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Sunday, 20 November 2016

BSL Advocates spreading breed misinformation yet again"

Now it would be easy to mistakenly assume that Valerie Brown ignorantly made the post below to the pit bull problem a nasty Facebook pit bull hate group created for the express purpose of bully pit bulls and their owners.

Valerie (if that's her real name) is being intentionally deceptive to the point of telling out right lies in defense of breed specific legislation which seems to be normal operating procedure when discussing Bsl proponents.


The reality is quite different to the story Valerie is telling which is complete poppy cock as any one willing to do a couple of minutes of research on google can quickly  learn the true heritage of the american bulldog which comes from a completely diferrent breed group to the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Bulldog vs Pitbull: Know the Differences

Lets explore the differences between a Bulldog and a Pitbull. Due to their similar physical appearance, American Bulldog and American Pitbull Terrier are often confused. But the truth is that these dogs vary in a number of aspects such as origin and history, behavior, and characteristics. American Bulldog belongs to mastiff group while American Pitbull Terrier belongs to terrier group. The present article will reflect on important aspects that differentiates these working breeds of dogs.

History and origin:

American Bulldog:  Originally bred for hunting and guarding, American Bulldogs are believed to evolve from English bulldogs. The breed was earlier used for bull baiting, and for guarding purpose. The American Bulldog, which we see today, is the result of efforts of Dr. John D. Johnson who saved them from extinction.
American Pitbull Terrier: American Pitbull Terrier, or simply known as Pitbull, was produced as a result of breeding of Old English Bulldogs and Old English Terriers which came from Ireland and England. Similar to American Bulldogs, Pitbull was also used in blood sports such as bull baiting or bear baiting etc before it was banned.   


American Bulldog: Confident, fearless, courageous, and socially active are the traits that perfectly fit for American Bulldog. These dogs are also known for their loyalty towards their owner. In its puppyhood, Bulldog is unresponsive with new people but it gets mature and confident as it grows old. Also, this dog truly loves children. This dog has developed a kind reputation, and is considered as a family dog.
[Meet Tiny and Little Dog Breeds Dog Breeds That Don’t Grow Big]
American Pitbull Terrier:  Pitbull loves to please others. This breed of dogs is more touching and emotional towards people as compared to other breeds. These dogs are also known for their courage and strength which makes them favorite among dog-lovers for guarding purpose. These dogs are sporty and lively, and need daily exercise or walk to maintain their fitness. These dogs also do not attack on human but these are violent towards other dogs and wild animals.

Physical Appearance

American Bulldog: This sturdy, muscular and strong dog is generally 20-27 in (for males) and 20-24 in (for females) tall with large head, and powerful jaws. These dogs are by and large white in color with red, black, brown, or brindle patches. Having a deep and broad chest, this dog is highly athletic and strong. American Bulldog generally has weight varying from 30-58 kg.Eyes are usually brown but may be of any color. Overall, these dogs have a wide frame with thick tail. This dog has soft and small coat with varying colors.
American Pitbull Terrier: Physical appearance of American Bulldog and American Pitbull Terrier are somewhat similar but they vary in few parameters. Strong jaws, broad skull, and lean body rightly describe the appearance of Pitbull. These dogs may be found in any color, and have a weight varying between 16-27 kg (for male) and 14-23 kg (for female).These dogs are shorter than bulldogs, hence they are more athletic.  American Pitbull Terrier has shiny coat in various colors such as red, blue, grey, black etc.
[Stay Informed: Types of Pitbull Breeds]
Both the dogs have their own characteristics in terms of appearance, nature, health and other aspects. A normal observer can’t spot the difference between these two. American Bulldog and American Pitbull Terrier have life expectancy of 10-15 years and 8-15 years respectively. American Pitbull Terrier is likely to suffer from hereditary cataract, heart disease, grass allergies etc while American Bulldog is prone to hip dysplasia. Generally, both dogs are looked upon as healthy dogs, and have good immunity. American Bulldog love to stay outdoors as these are not active indoors while American Pitbull Terrier is agile indoors, and needs a place for living that is sufficient for its exercises.

Bsl proponents like Valerie regularly claim that anyone of average inttelligence can identify a pit bull whereas even actual K9 experts and specifically shelter workers even struggle to identify pit bulls from non pit bull type dogs.

DNA studies reveal that shelter workers often mislabel dogs as '

AS you can see by the excerpt below the American bulldog and the American Pit Bull Terriers are two distinctly differnet breeds that originated in different parts of the world.

The original American Bulldogs were not only used in the bloody sport of bull bating, but also by small farmers and ranchers who used them as all-around working dogs for many tasks including as guards and for hunting bear, wild boar, raccoon and squirrel. The American version of the Bulldog has longer legs, is faster and has better agility than the English show dog. The dog’s stamina, protectiveness, intelligence and working abilities make him a prized worker for farmers. They can be trained to drive cattle and guard stock from predators. Thanks to the efforts of John D. Johnson of Summerville, Georgia, the American Bulldog exists today. After Johnson returned from WWII he was disappointed to find that, like the English Mastiff, it was almost completely extinct. He then decided to gather the best specimens he could find from all across the rural South in an effort to bring the American Bulldog back from the brink of extinction. He has been breeding these dogs longer than anyone else in the world and his father bred them before him. He is an old man now and these dogs have always existed in his family. He is the sole reason why they exist today. If it were not for his efforts they surely would be extinct. He has been breeding them nonstop since then. Some of the American Bulldog’s talents are hunting, watchdog, tracking, weight pulling and guarding.

    Valerie most probably knows all this but is taking a leaf out of the book of your average Bsl proponent intentionally lieing and often distorting actually facts in a vein attempt to justify the enactment of bsl and the promotion of their own pit bull extinction campaign.

AABC = All American Bulldog Club
ACR = American Canine Registry
ABA = American Bulldog Association
ABCC = American Bulldog Club of Canada
ACA = American Canine Association Inc.
APRI = American Pet Registry, Inc.
ARBA = American Rare Breed Association
ARF = Animal Research Foundation
BBC = Backwoods Bulldog Club
CKC = Continental Kennel Club
DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
JDJB = John D. Johnson Bulldog registry
NKC = National Kennel Club
NABA = National American Bulldog Association
NAPR = North American Purebred Registry
UKC = United Kennel Club


The unfortunate fact is this type of behavior is typical of Bsl proponents who seem willing to endanger the public needlessly in order to achieve their goal of making pit bulls extinct namely by promoting legislation which has lead to the completely avoidable deaths of 128 victims in the last decade alone.

128 people mainly children and the elderly have been victim to non pit bull type dogs in the last decade and putting that into perspective that equates to one person per month every month has died from attacks involving non pit bull type dogs for the last ten years.

For the second year in a row the death toll to dogs has been well above the national average for the previous 2 decades all while under the reign of Breed specific Legislation.

The sad fact is Bsl proponents have little alternative other then to promote disinformation, propaganda and outright lies as their whole campaign is based on dodgy so called stats from Dogsbite, Animals 24/7 and the nutty Dj at Daxtons friends all of which are totally dodgy to say the least.

more to come.....

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