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Monday, 11 December 2017

Von Dunn - anti pit bull activists try and get woman fired for responding in kind to their hate speech.....

Von Dunn and a select few have conspired to have a young woman fired from her job for pm'ing one of their members.....

Link to post..... Hate post

The first thing you'll note that none of them ever confirm what was said to this young lady to trigger this response typically with anti pit bull activists there's nearly always a threat involved or just applauding the cruel death of eith a pit bull or their owner.....

Von Dunn is the first to comment on his own post claiming the screen shot pm was sent to a victims mother Sarah May (Elaine May). she is a particularly nasty anti pit bull activist who stalks the internet baiting anyone and everyone opposed to breed specific legislation as that is the haters main chance to make pit bulls extinct.....

Von Dunn posts a screenshot claiming that other people have also contacted her employer but he's telling lies as the only people reporting this woman are the members of this hate group.....

Mandie Leigh celebrates the actions of her fellow group members as these people seem to want everyone else except them held responsible for their actions.....

Jt Harvard calls for all the group members to contact their victims employer and demand she be fired.....

Jt Harvard (Johnna Fernbach) then posts a screenshot allegedly from their victims employer confirming receipt of her complaint and advising of an investigation in to the matter....

Lisa Layton confirms where to send their complaints.....

Cyn Rzeznik ( Cynthea Neuman ) refers to her victim as "it" announcing their victim was walked off her job by her employers.....

Von Dunn then also refers to his victim as "it" when exclaiming jubilantly that she's been fired & Cyn Rzeznik confirms the Anne Marie Rogers sister went to their victims place of employ personally to insist their victim be fired calling her a "pitophile".......

Anne Marie Rogers confirms that "it" got walked off her job after Anne Marie Roger's sister personally went to her job to complain.....

Cyn Rzeznik exclaims that she wishes Amr's sister had recorded the incident obviously taking great pleasure in the misfortune of others.....

Kay Patterson is keen to learn more details as she's elated that they got this young woman fired from her place of employ......

Jt Harvard mocks the victim claiming she's lying after she claimed her phone had been hacked......

Anne Marie Rogers reiterates that she's actually not sure if the woman has been fired in spite of previously claiming she had been dismissed......

Jt Harvard concurs with Amr hoping that her employers deny her unemployment.....

Von Dunn then asks Amr to let the group know if she turns back up at work as I'm assuming their bullying of this woman will then continue.....

Anne Marie Rogers proclaims victory for "teamwork" in true hater style......

Von Dunn claims he's never contacted anyone's employer before which is complete nonsense as this type of behavior is typical of these alleged victims advocates.....

Cyn Rzeznik then goes on a rant exposing her true nature which is dark and dangerous as she seems to be a really disturbed individual......

Von Dunn then goes on a rant of his own claiming to be above average IQ in spite of the fact that he exposes his true ignorance daily in this petty hate group......

I think we should take a bit of a look at the types of things the main players may have said to provoke their latest victim into their trap, their main tactic is to troll the internet making nasty comments about both pit bulls and their owners in an effort to get incriminating screenshots that they then use against their victims as we've seen in this case......

Von Dunn who posted rejoicing their latest conquest.....

1st Example.....

Von misrepresents an incident at his home intentionally lying to cause more expense for the dog owner and put their pet at risk of being labeled as "dangerous".....

2nd Example......

Von regularly lies and misrepresents attacks as having involved pit bulls when in reality as in this case the dog involved, "Niko" was an 130 lb dog the anti pit bull activists claim was a pit bull knowing full well pit bulls grow to a maximum weight of 65 lbs for large males so this dog was #notapitbull obviously.....

3rd Example.....

Von seems to have some extremely strange ideas as you can see he calls pit bull owners "pitophiles" and he claims that pit bull owners are more of a risk to the community then "pedophiles" which is complete nonsense and utterly stupid considering he claims to have a higher then average IQ, clearly that's a lie too obviously.....

1st Example......

Cyn Rzeznik regularly makes comments like the one below and yet she accuses pit bull owners of being the dangerous unbalanced individuals when clearly she a psychopath.....

2nd Example.....

Cyn as I've said is one very disturbed individual and as you can see she promotes the killing of pit bulls by any means necessary including lacing "meatballs" with poison......

3rd Example.....

Cyn has a second Facebook page in her real name and as you can see she advocates for the killing of pit bulls while claiming to actually be a victims advocate.

All of these comments are posted for the illicit reason of "baiting" pit bull owners into saying something that they can use in their smear campaign against pit bulls owners designed to justify their innappropriate behavior.....

1st Example.....

Anne Marie Rogers runs a rescue and brags about using her rescue to kill pit bulls, there were allegations recently that she talked owners into releasing their dogs to her and then she went and had the dogs killed for no other reason then they were pit bulls.....

2nd Example.....

Anne admits to having previously run a "Rotti" rescue where 95% of the intakes were actually killed, she's not a nice person it seems that she was fired from her animal control job for having an affair with a workmate and then sued the council for wrongful dismissal and won a hefty payout for her troubles compliments of all the residents rate payers of the area.....

I'm asking all of my advocate friends to contact "Ace Hardware" and make them aware their employee was most likely provoked by these depraved and extremely demented pit bull haters.

Great Lakes Ace Hardware is allegedly investigating this incident and needs to know the kinds of things these individuals do to provoke their victims prior to taking these screenshots  in order to cause people to respond in kind to their hatred.

The fact is that comment was made via private message and was only exposed to the public eye after these people decided to make it public for the express purpose of going after this young woman.....

I urge all pit bull owners and anti Bsl advocates to not be drawn into their crazy games, name calling & juvenile antics as that's exactly what they want and live for, a reaction......

More to come.....

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