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Friday, 30 June 2017

Dogsbite - Pit Bulls Are Identifiable Meme Campaign - So this is where the donations go?

Colleen Lynn

The creator of dogsbite should really recuse herself when it comes to pit bulls being as she was "bitten" on the forearm by one and struggles to hide her hatred for the breed and their owners.

Ms Lynn has no formal education and/or training in canines at all she's a media specialist she has her own media company which manages all the pit bull hater pages and sites on the internet.

I've just discovered one of dogsbite's campaign regarding the identification of pit bulls.

This first meme relates to a court case from 26 years ago and there's plenty of evidence on the net since this judgement indicating that even experienced canine experts and shelter workers actually struggle to identify pit bulls.

New Study Proves That It's Extremely Difficult To Visually Identify Pit ...

"As many as a third of 120 dogs who were part of this study were called Pit Bulls, even though DNA tests showed they weren’t anything of the sort.
And some 20 percent of the dogs found themselves in the opposite situation — not identified as pits by shelter staff, while DNA tests showed them to belong to this cohort of blocky-headed dogs who are adorable, but face terrible discrimination."

The meme below actually cites a court decision from Mexico from 29 years ago and was obviously made by a judge receiving unreliable advice.....

Animal shelter staff and veterinarians are frequently expected to guess the breed of dogs based on appearance alone.
Even when observing the same dogs at the same time, shelter staff had only moderate agreement with breed designations.
One in five dogs genetically identified with pit bull heritage breeds were missed by all shelter staff.
One in three dogs lacking DNA for pit bull heritage breeds were labeled pit bull-type dogs by at least one staff member.
Lack of consistency among shelter staff indicates that visual identification of pit bull-type dogs is unreliable.
Courtesy of.....

Surely the ideal situation would be if laws were created using credible science and again this meme is based on information from 26 years ago.....

Visual Breed Identification | National Canine Research Council

"Research has consistently shown that visual breed identification is very often inaccurate1,2,3,4, and scientists have known for decades that even first generation crossbreeds usually look dramatically different than either parent5. Moreover, recent research also indicates that even experts have very little agreement when visually determining breed "2,3,4,6

Brian Bickel campaigns for pit bulls and as a result has found himself a target of dogsbite as you can see they're mocking him in the meme below what they're failing to grasp is "pit bull" is a "term" whereas the "American Pit Bull Terrier" is a breed.

Childish juvenile meme's using talk show hosts in the hope it actually carries more merit but the fact is it's a lie as is the majority of alleged statistical information on the dogsbite website.....

DNA studies reveal that shelter workers often mislabel dogs as 'pit bulls'

"“Animal shelter staff and veterinarians are frequently expected to guess the breed of dogs based on appearance alone,” said Julie Levy, D.V.M., Ph.D., a professor of shelter medicine at the UF College of Veterinary Medicine and the lead author of a study published recently in The Veterinary Journal."

Dogsbite has little to no actual legitimate science to fall back on so naturally they're left with little alternative but to promote propaganda and featuring heavily in that is memes.

Is That Dog a Pit Bull? A Cross-Country Comparison of Perceptions of ..


In summary, neither participants within a country nor participants between the United States and United Kingdom strongly agreed on whether a dog was a pit bull, especially if he or she had bull breed features. "

All the current studies available on the internet indicate that identifying a pit bull is not something everyone can do and given even professionals struggle how is a layman supposed to be able to do it?

Dogsbite claims that an average person can identify a pit bull then answer me as to why they constantly post pictures of dogs that are not pit bulls claiming they are pit bulls.

For instance.....

Pick the Pit - Can you find the Pitbull?

One of the pictures below is of an American pit bull terrier. The others are of other specific, registered breeds. No mixes, no mutts.

As you will see with this quiz, there are lots of breeds of dogs who look like what people think of as a pit bull. When they're mixes, it's even harder to differentiate them.

Link to quiz....

Give the quiz a go and see if you can "pick the pit bull".

