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Tuesday, 13 June 2017 attacking a Veteran calling his "Lab - pointer mix" a Pit Bull & questioning his service!

This is Kevin Mundy he's a war veteran and his ESA dog was involved in an incident on a delta airlines flight recently which has made international headlines.

This is Mr Mundy's Emotional support dogs he's a Lab retriever pointer mix according to all reports and he bit a fellow passenger twice on the face leaving the victim with facial injuries (required over 20 stitches). has posted about the incident claiming the dog is a pit bull mix and they also claim the dog is a "fake"service dog and they question whether Mundy is actually a war veteran.

Link to their post.....

Throughout the post dogsbite comments consistently insisting that Mundy is a "typical pit bull owner" despite the fact that he was visibly shaken by the whole incident and showed extreme remorse for the whole situation & his dog's actually a mixed breed mutt.

Dogsbite claims to have found a witness confirming the dog was actually a "pit bull mix" and runs with it as gospel in spite of the fact there's no actual confirmation the witness is even real....

Then they find a second comment on a different thread by the same individual and that seems to be proof enough for them in spite of the fact the alleged witness is expressing an opinion and makes no claims of being an expert.....

Now this is typical of dogsbite as they rarely do any legitimate research and they accept anyone's word so long as that person is saying what dogsbite wants to hear.

They attack this veteran based on little to no actual evidence they question his service and his integrity attacking his character.....

Dogsbite typically stalked Mr Mundy's Facebook and even posted a link to his profile in the comments section.....

That's where they found the picture of Mundy's service dog and posted it to the thread too.....

In spite of the fact that Mr. Mundy was visibly shaken by the incident and showed legitimate compassion the victim dogsbite insists he's a pit bull owner and his dog is a pit mix.

If you follow the link to their post you'll see all the nasty stuff the dogsbite followers are saying about Mr Mundy and his pet they truly are depraved individuals.

The fact is will most likely attribute this incident to pit bulls in their statistics as they regularly label mixed breed mutts as pit bulls in a vein attempt to bolster numbers in support of their pit bull ban.

Now we've all seen how media organizations use their "go to' words on news article to generate clicks just by adding the magic words "Pit Bull' to the headline circulation will be boosted however all the news organizations are reporting this as a "dog" attack.....

Examples of media coverage and headlines for this incident......

Emotional support dog attacks passenger on Delta airlines flight - NY ...

As you can see they all say "dog" not "pit bull" one has used the term mauled which I think is a bit over the top as the dog bit the man twice resulting in injuries requiring some twenty odd stitches to repair.

There was one extremely troubling post by a nutter accusing Mr Mundy of not being a veteran and saying his dog was a fake ESA dog.

This person also claims that Mr Mundy's "dog" "mauled" the victim as opposed to the actually reality which was 2 dog bites......

From this hater......

"Ronald Kevin Mundy Jr. claims his dog is an "emotional therapy" pet so he's allowed to drag it onto a Delta flight. The "emotional therapy" dog proceeds to immediately maul Marlin Jackson's face. TWICE!

The dog, described as a Labrador retriever-pointer mix (that, until I see better photos of this dog, looks to me like a Pit Bull mix), began growling shortly after Jackson boarded the plane and sat down, witnesses said."

Some people seem willing to lie and make stuff up to serve their purposes and dogsbite is certainly in that group the fact is this unfortunate incident involved a mixed breed mutt that dogsbite insists was a pit bull typically because that's what they do they lie and misrepresent situations all in the guise of victims advocacy when the reality is they hate pit bulls more then they care for any victims.

Despite claiming to be victims advocates a quick search reveals that dogsbite does not have one active initiative or program directed at or designed to help actual victims all their resources are focused on hating on pit bulls and their owners and promoting breed specific legislation which does nothing to address dog bite related fatalities involving non pit bull type dogs. (138 victims to non pit bull type dogs between 2005 - 2015) 

more to come.....


  1. It was a chocolate lab but I suppose that doesn't fit your agenda.
    Lying trash lies.

  2. 28 stitches to your face sounds like a mauling to me.
