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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Drema Fowler "using their disabled child to weigh on peoples sympathies....whats god for us is good for them"......

This woman claims to be a victims advocate and it even lists on her Facebook profile that she's a social worker in the behavioral health field but that being the case isn't this strange behavior posting comments like the one's below on a forum open to public view

It's an old story from 2014 the link doesn't work but the title is still there, the story as you can see it's about banning pit bulls.....

using their disabled child to weigh on peoples sympathies....whats god for us is good for them......

A Louisiana family is pleading with its village to overturn an ordinance that would take its pet pit bull.

  • Randy K. Malone likes this.
  • Lorie Lasalle Vilchez if the dogs so great and used for their handicapped kid get it registered as a service dog...they r using their disabled child to weigh on peoples sympathies....whats god for us is good for i said if the dog is such a help get it registered...
  • Lorie Lasalle Vilchez theres to many that r great pets but suddenly turn killing an innocent person or animal...theres a first time everytime and innocents should not suffer....besides to many people would abuse this and keep gettin the monsters and sayin its a beloved pet.....all cities in every state need to ban them to kep our children/elder;y and pets safe..3 of every 5 will turn on a person or sverly maim /kill an animal...would u want them statistics/chances right next door to u...?let ur kids out to play wen there is a monster right next door!!!!!
  • Jeff Borchardt This story has been bothering me all day....I am in absolute agreement with Liza Vespi on this one....This is horrible legislation...I would never condone a BSL bill that doesn't grandfather in the families that already own pit bulls to continue to enjoy their dog as long as there are no incidents...The proposed BSL bill that failed up here in Wisconsin was a good bill. Even though pit bulls were considered high risk dogs, (which they should be) citizens were still able to enjoy their dogs as long as they followed the rules. There is a difference between "killing off a breed" and "allowing it to die out."....If anyone would like a copy of this bill, message me.
  • Jeff Borchardt Agreed Jeffrey Sloan. They were asking for it....I sent this story over to a few people to see if there were more to it...There is not....I think this family has every right to be pissed. Regardless on whether or not the dog is a "service" or "therapy" dog.
  • Jeff Borchardt Message me if you would like a copy of the proposed BSL bill up here in Watertown, Wisconsin from last year.
  • Lorie Lasalle Vilchez exactally we used to walk out dogs everyday until the teen asses w 3 pits moved in..apparently its funny to watch the dogs chase people around and ac dont do nothin unless they witness it..the assholes would let them lose weekends bcause they knew ac was we started goin to the park(loadin up all our dogs wastin gas and time)to find more idiots who let their dogs off leash,not all pits but the problem is i wouldnt have to do tht if i could walk in my own day i couldnt leave my porch because a piyt was loose growlin everytime i tried to get to my car..well i missed work before ac got there and the next day the old man down the street had the dog back!!!!!!!!!!! nobody should have to deal with the violent dgs and the ignorant people who seem to own them
  • Lorie Lasalle Vilchez Yes and I have 3 great Danes and a 13 ur old shepherd its extremely hard dragging my babies out every damb day where's their right to be safe or mine I pay my bills..these dogs r more dangerous...more deadly wen they do attack and more prone to violence than any other I just need to put my blinders on cause the neighbors say its friendly look how it is with my kids...ect..its proven over and over more than any other dog they r unpredictable... Other dogs can be too...but they bite and stop pits don't let go til Ur dead that's the difference..and they need to make one damb state for the pit butters if that's how it needs to be and the rest of the places ban the monsters let the idiot owners and their beasts all kill each other and let us innocents be in peace
  • Lorie Lasalle Vilchez exacta,ly ad chances r that damb dog wouldnt pass a service dog test anyways..just triin to prove to those idiots playin on the child and pet thing that there r legal ways for a child to keep a dog who she sooo depends
  • Lorie Lasalle Vilchez no my town sucks , lots of ac officers has pitbulls, so they think of them as sweet friendly dogs! thy just keep giving warnings
Liza Vespi This is bad legislation. When a pit bull ban comes in, any family pit bull which hasn't shown previous signs of aggression should be grandfathered in with conditions (i.e., must be sterilized, properly contained on its property, and leashed and muzzled...See more
Jeffrey Sloan If that pit bull turns on that kid will be torn to shreds. It has happened to many.
Jeff Borchardt This story has been bothering me all day....I am in absolute agreement with Liza Vespi on this one....This is horrible legislation...I would never condone a BSL bill that doesn't grandfather in the families that already own pit bulls to continue to enj...See more
Jeffrey Sloan It's almost as if their BSL was written in such a way as to guarantee a backlash of outrage. These are political noobs. They should have at least talked to cities that have done BSL successfully.
Jeff Borchardt Agreed Jeffrey Sloan. They were asking for it....I sent this story over to a few people to see if there were more to it...There is not....I think this family has every right to be pissed. Regardless on whether or not the dog is a "service" or "therapy" dog.
Jeff Borchardt Message me if you would like a copy of the proposed BSL bill up here in Watertown, Wisconsin from last year.
Jackie Jenkins It's tricky thing I agree on the grandfather deal.
Jeffrey Sloan That's an interesting idea - designate some state or states as official pit holes, where pit bulls are welcomed and promoted, and other areas would be designated pit free zones, where they are strictly forbidden. In 5 years we take a look at the number of animals and humans maimed, disfigured or killed by dogs in the two types of areas. The outcome is a no-brainer.
Freda Ward Yes grandfather, but stop lying about being a therapy dog. Lorie Lasalle Vilchez I had a similar situation. If you get pics then they have to act.

This is the type of thing to expect from your average xenophobic and is typical of the type of person you'll find quoting as a source whereas it's Culleen's latest money stream to feed her wine addiction and while we expect nothing less from the ex phone psychic come media mogul to see this type of scheming and underhanded petty behavior from someone supposedly working in the health industry is somewhat concerning.

These people are fanatics and this behavior goes back years seemingly indicating a pattern of behavior whereby these people willingly lie and promote disinformation as a matter of normal operating procedure all the while delusion ally thinking they're actually helping.

And as you can see Jeff Borchardt is there fanning the fire with his own brand of advocacy which generally entails telling lies spreading disinformation and stalking women and children all in the guise of victims advocacy.

more to come......

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