DNA studies reveal that shelter workers often mislabel dogs as 'pit bulls'

Dog breeds contain many genetic traits and variants, and the behavior of any individual dog is impossible to predict based on possible combinations.
“A dog’s physical appearance cannot tell observers anything about its behavior. Even dogs of similar appearance and the same breed often have diverse behavioral traits in the same way that human siblings often have very different personalities,”Levy said.

How to Identify a Pit Bull | The Daily Puppy


The term pit bull is regularly used incorrectly. Traditionally pit bull is a shortened term for the American pit bull terrier, a United Kennel Club-recognized breed; but the term is erroneously used in reference to breeds that have similar stature and appearance to the American pit bull terrier. Incorrect use of the term is misleading, especially so when used to describe mixed breeds. Since legislation targeting so-called "vicious dog" breeds is a fact of life, it's important to correctly identify a pit bull. Know what makes a pit bull distinct from similar-looking crossbreeds.

So layman are supposed to be able to identify pit bulls even when actual professional struggle to do so indicating this judgement is obviously flawed given the new studies available contradicting it.

Link to dogsbite Meme campaign.....

All the memes are made based on decisions handed down over 25 years ago and there's been a lot of work done in the canine field since rendering these decision to be irrelevant.

Dogsbite is the kind of advocacy you get when you let a "media" expert run the show she's really good at what she does but that's not canine related and it shows in the sites so called statistics all of which come from Merrit Clifton who's been extensively debunked.

Google search for "debunking Merrit Clifton"

"About 13,100 results (0.94 seconds)"

Google search link.....

Merrit Clifton Debunked

Equally Dogsbite has been extensively debunked and has no support from the broader animal community.....

Googling "debunking Dogsbite" reveals.....

"About 5,080 results (0.33 seconds)"

Source google search.....

Unethical Website of the Month: Dogsbite.Org | Ethics Alarms

The fact is dogsbite has no support from all the major legitimate animal organizations worldwide and seem to enjoy relatively little support from the broader community.....

As you can see that screenshot was taken 6 months after their fundraiser started and they've had twenty three donations and they claim to be speaking for the majority of Americans when they argue against pit bulls whereas the truth is they speak for a tiny little minority.

Dogsbite consistently call mixed breed mutts pit bulls and despite being exposed they refuse to address the issue and adjust their post on their site in spite of being presented evidence confirming the dog involved was actually a mixed breed mutt with Staffy , Shepherd and Pit Bull in it.....

Excerpt from the blog.....

"Below I've found the post about the pups when Alexandria decided to keep 2 of them and as you can see they are four to five variety mixed breed mutts including Staffy, Shepherd and Pit bull."

Source for excerpt.....

Dogsbite is little more than a propaganda machine being driven by hate & revenge fueled cynophiles they support and promote breed specific legislation they've created more memes claiming Bsl saves lives.....

The fact is Bsl has little to no actual effect on over all bite statistics or fatalities and as such none I mean not one legitimate animal organization in the world supports Bsl.....

Position statement on Breed-specific Legislation - AVSAB

The fact is dogsbite has absolutely no active programs to assist victims and the donations seem to be spent on making memes and providing the creator with red wine?

more to come....

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Daxton's Friends creator is a cyberbully & a stalker? (Jeff Borchardt)

Meet Jeff, Jeff hates pit bulls!!!

 Jeff Borchardt's whole hate campaign started with a lie with him blaming pit bulls for the death of his son when in reality the dogs that attacked his son were "boxer mixes" according to their vets reports........

The dogs were taken away from their mother at 4 weeks old and then spent their life either in a pen in the back yard or a crate within the house.....

The dogs were siblings this is Penny's report as you can see "boxer mixes" meaning they were mutts essentially and there's actually a cautionary alert on her report saying she's reactionary.....

The male dog Bosstons vet report and once again "boxer mixes".....

Shortly after his son's death Jeff Borchardt posted on social media using his Dj Facebook page that he was going to poison his neighbors dog with anti freeze if it looks like a pit bull......

Then he lashed out in frustration with veil threats of killing peoples pets.....

Then there was the whole peanut butter thing where he told a 12 year old girl to "smear her pussy with peanut butter and jump into bed with her pibbles......

