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Saturday, 2 December 2017

"Heather Landry" = Cyber Bully, Stalker & Anti Pit Bull Activist......

Heather Landry is one of a small minority of fools that seem to consider stalking and cyber bullying victims to be in the best interests of the community.

Heather is using Leonard Ashford's tragic loss of his pet Chihuahua in a tragic incident in which she tried to take Rusty's piece of jerky and Rusty snapped at her making contact with her head killing the poor little girl.

The post.......

Link to hate post .....

As you can see Heather seems to be using this tragedy in her hate campaign even though there's absolutely no confirmation whatsoever that Rusty is actually an American Pit Bull Terrier.....

Heather has stalked this poor mans Facebook page stealing pictures to be meme'd and used in her hate campaign in true dogsbite culty style.....

Debbie Wilson chimes in confirming she's allowing her hatred for pit bulls to pollute her mind claiming that Rusty has a demon look in his eyes whereas us normal people only see the loving adoring look on his face.....

Heather Landry  doesn't miss a beat stalking and stealing all of Leonard's pictures of his beloved pet, Heather and her friends are attacking Leonard as he refuses to denounce pit bulls and call for their extinction .....

Heather Lanford even shared a link to her victims profile Leonard Ashford, so all her hater mates can join in on stalking this poor man, please visit Leonard's Facebook page and show him support in this time of grief.....

Von Dunn jumps straight on the hate train sharing an image he stalked from a victims Facebook page demonstrating a complete lack of empathy for victims.....

Lisa Layton throws in her 2 cents worth and once again displays a complete lack of either empathy or compassion for the victim or her owner.....

Von Dunn then posts some spam from the scam site created by Lynn media to further perpetrate their lies and disinformation.....

Please mark posts like this as spam in an attempt to rid social media of this scourge.....

Von Dunn then shares some random baby with a dog screen shot he'd stalked from somewhere further confirming his willingness to use innocent parties in his putrid hate campaign against pit bulls.....

Von Dunn continues to post victims pictures demonstrating once again that he has little to no compassion for anyone other then  himself needlessly exposing babies to his fellow haters.....

Mary Ann Craig who I believe is actually Mary Ann Redfern under a fake name as most of these alleged victims advocates have numerous fake accounts they use to cyber bully and stalk pit bull owners and actually that dog was one of three in the house hold but was NOT involved in the attack on the baby.....

Heather Landry then thanks all of her fellow haters for helping her to stalk victims in order to make emotive memes from their stolen pictures in true anti pit bull activist style.....

Von Dunn then shares some of the propaganda created by one of their hate pages but the one recurring theme seems to be posting pictures without any links in support of said pictures, so essentially the pictures could have come from anywhere.....

Von Dunn then shares a meme which features Mia & Niko, now unfortunately Mia is a victim alright but there's only one slight hitch Niko was 130 lbs and clearly not a pit bull but that doesn't stop these nasty people from sharing her image claiming she was a pit bull victim all without the consent of her parents.

Mia has suffered enough without having her image used without her permission in this way.....

Heather Landry exclaims that Von's meme is really good totally ignoring the fact that the dog wasn't even a pit bull which is typical behavior in relation to what these people call victims advocacy.....

Von Dunn then shares a meme featuring children once again and you can bet there's been no request for permission to use these images as these people consider it their right to bully and stalk anyone they please.....

Von Dunn seems to confess having children pictures on his phone and one has to wonder how he feels he's benefiting these victims by sharing their images in this manner and without their consent......

Heather Landry proclaims that they get a better effect by sharing pictures of children and pets all without their parents consent typically.....

Von Dunn obviously considers pictures of people babies to be fair game if they share it publicly whereas the reality is he's a stalker and a cyber bully, how could it possibly be seen to be beneficial to this infant to have their image shared in this way.....

Von Dunn as I've said seems to think he's helping this victim by sharing her image to all of his anti pit bull activist mates.....

Nicole Zimmerman demonstrates a typical complete lack of either compassion or empathy for this victim in true hater style.....

