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Saturday, 24 June 2017

Pit Bull owners of Wisconsin beware of Heidi she hates pit bulls and will use her car to turn your pet into a "speed bump"!

If you live anywhere near Saint Francis Wi. or Racine Wi. please be aware there's an individual out there that has an extreme hatred of pit bulls and fantasizes with her friends about killing them.

This is Heidi Schold.....

Allegedly there was an unrestrained "pitbull" out in front of her workplace so she snapped a picture and shared it to the pit bull hate group on Facebook called "Dangerous Dogs"

Now this group claims to be a victims advocacy or victims support group but a quick perusal soon dispels that as a fanciful claim.

Heidi frequents St Francis Brewery in Wisconsin.....

Link to post..... Heidi Schold

Heidi also frequents the Timers Beverage Center

Link to post ..... Heidi Schold

The post below is from the Dangerous Dogs Group where Heidi posted about the "pit bull" outside her work.....

Link to post..... "Dangerous Dogs"

In the comment section Heidi posts a comment claiming she was in her car ready to turn someone's pet into a "speed bump" simply because it looked like a pit bull, she hadn't mentioned that the dog had actually done anything other than be outside her work.

Heidi obviously has an irrational fear of dogs.....

Pat Jones.....

The conversation only gets worse from there starting out relatively mild but quickly deteriorating to abuse with Pat saying "dead pit walking".

Joy Bailey.....

Joy's the first one to mention firearms when she proclaims "target practise" and one other member agrees with her.....

Pat Jones.....

Pat's bizarre idea about putting a "pit catcher" on the front of his truck conducting 50,000 volts through any loose pit bulls when he hits them with his truck thereby killing them and turning them into "ghetto pigs".

And this is a victims advocacy group?

Thomas Wilkinson.....

Thomas suggest the picture would make a good ad for "conceal carry" recounting a theme we've all head before "just tell the cop they were charging you and you were in fear for your life" (even though you were obviously carrying a gun).

I've seen this recommendation before and that time the person commenting added that if it was a pit bull the cops would believe you.

Cyn Rzeznik.....

Then Cyn (Cynthia Neuman) one of the more nasty pit bull haters turned up and she didn't mess around suggesting straight up to just blow it's face off!

Then Pat chimes in saying about blowing off the dogs "locking" jaw in true foamer style.....

S. J. Martin.....

Then S J turns up and things quickly deteriorate into typical foamer fest with talk of having sex with dogs & featuring attacks on the pitiot of choice for that week. (This week it's mark)

As you can see Pat insinuates that an individual is visiting his neighbors pet for sexual encounters typically with these people it's peanut butter and pit bulls that gets them going but generally they tend to sway to the bizarre and brutal as you can see by their comments.....

Now I strongly advise against commenting on or sharing anything from these hate groups they are complete fanatics there's even one of them stealing peoples pictures of their pets interacting with family members and sharing to a page allegedly created in the interests of public safety.

Jeff Borchardt has three different Facebook profiles in the same name contrary to Facebook's own rules and he trolls the internet hating on pit bulls cyber bullying women and children.

Jeff Borchardt 1

Jeff Borchardt 2

Jeff Borchardt 3

Jeff Borchardt 4 

Jeff has created a Facebook page specifically to post the pictures he steals from the internet often these picture feature children and sometimes babies generallyto denegrate the subjects of the pictures often encouraging his followers to cal child protective services on the family.

Link to the post featuring this

Jeff's pit bull hate page is called "Pit Bull Breed Identification Photos - Owner Submitted" and he claims to be building a data base for "when" these pit bulls "snap" and maul their owners so the victims can't say they weren't warned!!

This is the nature of breed specific legislation advocates all of whom hate pit bulls and as you can see display some pretty strange & dangerous advocacy styles?

More to come.....

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