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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Anti Pit bull Advocate tactics of attacking and smearing the good names of legitimate Advocates!

Valerie who is actually Cindy B demonstrating her creative side making a meme attacking me inferring my dogs have killed a seal, and then been involved in an attack on someone neither has a shred of fact involved typically

They make stuff up to embellish themselves I doubt they even realize they're doing it the fact is none of them can actually dispute all my claims and so they turn to personal attacks in the form of cyber bullying sometimes even extending to contacting victims landlords and employers etc etc all in the guise of public safety.

Now Valerie (Cindy B) claims I use donations to fight regulations which clearly is not accurate we've created "The Anti Breedism alliance". the Facbook page and we've created "Anti Breedism Alliance" to try and counter all the propaganda & disinformation being spread by being circulated by pro breed specific legislation advocates.

Thanks to friends.....

The Website.....

Advocates against Breed Specific Legislations (BSL)

The Facebook Page.....
The Anti Breedism Alliance's photo.

The Anti Breedism Alliance

Valerie and her friends that hate pit bulls are attempting to use breed specific legislation to achieve their goal of pit bull extinction all the while they claim to be public safety advocates whereas they hate pit bulls and they'll use whatever tactics necessary to see the breed/type extinct even changing headlines and images appearing on news stories (fyi that's not a pit bull)......

As you can see from this which is Valeries's post (above) from one of her pit bull hate groups whereas the original looked a little different (below)......

A four-year-old Coffee County boy is seriously mauled by his family's pit bull.
Meanwhile the actual public safety advocates are promoting the "Calgary Model" which has proven to lower over all bite instances and reduce the death toll where it's been enacted this person makes all sorts of outlandish accusations and promotes dangerous disinformation yet claims I'm the one at fault for simply advocating for all dog bite victims and not just pit bull victims like she seems to be doing..

Unfortunately for Valerie she has little legitimate evidence and'or information supporting her arguments relating to either Bsl or myself when it comes to the allegations against me they have never posted any evidence supporting their claims actually the majority of their posts and screen shots show them cyber bullying me and as for breed specific legislation well not one legitimate organization in the world supports either Bsl or dogsbite.

Is it any wonder they resort to this type of propaganda and disinformation campaign revolving around bully anyone exposing their lies and tactics.

more to come.....

Friday, 25 November 2016

Dogsbite = "No Professional Advice" = No Credibility!

Jeff regularly posts accusing all the legitimate animal organizations  (AVMA, CDC, NCRC, HSUS, ABA etc etc etc) of bias and in some cases accuses them of being a part of the mythical "pit bull lobby" because they support breed neutral legislation and reject breed specific legislation there's even a petition to the AVMA demanding they compensate owners of pets alleged to have been attacked by "pit bulls' the petition has been active for years and has 418 votes indicating they have little to no support.

Using that logic wouldn't all the parents and families of victims of "non pit bull types" (128 in the last decade) be able to sue proponents of breed specific legislation specifically legislators and lawmakers that vote to enact breed specific legislation?


A Facebook advocacy group "The Anti Breedism Alliance" called Jeff out about his claims in relation to bias as if these organizations are bias because they "like" pit bulls allegedly well surely he himself is bias given his statements relating to feeding pit bulls anti freeze and his admissions he wants to make pit bulls extinct?


Jeff responded in his pit bull hate group admitting he's bias and yet again quoting Dogsbite statistics specifically from their Pit Bull Attacks "Archival records"  where they claim to have archived all the pit bull attacks in America since 1833 and eff quotes them, he obviously hasn't seen Dogsbite's "site terms" page where they admit to having to having "No Professional Advice"?


So let's take a quick look at this site and see if it is as bias as Dogsbite to the point of being intentionally deceptive when reporting dog bite fatalities specifically the breeds involved therein.......

An archive of U.S. fatal pit bull attacks dating back to 1833 by - Fatal Pit Bull Attacks - The Archival Record

Here's a sampling from the site.....