He later apologized for his comments but it was too little too late for most people as he seems to be excusing his own behavior more so then actually apologizing to the victim.....

He now claims it was a beat up orchestrated by the infamous and mythical pit bull lobby he often rant and raves about being behind the opposition to breed specific legislation.....

The fact is Jeff doesn't try and hide the fact that he hates pit bulls, pit bull owners & anyone who advocates for the breed.....

Jeff created a non profit in his son's name to honor the child and it basically is a lie filled hate fest on both pit bulls and their owners.....

In response to the fact that man biters were automatically culled by fighting men in the past Jeff posts a blog claiming the John P Colby the famous dogman's nephew was killed by one of his fighting dogs.

As you can see Jeff claims the dog involved in the attack on his nephew was not only kept alive but formed the foundation stock of Colbys line of fighting dogs to this day.

This is John P Colby and no he didn't cull any of his fighting dogs following the death of his nephew because none of them were involved in the child's death.....

Not many people are aware that the Colby's also kept "Boston Terriers" at that time too and they were a lot bigger way back then (picture of a Boston from that era not the dog involved in the fatality).....

The young boy was actually attacked by one of the Bostons chained in the Colby's yard and had been scolded many times for "annoying" the dog prior to the attack the dog finally reacted by grabbing the child and breaking his spine.....


And the second part as you can see chained dog and young child sometimes = tragedy .....


I'm not sure where Jeff got his false information from but as you can see my source is a local government archive in America but I can say it typifies all I've come to learn about this man who consistently lies and promotes dangerous disinformation as fact.

The whole Bsl proponent campaign is based on cyber bullying, lies, disinformation and propaganda and a fair bit of it comes from this man among his many Facebook pit bull hate groups and pages and in reality he has little choice but to engage in this kind of deception as he has no real credible science or verified data supporting his position in relation to pit bulls.

There's even suspicion him and his people may have been involved in a number of animal abuse cases surrounding suspicious deaths of pit bulls.

more to come.....

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Christine M Sweet is driven by hate and fueled by the need for revenge!

This is Christine she seems to have an irrational fear of "pit bulls" and it seems to be compounded by having an irresponsible dog owner living next door and a group of lousy friends that seem to feed her fear instead of actually helping her deal with it.

Source ......

Christine's irresponsible neighbor seems to let his dog walk freely on the street with no leash and given her fear of pit bulls she believes the neighbor's pet is a pit bull and fears that the dog will attack her and her pet.

Christine is a member of Jeff Borchardt's anti pit bull lobby group called "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed"  where she has posted about her situation and as you can see Christine seems extremely aerated using expletives and attacking her neighbor without even having approached him to resolve the manner in a civil way.


Below are the pictures of the neighbors pet allegedly roaming the neighborhood and I'm no dog breed expert but even I can see the dog is not an American Pit Bull Terrier while it may well have "pit bull" in it the pictures show a mixed breed mutt but it's not really relevant what breed the dog is if it has an irresponsible owner as that is the common denominator in all fatal dogs attacks.

If you look at the dogs back end it looks muscled enough to possibly have pit bull in it but it's head and shoulders lack the proportions of an actual APBT.

While the picture is a bit grainy you can see this dog does not have a blocky head.

The dogs definitely not an APBT but it is a concern that this owner seems to be not supervising his pet properly and ultimately it will be the dog that pays the price for his/her lack of proper ownership skills.

Now the members of the pit bull propaganda machine jump straight on board further inflaming the situation escalating the frustration and fear that Christine is feeling in their true advocacy style they go straight into ways to kill the neighbor's pet.

Jen Arevalo, jumps straight in telling christine to get armed for "when" it attacks and then shoot it and don't miss, Cynthia Newman (Cyn Rzeznik), is one of the more nasty pit bull haters she suggest giving the dogs a killer "sammich"  & Aaron B Wood, tells Christine to arm herself if she can't get a gun at least get a knife and be ready to use.

