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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Jeff Borchardt's petition flopping dismally?

Now if I'm not mistaken Richard Prince was demoted by the Torrington fire department after posting on Facebook how to kill Pit Bulls with duct tape leading to a petition being created calling for his dismissal from the department.

It seems Richard has had a eureka moment regarding pit bulls and decided to share his thoughts on Jeff Borchardt hate group The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed and the poster boy for breed specific legislation shared his petition calling for the AVMA to reimburse all alleged victims of pit bulls for their vet bills etc.

Pit bulls. I had this little eureka moment today,
We all might kind of know this but it is one of those things that gives eureka when you put it in words
One Reason it is so hard to focus liability on these pricks who push and promote pit bulls is because "pit bulls" are not "their" product. They can promote something that is not theirs, and make money off it.
Other retailers or whoever cannot promote something they produce or sell without taking liability for it.
These pricks can promote pit bulls because they dont have strings of liability for it. The only strings they have to pit bulls is the money they make from them.
Granted, not all pit promoters make money directly from the pit bulls but many others male money "indirectly". Either direct or indirect, money is money and how nice for them to not worry about being sued for your bad product! Pit bulls are a product of bad culture.
Help me name them if you would like. Only name 1, (per post) and write a little bit about how (or how you suspect) they are making money directly or indirectly from pit bull promotion or protection.
Also tell a little about how they promote or protect the pit bulls or the pit bull's reputation or image
The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

Here's Jeff posting his petition calling for the public to sue the AVMA for vet bills etc there's only one slight flaw to his logic and that is that all the victims of non banned breeds could sue Dogsbite, Daxtons Friends using the same logic after all they promote legislation that totally ignores victims of non banned breeds?

Jeff Borchardt The AVMA’s member veterinarians stand to gain from dangerous dog breeds continuing to go unregulated and unrestricted. Every time one of our pets is hospitalized due to a savage dog attack, our money – often begged and borrowed – flies straight into the vets’ pockets. Pit bulls, Rottweilers, mastiffs and other selectively-bred fighting and guarding dogs are a cash cow for veterinary surgeons.


Please read more and sign:

Like128 hrs

Now for obvious reasons (Bsl does not work ) Jeff's petition doesn't seem to be faring that well as you can see below the petition has 317 supporters.


So after seven months of being published Jeff's petition has gained little to no support indicating that the public along with all the legitimate animal organizations reject breed specific legislation as a viable method to address dog bite related issues.

Jeff Borchardt started this petition with a single signature, and now has 317 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.

7 months ago
Jeff Borchardt started this petition

Considering the population of America alone is 317.1 million people and there's no guarantee all these supporters (lol) are actually American but we'll assume they are that makes 317 supporters out of a possible population of 317.1 million or approximately 000000.1% of the population supports Jeff Borchardt's petition.

Now I'm no maths professor but you don't have to be to realize that's not a majority in fact it's quite the opposite? Average folk can spot a scam when they see it and it seems most people can see this for exactly what it is just another of the Dj's parlor tricks to try and fool the general public.

True victims advocates fight for 100% of dog bite victim and not just the victims of breeds/types they hate as you all seem to do?

more to come......

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