  1. June 1894, Schuylkill County, PA
    Frank Tory, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  2. May 1894, Mercer County, KY
    Mary Brand, 16
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  3. July 1893, Atlantic County, NJ
    "Baby Doe," Infant
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  4. June 1893, Winnebago County, IA
    "Farmer" Riley, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  5. June 1892, Cook County, IL
    Herman Kronkaw, 2
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  6. February 1892, Essex County, NJ
    Annie Kent, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  7. December 1891, Montgomery County, IN
    James Lee, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  8. October 1891, Warren County, IN
    Mary Glendenning, 35
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  9. May 1891, Madison County, OH
    "John" McClimans, 5
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  10. April 1891, Los Angeles County, CA
    Don Shorb, 7
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  11. April 1891, Dubuque County, IA
    "John Doe" Meyer, 10
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  12. March 1891, Berks County, PA
    "Birdie" Miller, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  13. October 1889, Harrison County, IN
    Perry Wolfe, 13
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  14. September 1889, Racine County, WI
    Joseph Hurtzen, 9
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  15. July 1889, Hamilton County, OH
    John Pumphrey, 73
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  16. May 1889, Elkhart County, IN
    "Baby Jane Doe," 2
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  17. May 1889, Licking County, OH
    "John Doe," 6
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  18. November 1888, Lake County, IN
    "Jane" Westfield, 13
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  19. October 1888, Cumberland/Franklin Counties, PA
    Isaac Lifter, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  20. January 1888, Hancock County, OH
    Charley Joy, 9
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  21. July 1887, Des Moines County, IA
    Clarence Leipart, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  22. March 1887, New Haven County, CT
    Baby "Doe" Sweeney, 3
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  23. October 1886, Cook County, IL
    William Klinkhammer, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  24. August 1886, Allegheny County, PA
    Florence Atchison, 6
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  25. February 1886, Augusta-Richmond County, GA
    Jimmy Gallagher, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  26. March 1886, Cook County, IL
    Georgie Johnson, 5
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  27. September 1885, Greene County, OH
    "Jane Doe" Parsons, 4
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  28. July 1885, Lehigh County, PA
    Baby "Doe" Beining, < 1
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  29. September 1884, Brooklyn, NY
    Willie Maher, 9
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  30. September 1884, Alamance County, NC
    Mary Foust, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  31. July 1883, Ohio County, WV
    Frederick Multe, Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  32. May 1882, Miami County, OH
    Belle Hoover, adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  33. November 1881, New Castle County, DE
    Frank Fox, 4
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  34. July 1881, Erie County, PA
    "Jane Doe" Campbell, 3
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  35. February 1881, McKean County, PA
    Miss Shearer, 16
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  36. May 1880, Tishomingo County, MS
    "John Doe," Elderly
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  37. May 1880, Ohio County, WV
    "Jane Doe" Gillespie, Elderly
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  38. July 1879, Bergen County, NJ
    Sammy Ryer, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  39. September 1878, Stark County, OH
    "Jane Doe" Applinger, 3
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  40. March 1877, Hamilton County, OH
    "Jane Doe" Boote, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  41. September 1876, Lawrence County, PA
    "John Doe," Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  42. December 1875, Adams County, MS
    "Jane Doe" James Fagan, Adult
    Fatal dog attack involving bulldog (pit bull-type)
  43. March 1865, Rockingham County, NH
    "Baby Doe," Infant
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  44. January 1858, Brooklyn County, NY
    Eddie Johnston, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  45. October 1856, Rensselaer County, NY
    James O'Connell, 12
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  46. November 1850, Montgomery County, OH
    "Jane Doe" Schenck, Child
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack- American Pit Bull Terrier Handbook
  47. November 1844, Baltimore County, MD
    John Dubernard, Adult
    Fatal bull terrier (pit bull-type) attack
  48. October 1836, Allegan County, MI
    J. Alverston, Young Adult
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack
  49. March 1833, Allegheny County, PA
    "Baby Doe," Infant
    Fatal bulldog (pit bull-type) attack

They're all "Bulldogs"!

It appears these people engage in the same advocacy techniques as the rest of the pro Bsl crowd they call "Bulldogs" "Pit bulls" and the two are not the same one the pit bull is from the "Terrier" group whereas the Bulldog" is from the "Mastiff" group/type.

There's 49 examples of "Bulldogs" being called "pit bulls" for the purpose of propaganda and Jeff is a willing participant in the ruse as indicated by his quoting the site and posting a link to the "Archive".

Jeff mentions that there was a child of the name "Borchardt" killed by a pit bull in 1985 and while it's true the child died the fact is the dog was 85 lb well above the weight of an actual Apbt.

The fact is the child was left unsupervised and enter a neighbors yard and climbed a five foot fence to get access to the dog that attacked and killed him, a tragedy no doubt but it has little to do with breed seems more like poor parenting skills I'm sorry to say.

( R I P Eckhart Borchardt)

Try again Jeff but this time try finding some legitimate sources as opposed to quoting stats from one of the most unethical websites on the internet.....

