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Sunday, 10 December 2017

Dennis Baker and his fellow activists ambush a dog bite attack victim in true anti pit bull activist style.....

Dennis Baker..... is a typical anti pit bull activist enlisting cyber bullying and stalking as the main tools of his trade, I just hope he can lift heavy things cause he's just not real smart this one.....

The post calling for all his fellow haters to attack the victim of a dog attack because she won't join their "kill all pit bulls campaign", the victim was attacked by a dog she was rehabilitating resulting in extensive injuries requiring multiple surgeries inserting steel rods into her arms and she lost a finger in the attack too all of which means very little to these nasty individuals.....

Link to the hate group post..... 

Nicole Zimmerman kicks off the comments by calling the victim a "stupid woman" with very little reasoning given for her opinion which is obviously polluted by her hatred for pit bulls.....

Dennis Baker then chimes in saying the victim's obviously a "slow learner" which seems quite ironic coming from this moron.....

Renee Gabel then posts a screenshot she's stalked from the victims Facebook profile and you can all see what it says, these people claim to be victims advocates but I'd say it's safe to say that is a complete lie straight up given their outbursts against this particular victim & victims in general....

Kay Patterson posted this meme referring to the victims hair saying it's "pool urine color" demonstrating a complete lack of either compassion or empathy giving an insight to the true mindset of these hateful people....

Victor Anguiz actually shares a screenshot of his own comment from the thread in which he accuses the victim of being a bad owner in spite of being fully aware she had taken the dog in to try and rehabilitate the dog and is not the dogs owner.....

Mary Ann Craig  who is actually Mary Ann Redfern hiding behind a fake name because of her domestic abuse charges she faced in the past then goes on the attack demonstrating exactly how depraved she truly is gloating that her victim had removed her post after the constant cyber bullying from these alleged advocates.....

Mary Ann Craig make fun of the victim claiming she was an old fashioned "ass-whipping" and then she jokes about the victims injuries, not exactly the actions of a victims advocate?

Mary Ann Craig then celebrates her triumph by posting a childish meme in true anti pit bull activist style.....

Joanna Zizzi then joins the hate fest with a juvenile meme of her own celebrating the successful bullying of a victim.....

Dennis Baker, claims to be disappointed at having been blocked claiming to have wanted to debate "Cooper" whereas the reality is "Cooper" kicked his ass on that thread and countered all his disinformation with legitimate data and science based facts so Dennis is only fooling himself.

Mary Ann Craig then again gloats about shutting the thread down typically & Michelle C Ryan bad mouths "Cooper" and claims that Dennis was the winner when in reality Dennis is a ding bat wanker with a big mouth and not a lot to back it up typically.....

Mary Ann Craig then posts a celebratory meme inferring all pit bull owners are fools whereas the reality is her and her hater mates aren't real smart obviously.....

Mary Ann Craig post another juvenile meme rejoicing her triumph over a victim of a dog attack.....

Dennis Baker then gloats that many of the people on the thread are using his name in comments and he's going to report their "rookie" move as a lot of people may not be aware when responding to someone's comment on Facebook it sometimes "tags" the person you're responding to but unfortunately if that person reports your comment there's a fair bet Facebook will remove your comment and place restrictions on your account.

All the anti pit bull activists know this and troll the internet baiting pit bull owners into commenting and then reporting their comments it's one of their main tools for shutting up pit bull owners and anti Bsl proponents alike.....

Rachel Smith (Rachel Simas) goes on a rant saying it's "disgusting" to strike someone while their down she then goes on to attack the victim much the same as most of her fellow hate group members

Dennis Baker then claims that it's pit bull owners that lacks both brains and morals quite ironically considering he's the one attacking a victim with mindless and tasteless memes and disinformation.....

Laura Marue joins in taking great joy in the victims grief in true hater style and yet she too claims to be a victims advocate when clearly she is not.....

Mary Ann Craig just seems to drivel on and on I'm astounded that even her own hater mates can stand her honestly.....

Mary Ann Craig then has another long winded rant attacking the victim for not denouncing pit bulls and joining in on their hate fest.....

Susie Woodward then brags to the group that she is "trolling the hags page" in true hate form.....

Dana Cruze then pronounces that the victim allegedly works for "Best Friends" indicating she's trolling the victims Facebook page too.....

Jeff Borchardt demonstrates exactly how much empathy he has for this particular victim and that's absolutely none obviously which is quite ironic as he wines about being "victim bashed" daily trying to illicit sympathy from his fellow haters.....

Susie Woodward demonstrates once again the true mindset of these so called victims advocates exclaiming that " this is going to be fun" and she's talking about stalking and cyber bullying a victim.....

Jeff Borchardt once again demonstrates his complete lack of compassion for dog bite related victims that won't join his pit bull extinction campaign.....

Nancy Perdue again seems to care little for the victim scalding her saying next time it might be "her legs or your throat".

Tom Mead again seems to care little for the victim willingly using her in his hate campaign demonstrating the typical mindset of these alleged victims advocates.....

Nigel Gough takes advantage of the post for a bit of disinformation promotion  and attacks the victim saying she's stupid.....

Jeff Borchardt in true Jiffy style attacks "Cooper" knowing full well that "Cooper" can't respond because the Dj in true coward form has his victim blocked.

The fact is Mr Cooper actually posted many comments most of which were accompanied by links to their sources none of which included that man in Jeff's meme (another one of Jeff's many victims), the fact is not one legitimate animal organization in the world actually supports or promotes breed specific legislation and that's why the Dj's struggling to get it enacted and that's why he and his cronies have to make up all this other Bs allegedly supporting their hate campaign cause in reality they have little to no support from the community as a whole.

Anyone that's been exposed to these demented individuals quickly realizes their whole hate campaign revolves around lies, disinformation and emotive memes using victims pictures without their owners permission.

They are truly delusional because they act this way every day on the internet but somehow think that the broader community thinks they are legitimate victims advocates whereas the reality is the broader community sees them for the dangerously ignorant fanatics they seem to be given their constant inappropriate behavior.

Jacqueline Bedsaul Johnson is a loving big heart-ed woman trying her best to save countless lives and rehabilitating problem dogs and she has a major following among her piers who all view her as the loving caring individual.

She doesn't deserve to be treated this way by these sick individuals as she tries to recover from a brutal attack which left her with multiple serious injuries as a result of a dog attack.

Now that the original post has been taken down they're attacking her on her won Facebook profile....

Hollie White shares a link to one the many grotty little hate pages these people have created in their kill all pit bulls campaign.....

Dana Cruze shares another victim whining about helping victims while she ironically attacks a victim, she's one of the more nasty pit bull haters.....

This woman most definitely doesn't deserve to be bullied by these people and it's time that every one of the victims of these bullies stand up and make Facebook remove them and their nasty hate groups once and for all we're tired of being bullied and maligned by these delusional dangerous individuals and maybe Facebook needs to be hit with a lawsuit to cause them to finally meet their obligations in relation to their "duty of care" to all the legitimate Facebook users that these people bully daily.

Please follow the link to Jacquelines's "Gofundme" and donate to help her make a full and timely recovery from her injuries so she can continue all the great work she does to make the community a safer place for everyone.....

Please help show these sick weak minded individuals all the support Jacqueline has in the community by sharing this blog to make everyone aware of the tactics of these alleged victims advocates.....

More to come.....

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