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Thursday, 24 November 2016

Pit Bull hating Dj is up to his old tricks again.....

Well Jeff Borchardt is up to his old tricks being intentionally deceptive but at least he's stopped the whole pedophile thing.

Now in spite of issuing an extensive apology for the comments to the twelve year old girl he now denies it ever happened and claims it's all an elaborate hoax against him orchestrated by the infamous and mythical "pit bull lobby".

Jeff's latest post to his pit bull hate group anonymously quotes a long time "animal trainer" and contains a link promoting his blog.


Ironically Jeff has been lying about the "breed/type" of the dogs involved in the tragic and totally preventable death of his son. (RIP Daxton)

As you can see from the Vet reports below the dogs were listed as "Canine Boxer mix" for the 3 years of their lives up until the day of the attack when they suddenly became "pit bulls".

(Please note the "alert" in the females report)

Vet Reports on Bosston:

From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 03/11/2013 at 11:20am. Bosston, listed as a Canine Boxer mix, male, neutered. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 58 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13. Vaccinations current on Rabies thru 9/12/14, Vaccinations overdue on Distemper on 9/12/12, Lyme Disease on 9/12/12, Fecal Examination on 9/12/12, and Heartworm (occult) on 01/18/12. 
The report goes on to list Bosston’s entire medical history, from 07/26/10 thru 06/27/12, which was the last time he was seen by a Veterinarian. There is also another page where it lists Bosston as a K-9 species, M, Boxer mix, Colors of Brindle/White with a dob of 04/21/10. No further information is listed on this page. There are also several pages of “charting” on Bosston, starting on 6/7/10 for a “New Puppy Exam”, and ending 6/28/12 with a follow up on a leg issue.

Vet Reports on Penny:

From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 3/11/13 at 11:20am. Penny, listed as a Canine Pit Bull mix, female, spayed. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 49 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13. Vaccinations were current on Rabies thru 9/12/14 and Fecal Examination thru 6/28/13. Vaccinations overdue on Distemper on 9/12/12, Heartworm (Occult) 9/12/12, and Lyme Disease 9/12/12. 
The report goes on to list Penny’s medical history, from 9/13/11 thru 07/16/12, which was the last time she was seen by a Veterinarian. There is also another page where it lists Penny as a K-9 species, F, Boxer mix, Color of Dark Brindle with a dob of 04/21/10. No further information is listed on this page. There are also several pages of “charting” on Penny, starting on 6/7/10 for a “New Puppy Exam”, and ending 6/28/12 with a Fecal Exam, and medication for treatment of worms. 
On the bottom of the last page of the charts, there is an “Alert” that says “Go Slow-Reactive”. Penny’s records also include forms from when she was spayed, one page is an authorization form. The owners did choose laser surgery and Pre-Anesthetic blood testing. There is also a Surgical Summary from her operation. Another form with her records appears to be blood work results. It was done at IDEXX Laboratories on 11/19/10, for a Female Canine Boxer named Penny, age 7 months. It also lists the doctor as Cynthia Farris. 
The weight says 0.0 lbs. Lastly, there is a report from Urgent Care Veterinary Services, from 11/27/10. Penny is listed as Canine species, Pit Bull, 7 months old. She was seen for her incision from her spay surgery, which had opened up and was bleeding. 
The vet that treated Penny was Dr. Jeff Korosec, who was the same doctor that ended up euthanizing both dogs after the attack.

The dogs alleged to be "loved family pets" actually spent the majority of their time in a pen in the yard or crates in the house hardly what could be considered loved family pets?

Jeff is blaming a whole breed/type of dog for the death of his son whereas the blame lays with the babysitter who failed to follow a simple instruction from Jeff to not let her pets anywhere near his son and despite his instructions she took the child into the back yard with her dogs which resulted in Daxton's death but she was never charged and simply avoided any responsibility by claiming the dogs were pit bulls.

Jeff has consistently allowed his grief to push him past the realms of reasonable advocacy to a very dark place in which he stalk and cyber bully's women in children daily all in the name of public safety advocacy.

The bad and terrible faces of Jeff Borchardt |

And the topper is that Jeff promotes disinformation and propaganda directly from dogsbite, an alleged victims advocacy web site created bt an ex phone psychic come animal expert Colleen Lynn.

Colleen was bitten by a dog she insists was a pit bull after startling the dog while jogging causing her to create a pit bull extinction movement to say she's Bias would be a complete and utter under statement.

Now in spite of the fact that Dogsbite freely admits to having absolutely "No Professional Advice" media organizations, law makers & members of the community still quote and promote this organization as being legitimate when in reality not one main stream animal organization in the world either quotes their sp called statistics or supports their postion in relation to breed specific Legislation being an effective means by which to srem dog bite related fatalities.

No professional Advice seems pretty self explanatory and anyone using their data and/or quoting their so called stistics leaves themselves open to legal action being as this alleged victims advocacy is little more then haters hiding their nasty plans behind a noble cause with little to no regard for public safety.

Jeff attacks all the legitimate animal organizations as being Bias for opposing breed specific legislation yet believes that all pit bull victims aren't bias which is complete nonsense how can someone having experienced a traumatic even involving a dog they thought to be a pit bull not have bias toward pit bulls?


What Jeff fails to mention is.....

"There could be months of legal wrangling ahead, as city officials and animal welfare groups battle over whether pit bulls should be outlawed in all of the city's 19 boroughs. 

The bylaw was only in force for a few hours on Monday before Justice Louis Gouin of Quebec Superior Court temporarily suspended it while reviewing the Montreal SPCA's lawsuit against the city.The suit argues that the law is so vaguely worded, it puts any large-headed dog at risk."

Montreal's Pit Bull Ban Gets Suspended Indefinitely - The Dodo

Montreal pitbull ban put on hold - BBC News -

Jeff often gloats of his activities and schools new comers on his tactics to new recruits.....

In general all pro breed specific legislation advocates are either ignorant or intentionally deceptive mostly driven by an irrational fear of pit bulls which has been cultivated and used by unscrupulous operators like Culleen & Jeff to further their campaign of vengeance against the breed.

Is it just me or is he acting more like a spoiled child then a public safety advocate wishing someones jaw bone be torn off, really!

The overwhelming body of evidence indicates that breed/type of dog plays very little part in actual dog bite fatalities and despite this Jeff insists on blaming everyone for his own poor choices.

Blaming everyone for your own mistakes seems to be a small part of a larger issue with Jeff posting threats about violently murdering family pets via torture and he even retorts it won't be gradual or humane!!!

Coupled with his other activities involving women and children on the internet it's becoming increasingly clear this man is extremely dangerous not only to himself but others as well.

The fact he considers this type of behavior to be in the interests of the public at large is very concerning as clearly nothing could be further from the truth.

Breed Neutral Legislation protects the community from all dangerous dogs & owners!

more to come.....

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