Unethical Website of the Month: Dogsbite.Org | Ethics Alarms

more to come.....

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Pit Bull hating Dj with his knickers in a knot!!!

Um Jeff not pit bulls and definitely not loved family pets?

Jeff has taken offence to a post on an advocate page and decided to vent his frustrations on me with a rant typical of the bold faced liar he is once again quoting alleged statistics from yet another scam site created by individuals of similar character to himself.


The truth hurts and this is the post that got Jeff's panties in a bunch.

Link to the post Jeff is responding to.....

The irony is if you go to Jeff's blog about me in which he claims all sorts of things about me allegedly bullying and attacking him and yet it's abundantly clear it's him trying to bully me.....


Link to /Jeff's latest blog attacking me....

I visited the site Jeff links in his post and of the first 2 alleged pit bull victims I went to involved an American Bulldog and a Bull Terrier consecutively so obviously this source is accurate as all the other dodgy sites he promotes as legitimate.

more to come.....

Do you know this man? Just look what he does to his neighbors pets while they're away!!!

If you live in Electra, Texas & this man is your neighbor you've got problems!

Just check out what he does to your dogs while you're at work!

Facebook..... Weldon Strange Jr.

He's posting on Facebook to gain notoriety among the pit bull hate groups as you can see they're not only on side they're encouraging him to escalate the situation.

I saved my dogs but took the blunt of a vicious pitbull dog attack
LikeShow more reactions
LikeReply9 hrs
T Roll Towns Dam sorry to see that
LikeReply19 hrs
Doug Vickers Your to nice been two dead dogs
LikeReply69 hrs
Kayla Strange Did you call in on them? They are tearing up your fence! They bit you & did you go to the hospital
LikeReply48 hrs
Weldon Strange Jr. Yes and yes
LikeReply38 hrs

Write a reply...
Joy Bailey That brown pit needs to be gone, it's WAY too aggressive!! I would've killed it if it attacked me or my dogs!!
LikeReply48 hrs
Cari Wyatt Oh my gosh!!! It was really trying to get your dog!!!! 😳 that's scary!
LikeReply17 hrs
Tracy Hernandez Dang! That's really scary! I hope you're okay!
LikeReply7 hrs
Weldon Strange Jr. I shall heal up
LikeReply17 hrs

Write a reply...
John Mcmahan If they come back Jr. shoot their asses. That's crazy.
LikeReply47 hrs
Doug Vickers I can still kick your ass on 18 holes hurt or not lol
LikeReply6 hrs
Weldon Strange Jr. Yeah whatever lol
LikeReply5 hrs
Doug Vickers Lol next time
LikeReply15 hrs

Write a reply...
Donna Shirley-Lewis Did you shoot them cousin my goodness I sure hope they had their shots. Hope you recoup soon.
LikeReply4 hrs
Darrell Moore Locked & Loaded
Just give me a call.
LikeReply12 hrs
LikeReply1 hr
Annie Christian You probably only showed part of the interaction because this was clearly your little dog being the aggressor.

Take better care of your dog instead of videotaping and making the situation worse.
LikeReply11 mins
Natasha Pietri This is BS. Your dog is obviously the problem in the video.

Control your mutt and you won't have an issue.

No responsible dog owner would be sitting there taking a video if this was truly some dog attack out of nowhere.
LikeReply4 mins

link to video.....

Occurrences such as these seem to becoming increasingly prevalent and it seems to be the latest tactic being engaged by pit bull hating breed specific legislation advocates whereby they allow their small dog to attack and provoke an attack and then claim the attack was unprovoked without warning.

Once again this "pit bull" obviously didn't live up to it's alleged genes as contrary to the dogsbite catch cry "some dogs just don't let go" referring to pit bulls this one never actual got hold or maybe it just looks like a pit bull as opposed to actually being a pit bull?

Strangely if he'd of just picked up his little dog which was instigating the incident it may well have ended there as opposed to filming it to the point the dogs broke through your fence and attacked apparently?

I'm willing to bet your little dog was in his arms still viciously growling at the neighbors pet when you were "Bitten" an as it lunged at your dog you turned your back and got bitten well serves you right for being a jerk.

Well I'm glad you're alright it could have turned out a lot worse but maybe a note to self , it was obvious the fence wasn't going to hold so why in the world wouldn't you pick up your pet and go inside and ring the landlord and the neighbor and report the state of the fence unless of course you were trying to cause an attack to help the ailing Bsl campaign?

more to come.....