Sandra Fuller, suggest bear spray as it would have the bonus effect of choking the neighbors out of their apartment when the dog scurries home after being sprayed, Aaron jumps in advising that bear spray won't work once a pit goes into "Gladiator" mode then Sandra continues outlining her method for protecting herself against a pit bull in pretty graphic terms going on to recount a gruesome tale where a woman accidentally shot her husband while trying to shoot an attacking pit bull.

None of this banter could be doing anything to calm Christines fears and state of mind these are not the actions of friends they're using Christine and others like her to make pit bulls extinct out of petty revenge.

Jeff Borchardt , agrees with Amy who seems to be trying to calm the mob down but seems to be doing so more out of concern for not exposing the true nature of their advocacy as opposed to moral concern for the community the irony is we've all seen his infamous post about poisoning pit bulls with anti freeze and his veil threats to the effect "these dogs will be taken out, and it will not be quick or humane"

Christine at this stage jumps in saying she couldn't in good conscience poison the dog and agrees it makes them all look bad when their members make such suggestion as it inevitably ends up on "pro pit pages" and obviously does nothing for their claims to be a "victim support group".

Christine seems adamant to stay the legal course and report the neighbour through the proper channels and let the authorities deal with this issue but Aaron insists the law won't do anything to help, Christine's paranoia seems to be getting worse as she claims the "pit bull" somehow opened the neighbor's front door to try and attack her at 6:00 am in the morning.

Amy persists encouraging her to stay the course and keep recording any infractions by the neighbor's pet in relation to having no leash in public.

Unfortunately Amy seems to want to take it a bit too far getting media involved too and given that Christine hasn't actually made any reasonable attempt to speak or communicate with her neighbor and went straight to reporting him without at least giving him a chance to do the right thing that seems a bit extreme though it's better then killing his pet.

Von Dunn comments questioning the need to refrain from inflamed comments such as poisoning or shooting the offending pet and it goes without saying that this kind of talk could hardly be helping Christine's anxiety over her perceived threat from her neighbors pet given her misguided opinions of pit bulls. ( you may remember Vonn there's a screenshot of him celebrating the death of a neighbor's pit bull recently on social media )

Vonn's comment has been removed from the thread.

Carla Theresa White is like most anti pit bull lobbyists who promote killing pit bulls and at least she waits until they attack as opposed to preemptive strikes as suggested by other members of this group all of whom seem hell bent on revenge.

So all this talk is obviously getting to Christine as she now states that she would kill a pit bull in a preemptive attack if she "thought" the pit bull was going to attack her so these people have taken this person that didn't want to kill anything and made her this way as you can see by the graphic language being used by Carla using a recent attack involving a pit bull mix and two young children in a mini van.

All these lobbyists claim the dog involved was actually a pit bull but according to police it was a pit bull mix a "mutt".

Link to news story.....

Two children in car seats mauled by pit bull mix while sitting in minivan ...

Mary McGrath, suggests it's time for this dog to get a dirt nap it's a common saying among them as well as "shoot shovel & shut up" which essentially means murder the pit bull and bury the body before anyone finds out, Marie Clara MacKenzie, says to keep reporting it and show the AC the pictures, Joy Bruce says that people shouldn't have to live in fear like this, & Marc Kenton says to spray the dog with some sort of chemical just for being out of it's owner's yard.

I really can't imagine any of this is helping with Christine's anxiety and consequent state of mind.

Stephanie Ward is one loose cannon and she rarely minces her words and comes straight out and says she'd make the dog disappear and these people claim that pit bull owners are the nasty ones?

I've never seen this person before (fake) and as you can see he/she has a long winded rant about the dangers of pit bulls recounting an alleged personal story and finishes it up by dropping a link to how to defeat a pitbull with your bare hands.

How to Defeat a Pit Bull with Your Bare Hands - Features - The Stranger

I'm sure reading that would have been of no real comfort to Christine?

Some five hours after the original post Christine suddenly remembers she'd seen the offending "pit bull" chasing five different people on four different occasions or could it be that all the fear mongering by these so called victims advocates has actually convinced her she needs more evidence to cause the AC to act?

