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Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Rudolfa S Wolfer is the latest anti pit bull activist to engage in "Victim Bashing"......

Yet more cyber bullying from alleged victims advocates this time they're crucifying a victims father for not grieving properly according to them.....

Mark Harrison

The Post and as you can see Mark is wanting to dictate to the victims father how he should be grieving.....

Link to post in hate group....

Amber Jindra is the first of the hate group members to jump on the bandwagon posting a screenshot she stalked from the victims Facebook page which is from months before the tragedy and has little to nothing to do with the tragedy.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer is stalking the victims page and sharing screenshots back to the hate group....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then makes all sorts of allegations about the victim based solely on what he gleaned from stalking his social media account.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then exclaims that he wants to assault the victim too.....

Sara Zilm then accuses the victim of being "Special" in true hater style.....

Mark Harrison then asks what CPS is doing about it as these people regularly contact Child Protective services and report parents for simply letting their pets interact with their children.....

Cynthia Neuman who is a particularly nasty anti pit bull activists then joins the conversation calling the victim "White Trash" which seems quite ironic coming from her......

Brian Long then comments saying it's too bad the dog didn't kill the father instead......

Dee Kern then throws in her two bobs worth of propaganda.....

John A Henneberger.....

Posted about the attack too.....

Link to post....

Mark Harrison is the first to comment on this new thread calling the victim's father a "mouth breathing buffoon".....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then has a big old rant about the victims father and visitation and blames the father for leaving the child with her grandmother while he ran some errands.....

Dee Kern then goes on a huge rant claiming the father was on his way to a strip club and accuses him of only getting access to his child so the grandmother can see her all without an ounce of evidence to support her in true anti pit bull activist style.....

Paula Brown (Paula H Bolanos) then joins the victim bashing accusing the father of "neglecting" his child once again not a shred of proof or evidence to support these claims.....

Carla Teresa White has a big rant and to be honest with you I'm struggling to comprehend the point she's trying to make to be honest.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then posts to the group again this time posting all the screenshots he stalked from the victims page.....

Link to post in hate group....

Rudolfa S Wolfer post a screenshot and to be honest I can't see what his problem is with a father posting asking people if they want to bring flowers to his daughters service.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then posts a screenshot of someone abusing the father in this time of grief.....

Brandi Hodgson then attacks the father for not grieving properly too.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer goes on another big rant questioning the victims IQ and despite the numerous mentions of the fact that the father only had the child for visitation he claims the mother must be a kook too as the father had "custody" when clearly he didn't.....

Victor Anguiz who you may all remember celebrating the brutal torture and murder of 2 family pets in a post to the hate group recently accuses the victim's parents of being "junkies" once again nothing even resembling evidence of that being the case has been reported.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then posts another screenshot referring to a post by the victims father prior to the fatal tragedy involving his daughter which has little or no relevance to the tragedy at all.....

Mac Cruze chimes in calling the victim's father a "POS"......

Rudolfa S Wolfer then calls the victim's father a "degenerate" which once again seems quite ironic given that it's he himself doing all the stalking.....

Riza Greenleaf exclaims it's the father's fault and she has no sympathy for him at all.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer then posts a screenshot of a personal message he sent to the victim's father in true anti pit bull activist style.....

The Pm....

Cynthia Neuman (stoneybearborisnorasioux.reznik) then further abuses the victim's father calling him a "brainless dolt" whatever that is???

Rudolfa S Wolfer then scalds the victims father for what he's posted on social media since the tragedy.....

Cynthia Neuman then chimes back in using a word she's made up, "pitophiles" with a couple more descritive adjectives she regularly associates with pit bull owners she's a special kind of twisted this one for sure......

Brian Long then takes the whole thread straight to the gutter with his comment in relation to the fathers conception it's pretty self explanatory and demonstrates exactly how twisted his thought processes seem to be.....

In case you are not familiar with the story here's an excerpt from and a link to one of the original reports......

"A 3-year-old Oklahoma girl is dead after being mauled by her family's new pet pit bull Sunday afternoon.
Jason Dodge says he left his Duncan home Sunday afternoon to go see his brother. His daughter, Rylee, stayed at home with her grandmother.
Dodge had only been gone about 20 minutes when his mother called him to tell him the dog was attacking Rylee.
“I got the phone call, you know, 'Your daughter and the dog,' and that’s all I heard and I rushed here as fast as I can,” he said.
He arrived back to find a horrific scene. His mom was laying on the dog, covered in blood, struggling to get the dog off of Rylee, he said. The 3-year-old was laying limp on the bed.
Dodge said he grabbed his daughter to rush her to the hospital, but the ambulance arrived just as he was carrying her out.

The little girl snuck away from her grandmother and opened the door to where the dog was in the yard and the dog attacked her and killed her despite the grandmothers best efforts to stop the tragedy.

Typically there's no actual evidence the dog really is a legitimate American Pit Bull Terrier but that doesn't stop the anti pit bull activists from launching a full on attack on this poor father blaming him for the tragedy in spite of the reality that this incident happened in his absence.....

These individuals regularly claim to be victims advocates but as you can see these three posts and their comments dispel that as being myth their hatred for pit bulls obviously outweighs their will to help any victims as demonstrated here once again.....

This type of behavior is nothing unusual for these so called public safety advocates on any given day many posts attacking pit bull owners, rescue organization & shelters can be found in their alleged community safety orientated groups.....

Rudolfa S Wolfer seems to be a complete hypocrite accusing the father of being fake or using a fake account as a quick visit to his profile shows that he is most likely a fake account too and despite numerous reports Facebook refuses to remove this cyber bully from their social networking site and see content to Leave individuals like this free to ruin the facebook experience for other legitimate Facebook users.....

Please follow the link to Rudolfa's Facebook page and report his account as not using the name they go by in everyday life in the hopes that Facebook will actually remove this cyberbully fake from it's social media site in the interests of making the experience safer for legitimate users.....

More to come.....

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