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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Julie Edwards-Matanga = pit bully not a public safety advocate?

This is just one of many similar posts that can be found on this alleged "public safety advocacy group" which at a quick glance can be confirmed to be little more then a pit bull hating party at which they regularly discuss and exchange ways to kill pit bulls.

They are all obviously Cynophobics inflicting their irrational fear of dogs on the rest of society?

10 people like this.
Jeffrey Sloan For some reason all the reviews I've seen have rated it poorly. Let's hold off on this one til we can get more data.
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg It looks like it is designed to be twisted so it does more damage?
Kimberly Riddle Lanka It was shown to cost almost $1000.
Donnalyn Wigan That thing creeps me out. Doesn't sound like it lives up to the hype either.
Joanna McGinn damn... looks perfect at 1st glance for a pibbiewibbie
Dana X Steven Renfrow Ram it thru the dogs' eyes.
Rick Kriebel "Break-stik" lol
Olivia Wyatt We need help against their jaws.
Nicole Marie Daaaaamn. Can civilians buy it?
Kathy Bark Dang! $800 AND you have to unscrew it from the sheath.
Linda Ann That knife would be illegal where I live
Linda Ann And probably in most states
Irene Lobaido I'll take for each hand..
Julie Tran A Bowie Knife or small machete would do.

The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

As you can see these people legitimately believe this sort of behavior is beneficial to society somehow, clearly demonstrating how deluded they are when it comes to canines in general but public safety specifically.

Their disinformation has clearly contributed to the rise in dog bite related fatalities as people are lulled into a false sense of security falsely believing if they don't have a pit bull their children are safe which clearly is not the case as 38% of dog bite fatalities involve non banned breeds.

Irene Lobaido falsely claimed she doesn't want to kill pit bulls in a recent conversation and yet check her comment in red she wants 2 of these knives one for each hand, in the advocacy field this is what we call an "advocacy fail" the advocacy you have when you actually only use the noble cause to further your murderous plot?

more to come......

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