Christine has reported the neighbor because their "front door was open" and she assumed the dog was off leash again and you can bet Christine added the little snippet about the dog allegedly chasing people in the neighborhood hence the summons.

Carla chimes in with her advice specifically to get a hatchet or an axe to attack the dog on the neck and cripple it then use the handle as a "breakstick" to "extract" herself from the pit bull I'm sure Christine finds that quite comforting.

Tracey Rhodes  comments saying she'd leave her front door open and then blow it's head off with her .40 cal if it came into her house & Keith De Cesare recommends ringing 911.

As you can see the lobby's plan to incite this person into action is in full flow Christine took her dog out to the toilet at 2:30 am and her neighbors dog ran along the fence barking at her and her pet so she rang Ac and the police and you can bet she's claiming the dog attacked her and her pet.

Danielle Jones confirms their mindset with her little snippet of advice just tell the cops "it tried to attack you".

Source post from one of Christine's profiles posted in 2014 and as you can see she's been brainwashed by the anti pit bull propaganda.

Link to post.....

If you read the long winded post you'll see the ramblings of an individual that's been  hoodwinked into believing all the propaganda about pit bulls on the internet.

"Pit Bulls have not been around for anywhere near "600 years" and the whole "it's in their genes" line is proven wrong every time a "Non pit bull type" of dog attacks and kills a human and that happened at least 128 times between 2005 - 2015 and given the statistician's habit of calling mixed breed mutts "pit bulls" that number's likely a lot lot higher than that and is being hidden by the anti pit bull lobby.

Christine M Sweet

Christine M Sweet

Christines seems to have 2 facebook accounts which seems relatively common among advocates for both sides.

While doing this blog I reported the hillwalker stone profile and facebook promptly removed the profile for going against their community standards.

Do I support this dog owner allowing his pet to roam freely? , no I don't as this type of irresponsible ownership is going to get his dog killed one way or the other whether it's at the hands of one of these individuals or at the local council shelter.

The fact is none of these people are in the right as Christine made no effort to contact the owners prior to escalating the matter into the hands of local authorities which may result in fines for the owner and worse case scenario the dog being put down.

If you recognize any of the surroundings in the pictures or the dog itself please reach out to the owner and inform him of the trouble coming his way in the form of an attack by the anti pit bull lobby.

These people are not legitimate public safety advocates as they claim as legitimate advocates support and promote breed neutral legislation which protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just the dangerous dogs that look like pit bulls.

And just for the anti pit bull lobby here's a picture of an actual "American Pit Bull Terrier", "British Staffordshire" & "American Staffordshire" just 3 of many breeds commonly referred to as "pit bulls"

Update the abuse continues over in Jeff Borchardt anti pit bull hate group.....

Christine M Sweet continues to stalk her neighbors secretly taking pictures of them coming and leaving their place of residence feeding the pictures back to her friends in the pit bull hate group created by Jeff Borchardt.

Check out this comment she posted under her latest post of them arriving home unloading their shopping.....

She goes as far as saying the dog's owner looks like a "meth head" and has no iq.

And typically of these alleged victims support advocates trot out their favorite method of getting rid of problematic pit bulls, Mark Robinson ; POISON.,.....


It seems Christine's campaign against her neighbors is failing and she's claiming everyone's  a "pitnutter" including the authorities and she's resigned to relocating to a local with breed specific legislation.....

Link to post...... The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

But her fellow members are inciting her to escalate her campaign against her neighbor and their pet.....

Cyn Rzeznik /(Cynthia Nueman) chimed straight in with her usual sick fantasy to give the dog a special treat which is code for either poison it or hide something fatal in a treat.....

Gary Steen's advice is to drop a bag of dark bakers chocolate for the dog knowing full well that the chocolate is fatal to canines.....

Christine M Sweet has escalated her attack on her neighbors actually speaking to the landlord claiming the dog was dangerous when in fact there isn't any reported attacks involving this dog.....

Lisa Padgett  suggest sending one the videos Christine has made of the dog to the mayor which is far better then advice as to killing the neighbors pet.

I will keep the blog updated should there be any future developments.....

More to come.....