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Monday, 22 September 2014

Dog Hater Ellen Taft launches another effort to ban pit bulls from Seattle

Dog Hater Ellen Taft launches another effort to ban pit bulls from Seattle

Just as the groundhog comes out of its hole every February 2 to predict how long winter will last,Seattle's resident Dog Hater Ellen Taft pops up whenever a pit bull is accused of attacking someone and calls for legislation to ban them from Seattle.
The dogs haven't been caught, so no one actually knows if they were pit bulls, but Ms. Taft never lets facts get in the way of her efforts to rid Seattle of them.
If you don't know Ms. Taft, here is a quick summary of some of her antics:
Ms. Taft has problem with dogs, especially pit bulls, don't you think?
Fortunately, her attempts to exterminate "fighting breeds" have always failed.
Her latest effort is to use the publicity of the dog attack in South Seattle to get 100,000 signatures on a petition to Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, and Seattle Animal Shelter Director Don Jordan asking them to pass legislation with the same language as her failed 2008 initiative which would have banned "fighting breed dogs" from Seattle.
We need to show city officials that the majority of Seattleites are opposed to ANY Breed Specific Legislation that bans particular breeds of dogs from the city. We also need to ensure that they get more signatures opposing Ms. Taft's proposal than support it.
I'll post a petition to city officials you can sign either later today or first thing in the morning.
Meanwhile, The Stranger posted a poll asking people if they support a ban on pit bulls and other "fighting breeds" from Seattle. Right now about 60% of the respondents oppose it, which is great, but we can do better than that.
Please go to The Stranger's website and vote against Ms. Taft's proposal.

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1 comment:

  1. Just a thought...
    This Ellen Taft, Colleen Lynn and Kory Nelson (Denver, CO) and all their followers and goons: they are all the same- dumber than thumb tacks.
    Our organization is 10-square FOR destroying the illogic that is Breed Specific Legislation and the morons who support it, but they are not a threat compared to something like backyard breeding and irresponsible ownership when it comes to our beloved dogs.

    Just a thought

    Team Pit-a-Full
    Denver, CO
