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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Anti Pit bull Advocate tactics of attacking and smearing the good names of legitimate Advocates!

Valerie who is actually Cindy B demonstrating her creative side making a meme attacking me inferring my dogs have killed a seal, and then been involved in an attack on someone neither has a shred of fact involved typically

They make stuff up to embellish themselves I doubt they even realize they're doing it the fact is none of them can actually dispute all my claims and so they turn to personal attacks in the form of cyber bullying sometimes even extending to contacting victims landlords and employers etc etc all in the guise of public safety.

Now Valerie (Cindy B) claims I use donations to fight regulations which clearly is not accurate we've created "The Anti Breedism alliance". the Facbook page and we've created "Anti Breedism Alliance" to try and counter all the propaganda & disinformation being spread by being circulated by pro breed specific legislation advocates.

Thanks to friends.....

The Website.....

Advocates against Breed Specific Legislations (BSL)

The Facebook Page.....
The Anti Breedism Alliance's photo.

The Anti Breedism Alliance

Valerie and her friends that hate pit bulls are attempting to use breed specific legislation to achieve their goal of pit bull extinction all the while they claim to be public safety advocates whereas they hate pit bulls and they'll use whatever tactics necessary to see the breed/type extinct even changing headlines and images appearing on news stories (fyi that's not a pit bull)......

As you can see from this which is Valeries's post (above) from one of her pit bull hate groups whereas the original looked a little different (below)......

A four-year-old Coffee County boy is seriously mauled by his family's pit bull.
Meanwhile the actual public safety advocates are promoting the "Calgary Model" which has proven to lower over all bite instances and reduce the death toll where it's been enacted this person makes all sorts of outlandish accusations and promotes dangerous disinformation yet claims I'm the one at fault for simply advocating for all dog bite victims and not just pit bull victims like she seems to be doing..

Unfortunately for Valerie she has little legitimate evidence and'or information supporting her arguments relating to either Bsl or myself when it comes to the allegations against me they have never posted any evidence supporting their claims actually the majority of their posts and screen shots show them cyber bullying me and as for breed specific legislation well not one legitimate organization in the world supports either Bsl or dogsbite.

Is it any wonder they resort to this type of propaganda and disinformation campaign revolving around bully anyone exposing their lies and tactics.

more to come.....

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