fatalities/injuries stats...
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Statistical Data Denial Syndrome[SDDS] -A mental disorder in which the sufferer refuses to believe proven factual statistical data, or cannot properly comprehend such data resulting in denial as well.
The most common people to manifest symptoms of SDDS are bully breed/pitbull advocates (they are in complete denial of/fail to properly comprehend the yearly 🐕 fatality stats).
Dan Saeger That's it, just throw insults at people who stand up in favor of BSL? I would say what about the victims, but then they would further suffer from victim blaming. Hate on us all you want hairy dolt, while your precious pit bulls continue to provide you with a terrible public relations problem.
Like41 hrEdited
Dana Renfrow The whole point of Willy Wonka is lost in Derpy Holt's attempt at witty memes.
Like316 hrs
Jeff Borchardt He has got to be THE dumbest pit bull "advocate" on the planet.
Like14 hrsEdited

As you can see the normal crew are there attacking and berating my intellect but the irony is I'm not the one that posted telling a 12 year old girl to smear her twat with peanut butter am I Jeff?

Nor was I stupid enough to post declaring I was going to poison neighborhood pets with anti freeze if they look like pit bulls like this am I Jeff....

The difference between me and Jeff are fundamental firstly the big difference is everything  post comes from legitimate science based sources as opposed to Jeff all of his disinformation comes directly from Merritless via which has to be the most unethical website on the internet and finally, I am not the one claiming to be an expert.

Now Jeff claims that his son being attacked by boxer mixes makes him a pit bull expert yet another demonstration as to the level of delusional this person is suffering.

As you can see Jeff seems content to blame everyone except the individual responsible for his sons death the baby sitter who took the child into the yard to play with her boxer mixes and got him killed.

Strangely the attack is alleged to have been sustained for 15 minutes and yet a witness working nearby at the time heard a commotion and didn't investigate as he claimed it sounded like children having a snow ball fight since when does an alleged violent and furious dog attack sound like children playing?

The fact is the baby sitter gives three different versions of what is alleged to have happened and none of them make any sense she claims the dogs attacked when she went into the back yard and yet all of the victims clothes were found in the dogs outside pen whereas the attack is alleged to have taken -place near the back door to the dwelling.

And lastly why did the baby sitter leave the victim naked alone bleeding and clinging to life laying on a cold hard wood floor in a room all alone while she made the 911 call, the first police officer attending the scene found the dogs still running loose and the victim in a different room to the babysitter alone.

Despite all of this the babysitter was not charged in spite of her negligence causing this child's death and not only that but Jeff installed her on the board of his new non profit which masquerades as a public awareness site but in reality promotes the extinction of pit bulls.

Daxton was left alone naked on a cold hard wood floor following the alleged attack and I've checked all the "trauma" care publications and not one of them suggests or advises leaving the victim in this state while waiting for help to arrive in fact they suggest you cover the victim and stay with them to keep them as calm as possible one is left wondering how being left in this way affected the child's chances of survival?

(RIP Daxton)

 more to come......

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