Heather Landry confirms that her victim changed the privacy settings on his post to "friends" only after being attacked by her hater mates which means she obviously has a fake account on his friends list in order to steal his images to share in her hate campaign.....

Accompanying image is Leonard with Bella sitting on his shoulder previous to the tragic accident that took her life.....

Heather Landry

"Bella" RIP little darling.....

Jenny Othman then posts a meme again demonstrating the anti pit bull activists hate campaign revolves around stalking victims, meme'ing their images then sharing them in their hate groups and clearly children and babies are fair game in their book.....

Staci Scheiwiller encourages her fellow stalkers to keep up the good work in true dogsbite culty style.....

Nancy Perdue shares the propaganda meme relating to poor little Mia who was attacked by an 130 lb mixed breed mutt called Niko, the fact is this tragedy involved a poorly supervised child and a female dog in heat on the scene at the time of the tragedy but typically the haters are trying to make it all about the breed even though Niko definitely was not a pit bull.....

Heather Landry calls the meme "perfect" in spite of the fact that it's a complete lie which is nothing out of the ordinary when relating to these so called victims advocates.....

Nancy Perdue then continues to demonstrate her willingness to use child victims in her hate campaign without their consent which is nothing unusual for anti pit bull activists.....

Nancy Perdue then shares a meme which attacks individual pit bull owners for claiming that all pit bulls were good based on their own experiences whereas the anti pit bull activists willingly label all pit bulls as dangerous based on their own individual experiences with dogs that most likely were not even pit bulls, they're hypocrites to say the least.....

Heather Landry  asks if all the children featured in the memes are dead & Nancy Perdue claims most are in spite of having absolutely no proof their deaths even involved a dog attack let alone actually proving they were even attacked in the first place.....

Nancy Perdue then shares another image featuring a baby claiming the dog pictures with the baby killed the infant whereas the dog was one of three dogs in the house when the baby was fatally injured but was not the dog involved.

The dog involved had been adopted 6 months earlier and was a pit bull "mix" but these fools label all pit bull mixes as being pit bulls in a futile attempt to justify their stance against pit bulls.....

Keith De Cesare thinks stalking and sharing victims pictures without their consent is sad but "effective" seemingly feeling that having the victims name in the meme in some way "corroborates" the meme as being factual as opposed to actually posting a link to confirmation naturally as most of their claims are without foundation.....

Julie Tran is one of the more nasty haters she takes great pleasure in murdering neighborhood pets and other small native animals then stuffing them & staging them in extremely bizarre settings, as you can see she too cares little for actual victims willingly sharing this victims image with scant regard for the victim herself......

Keith De Cesare again harps on about featuring the victims names in some bizarre attempt to justify their stalking and cyber bullying.....

Dana Cruze demonstrates her complete lack of compassion or even anything resembling compassion claiming that "Bella" was decapitated whereas typically that is complete garbage.....

Alexandra Edwards then compliments everyone on all their hard work indicating they find it taxing to stalk and cyber bully people while claiming to be victims advocates......

This behavior is nothing unusual when relating to anti pit bull activists who consistently stalk and bully both pit bull owners and dog bite related victims while claiming to be acting in the best interests of the community.

They persistently mislabel mixed breed mutts as pit bulls in their lust to prove that pit bulls need to be extinct and as you've seen they regularly cyber bully and attack pit bull owners while claiming to be victims advocates.

These people support and promote breed specific legislation claiming that only pit bulls attack and kill humans whereas the reality is over 35 breeds and types of canine have been involved in fatal attacks on humans throughout history.

In Fact in America in 2016, 65% of the dog bite related fatalities actually involved either non pit bull type dogs or mixed breed mutts neither of which are targeted by Bsl leading to an elevated death toll for the third year in a row.

The truth is these so called public safety advocates promote legislation which allowed 128 people mostly children to be killed by non pit bull type dogs between 2005 & 2015, just to put that into perspective that's one victim per month each and every month for a decade.

Legitimate victims advocates around the world all support and promote "The Calgary Model" which has stemmed both dog bite instances and dog bite related fatalities where ever it's been enacted extending protection to the community from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous pit bulls......

More to come.....

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