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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Jeff (Umm) Borchardt can't take what he dishes out? boo hoo boofhead!

Apparently all the rules apply to dog owners in particular pit bull owners or advocates whereas these people can do exactly the same as I'm doing but when they do it they're advocating for victims?

Paul has a good old fashioned rant about me doing exactly what he's doing in this group so it's ok for pit bull haters to make pages and groups vilifying pit bulls and their owners but the minute someone makes a page about the haters and their bullying the moaning and groaning starts complete hypocrites.

Who owns this pile of pus?
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed's photo.
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed
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William Johnson Haha.. How many pages does Terry have?
Brandi Hodgson What the heck?? Someone has way too much free time!
Paul Lothary Twat bag feels the need to keep a list of victims to personally harrass and slander, then has the balls to add, "

They're complete hypocrites they'll tell you legitimate science is nonsense and generally speaking start bullying you if you disagree with them right down to stalking your Facebook in between comments and then start the personal attacks on you and any members of your family and pets they can identify amd in extreme cases they've contacted both landlords and employers seeking to totally destroy your life.."

Jeff Borchardt Terry can't even put a sentence together.
Carol Miller You are very perceptive Paul.
Jeff Borchardt Um, sorry Terry. "Faces Of BSL Apologists" came in mid 2013. Long before we (at least I did) all got thrown into these childish tactics. You assholes would call our JOBS in an attempt to get us fired. You assholes stalked this page (and still do) 24/7....You assholes can sure dish it but can't take it when someone like ME pushes back. All of a sudden you cry foul. You remind me of the little PUNKS everyone used to hate in highschool. Always starting shit, but can never finish.

Meanwhile, pit bulls are still killing innocent people and you waste of air's are still spouting the same excuses.
Jeff Borchardt The more I learn about these people, the more I think I SHOULD go on their stupid internet radio shows. "OK, here I am. Ask me anything."
Matt Linden Don't waste your time.
Paul Lothary I'm just learning about all their childishness. WTH is a "foamer"?
Like19 hrs
Jeff Borchardt You are a Foamer Paul Lothary.
Like214 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Anyone that speaks the truth about pit bulls and supports BSL is a foamer.
Like114 hrs
Paul Lothary To me, a foamer would be a diver on the deck of a boat dying from decompression sickness lol
Like214 hrsEdited
Jeff Borchardt They can't even come up with their own names. A foamer is a railroad enthusiast:
A term railroad employees use to describe a railroad enthusiast / railfan and the railfan…
Like214 hrs
Nancy Perdue squint emoticon Oh please! these Pitbull supporters only dig them selves further into the ground when they make this stuff.
Like423 hrs
Jen Arevalo Wow those idiots have way too much time on their hands. Why don't they do something productive and go save animals or stop BREEDING.
Like523 hrs
Nick De Rooy Who the fuck am taking to.
I really think this guy is lonely and got no friends.
Like217 hrs
Jeff Borchardt That's classic Terry Holt. Incoherently rambling and ends every sentence with a ?????
Like114 hrs
Jeff Borchardt He reminds me of Ron Burgundy:
I do not own this.
Like14 hrs
Carol Miller Nick, You are clearly talking to an idiot.
Like114 hrs
Paul Lothary These websites with personal information and photographs used and taken from Facebook, where we have authorized use under their TOS, and used unauthorized, where we have NOT given consent or signed any TOS is a violation not just of our privacy, copyright and intellectual property, but also a violation of Facebook's property and rights. Time to have an attorney send a cease and desist, especially when slander and damages are clearly apparent to even the dumbest jury. Screen grabs off all sites and registrar information needs to be collected. Facebook needs notification.We need to crowd source funding and assemble a legal team. I'm in. Jeff works hard to protect the innocent and vulnerable. We need to protect him.
Like116 hrsEdited
Brenda Carr This is why I've never ever posted pics of myself or my family. Isn't happening, no way no how.
Like214 hrs
Stacey Westover Who cares? Another nutter?
Like13 hrs

The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

So it's totally inappropriate for me to make my page and yet their group has a similar name and I'm the nutter, my page is called the Anti Pit Bull Machine Revealed and as you can see there groups name and the similarities but according to them I'm the pitnutter?

Unlike these so called advocates I advocate for all 100% of dog bite related victims and not just victims of pit bulls like these people and a quick perusal of their group confirms their focused on killing pit bulls and have little to no concern for victims.

Paul has a big rant about people using pictures they've stalked from peoples profiles claiming it's pit bull owners doing all the stalking when clearly that couldn't be further from the truth and Paul might want to give the same speech to Mary Ann Redfern a particularly nasty pro breed specific legislation advocate that regularly stalks and abuses internet users on pit bull news stories and her team mate Gabriel Barros both of whom abuse , and cyber bully as a matter of normal operating procedure Mary Ann not surprisingly has been arrested for domestic abuse by battery on at least one occasion?

Maybe just maybe if Jeff didn't advise people to use anti freeze to kill neighborhood pets if they look like pit bulls and/or maybe if Jeff didn't go around telling 12 year old girls to smear their pussy with peanut butter and let her mauler lick it off?

Oh and if Jeff hadn't himself breached Facebook TOS standards by posting pictures of children emailed to Daxton's friends on his newly created pit bull identification photos page without the parents consent or knowledge here's just a few examples of Boofheads advocacy style?

At least in this picture he used without permission he made an effort to hide the child's face not much of an effort but an effort no less?

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Nancy Perdue Oh please! We all know how quickly this can change. squint emoticon
LikeReply1January 15 at 6:42amEdited

As you can see in this post his followers encourage this inappropriate and illegal behavior and most participate stalking peoples profiles looking for ammunition in their pit bull war.

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Lucy Muir What's really pathetic is that you find this exact statement and equivalent pic on the facebook pages of the owners of pit bulls that kill. You do find that quite often.
Lesley Karen Luscombe Foolish bint. Dangerous and neglectful mother.

She KNOWS there's something wrong with the breed, hence the 'my vicious killer pitbulls' remark.

But still she gambles with her little son's face, limbs and life.

Parenting fail, absolute.
Lori Ann Strader Yup, Ms. Gamble her sons life. Real nice...
Nancy Perdue Yeah, yeah, yeah! squint emoticon

In this particular picture Jeff makes no attempt to shield the child's identity what so ever even including the mothers profile picture too obviously Jeff is so concerned about pit bull victims he doesn't realize his actions are putting these children at risk as a recent studied revealed that pedophiles prowl the internet looking for opportunities to steal pictures just like this one that he's used with out consent.

Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
Here is a comment left on the thread of a pit bull attack story..
I think it was supposed to represent two of the most dangerous myths we know, The "Nanny Dog" and the " Its all how you train them"?? myth. What it really shows is just how much danger this child is in.

If you take the time to check out this page and confirm for yourselves this man is truly a danger to society with his style of advocacy which seems more like stalking and cyber bullying then advocacy?

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Mark Montauge Until it attacks
Nancy Perdue Yeah they're always the most loyal & sweet dogs, until their damn gladiator instincts kick in.

Jeff Borchardt is not a public safety advocate he's grieving father who's blaming every one and everything in the world for his poor choices including specifically his choice of baby sitter, Susan Iwicki got your son killed because she couldn't follow simple instructions to keep her "boxers" away from Daxton but the fact is Jeff, you chose to leave your child with that woman and that got him killed so please stop blaming and taking it out on the rest of the world we played no part in the loss of your son. (RIP Dax)

FYI Jeff Faces of Bsl apologists is not my page sorry.

more to come.....

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