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Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Pit Bull hater Valerie Brown says - - " the miniscule number of people killed by other breeds " 138 victims between 2005 and 2015!!!

If you own a pit bull or even a dog that resembles a pit bull it's a fair bet that at one stage or another you've been noticed by Valerie Brown and her pack of misfits and possibly even had your facebook profile shared in their hate groups......

Valerie Brown created what she calls a victims advocacy group but anyone visiting the group quickly learns that it's actually a pit bull hate group "The Pit Bull Problem"

As you can see despite being active for years Valerie's group only has 465 members and I guarantee you the majority of them are fake accounts....

Valerie is a fanatic and she regularly posts ranting about the failure to get Bsl enacted across America and I responded to her rant with some factual information.

Link to actual post.....

I responded to Valerie's rant with some actual facts and explained the true reality of the situation.....

Link to post.....

Valerie has responded to my post with an absurd rant in which she states quite clearly that the 128 deaths involving non pit bull type dogs between 2005 - 2015 are "minuscule"!

Her rant is extremely long winded and incorporates 2 screen shots.....

Screenshot 1.

Screenshot 2.

Link to Valerie's post.....

Now Valerie claims she's asked for my source for the statistic of 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs and she claims I won't respond which is poppy cock I've told her many times and even posted screen shots like the one below confirming where the statistic came from and yes I do find dogsbut's number questionable and I suggest that this number is well below the actual number as dogsbut regularly calls mixed breed mutts pit bulls.

Source for Screenshot.....

It appears dogsbut has updated their statistics and  as you can see dogsbut claims there was 392 Americans killed by dogs in the 12 year period the study covers (ironically dogsbut is using the same numbers as me from what Valerie claimed were old statistics.)

They go on to claim that 254 of the victims were attacked by pit bulls now here's where it must get tricky for Valerie to subtract the 254 from the total of 392 victims which leaves you with 138 victims to non pit bull type dogs between 2005 - 2015 and as I've said given that dogsbut and their culty's regularly call mixed breed mutts pit bulls that number is in reality a lot higher.

Now Valerie denies being a cyber bully pit bull hating troll but the body of evidence against her is over whelming and anyone visiting her grotty little hate group can quickly confirm they're all crackpots spreading lies and disinformation in the form of propaganda.

Here's what Valerie considers to be victims advocacy.....

Valerie is posting people's profiles in her group in a vein attempt to somehow embarrass/bully them into not supporting pit bulls or opposing breed specific legislation she calls it her shame file.....

What Valerie and her friends do is cyber bullying plain and simple it really makes one wonder how any sane person could consider this to be in the best interests of the community....

As I've said any normal sane member of society most likely finds this type of behavior as distasteful as I do?

This seems to be normal operating procedure for these alleged victims advocates and despite loads of reports Facebook seems content to allow these buffoons to bully and harass anyone they want to bully.

To my knowledge none of these victims pets have been involved in any thing resembling an attack and as such they are being persecuted by these people for their choice of pet.

It's only a matter of time before Facebook faces a law suit for failing in their "duty of care" to legitimate users and allowing this sort of bullying to continue as   it seems quite clear that these people are using Facebook as a platform to launch hate attacks.

The fact is Valerie seems to be engaging in a battle of wits with me even though she seems to be totally unarmed.

As I've said in the past if brains were dynamite most of these pit bull haters couldn't even blow their own nose!!!!!!

If you recognize any of Valerie's victims please contact them and make them aware of this attack on them and their pets please.....

more to come.....

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