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Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Djuana J Flowers (Hayes) - Public safety advocate or anti pit bull activist?

DJuana J. Flowers (Hayes) from Beaumont, Texas.....

Link to post.....

Jeff Borchardt was the first to post a gif and his was pretty passive in comparison to the type of stuff he usually posts, ie: he posted that if a new neighbor moves in and their dog looks like a pit bull he's going to feed it antifreeze to poison it.....

Posted from Jeff's Dj page Mix Master Bogart

He's also apologized for telling a twelve year old girl to smear her "twat" with peanut butter and hop into bed with her pibbles, he claims to be a public safety advocate whereas he presents a clear and certain danger to any community he lives in obviously.....

A Screenshot of the comment to the 12 year old girl.....

Jeff Borchardt

Lourdes Maggie Moriera-Caveda is a relative newcomer to the scene and quite likely a fake account as these haters are synonymous with having multiple fake Facebook accounts they use to troll and stalk both pit bull owners and anyone that opposes breed specific legislation.

Kelsey Rockwell (Kelsey Timm) another relatively new addition to the anti pit bull activist group and as you can see she'd punch the dogs, which I wouldn't advise to anyone.....

Diana Serna posts her gif indicating she'd shoot the dogs  with a pistol.....

Diana Serna posts a second igf with narrative to the effect that it's quicker to just shoot the dogs as opposed to contacting animal control......

Sybil Spach is one of the more seasoned members of the group having been an active hater for many years & she posts a gif indicating her weapon of choice is an semi automatic pistol.....

Jason Lee is obviously a star wars fan and would use a lightsaber to dispense with the dogs.....

Randy Jones favors the hands on approach of stabbing the dogs as opposed to shooting them like the other activists.....

Dana Cruze posts a walking dead gif featuring the latest bad guy from the hit apocalyptic series.....

Dana Cruze then posts another gif showing she'd set the dogs on fire with a flamethrower, Dana seems to be one of the more disturbed anti pit bull activists..........

Sj Martin (Stacey Martin) then posts that she was going to post the same gif but Dana beat her too it.....

Sj Martin then posts an equally disturbing gif featuring a person using a flamethrower too.....

Djuana J Flowers  then comments exclaiming that she didn't see the bit about posting a gif in response to seeing these two dogs come over the top of the fence of their pen & Robin Gayle Jakubiec claims the whole post and all the comments are "magical" demonstrating exactly how delusional these individuals truly are considering murdering peoples pets to be "Magical".....

Myrna Mangual also a relative newcomer and most likely a fake account of one of the haters she posts a gif featuring the little girl from the Adam's Family, Tuesday indicating she'd slit their throats....

Joshua Gloner hit the scene running in recent times he's been regularly posting videos he secretly shoots of community members walking their pets and in his gif we see a fictional character using a submachine gun indiscriminately.....

Randy James posts a black rights gif, "by any means necessary" and it's in keeping with the theme of their alleged victims advocacy which appears to be driven by hate and spawned from mental illness.....

Anna Somma posts a gif featuring a movie actress holding a huge mercenary combat knife indicating she'd stab the dogs obviously.....

Raven Myers (vulpeshyena) posts a gif showing she really doesn't care how so long as the dogs get a "dirt nap" another words she'd murder the dogs.....

Tanya Edwards-Barnes is obviously over medicated or drunk as she posts a victims pic and exclaims to shoot the "mother f*cker"......

Tanya Edwards-Barnes then posts a gif confirming her weapon of choice when dispatching the dogs would be a semi automatic pistol....

Amber Woods (imjustpeachybaby) ups the anti posting a gif featuring a rocket propelled grenade launcher which is disturbing to say the least.....

Amber Woods then post another gif this time featuring a nuclear explosion which seems a tad excessive.....

Christopher David Fashaw another newcomer post a gif featuring a disturbing incident of animal abuse in which a man physically attacked a Kangaroo indicating he cares little for animal welfare if he's willing to use gifs of this nature.....

Anyone visiting these hate groups can quickly disseminate that they're not about victims advocacy they're about hating on pit bulls and their owners obviously as the majority of posts in the group are attacking Rescues, Shelters, Owners and anyone supporting pit bulls or opposing breed specific legislation.

The fact is these people celebrate and promote the death of pit bulls by whatever means necessary while claiming to be victims advocates and are obviously responsible for the spate of animal abuse cases we're seeing in the media involving pit bulls in recent times.

In recent times a number of the anti pit bull activists have claimed that they have "Ironclad" facts supporting their argument whereas the reality is this is the type of stuff they post and I don't know about you all but I'm seeing childish hateful memes supporting the death of pit bulls?

Their whole hateful pit bull extinction campaign revolves around this type of dangerous childish behavior they employ bully tactics to one and all that oppose and expose their claims for the Bs they are and in reality they have little to no support from the community.....

More to come.....

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