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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Jan Smith--"Don't want us to defend our children and pets as we so choose, then keep your gipping mauler confined and away from us."

According to someone who lives in the area: "No, they are not victims of dog fighting, they are victims of an irresponsible owner who allowed her dogs to leave her property time after time which led to the dogs attacking and killing the neighbors' family dogs over a 3 month period. She did nothing to stop it, even after knowing what they were doing. The law was called every time and the people were told they couldn't help them, they would have to handle it themselves. ... If the owner had just kept her pit bulls confined, none of this would've happened. We also need much better laws on nuisance animals in rural areas so that people don't have to go through this."
Don't want us to defend our children and pets as we so choose, then keep your gipping mauler confined and away from us.
Nine pit bulls, one of them pregnant with eight puppies, were found shot to death on an interstate access road and Central Texas deputies are looking for the person who killed them.

Jan Smith Over 100 years of pit bull breeders making claims of their dogs being great with children, only to have their dogs turn and kill a child

March 23 · 
making the best pals for children since 1889

Jan Smith April 29 at 9:40am · Please note, I am NOT posting this editorial to start a discussion about gun laws. The point I'm making here is that if you plug 'pit bull' or 'aggressive dog' into the article instead of the word 'gun', you have a perfect description of what's going on with the inherently dangerous dog types.

Please note, I am NOT posting this editorial to start a discussion about gun laws. The point I'm making here is that if you plug 'pit bull' or 'aggressive dog' into the article instead of the word 'gun', you have a perfect description of what's going on with the inherently dangerous dog types.
"Andrew McClurg, a law professor at the University of Memphis, has written extensively on what he sees as a “right to be negligent” that has arisen from the failure of courts to hold negligent gun [fill in: aggressive dog] owners accountable."
Something's wrong when people who accidentally shoot kids get to keep their guns.
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  • Jan Smith I see a tie-in with the broader therapeutic culture, which has brainwashed people to see only the perp as a victim, caused the narcissism epidemic, made putting boundaries on anti-social behavior taboo, glorifies instant gratification, and made self-pity parties into a reason to let people get away with heinous acts.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Aaron Wood= Pit Bull hating Power Ranger

MMPR red work in progress