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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Gwendolyn Hanan - " I edited the post, cut out location and contact info. After reading this if I lived in the area where this XL pit bull got loose I'd greet it with a shotgun blast" .

This woman changed a post about a missing American Bulldog because it looked like a "pit bull" and then shared the post hoping the pet wouldn't be returned to the owner!!!

Gwen American Bulldogs are not 'pit bulls" you've been listening to them nuts at dogsbut and the boofhead Dj.....

In my news feed;
Our very energetic American Bulldog mix, Sidney, got out Sunday 6/26 around 11:30 AM. into our back woods. We are thinking he is somewhere in the area . He is about 60 lbs, white with black spots. He has a black nose and a bald patch around his nose. He's wearing a black Kurgo harness. If you see him, try to offer him some food so he will stay put.
----------> Be careful if you reach over his head to try to grab the harness- this sometimes spooks him. <--------------------------
Gosh, I sure hope everyone who sees him has read this warning, especially all the kids out and about for summer vacation!!!
Gwendolyn Hanan I edited the post, cut out location and contact info. After reading this if I lived in the area where this XL pit bull got loose I'd greet it with a shotgun blast .
Like613 hrsEdited
S.J. Martin ♥️♥️♥️Love the comment
Like111 hrsEdited
Beverly Martin that was my thoughts too
Like11 hr
Gwendolyn Hanan If you guys mean the words in the strip in the pix, that was already there, can't claim it as my work
Like1 hr
Jeffrey Sloan Probably out killing stuff.
Like813 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan Hopefully it will become the prey
Like713 hrs
Lew Heifner Says it all ---> "Be careful ...."
Like613 hrs
S.J. Martin Maybe a hunter will find this POS in action and solve this issue.
Like411 hrs
Dennis Baker "Caution" Ghetto Leopard in the woods..
Like45 hrs
S.J. Martin Ghetto leopard lol
Like33 hrs

As you can clearly see these so called victims advocates are pretty keen for someone to make a victim out of this innocent pet all while claiming to be acting in the best interests of the community and Gwen even claims she'll blow it away with her shot gun if it comes in her yard.

These people are not safety advocates as legitimate safety advocates don't go around making victims they help them these people are "Pit Bull Haters", check out our data base of their abuse at #PBHE .....


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