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Tuesday, 21 November 2017

James Hassinger attacking the Brevard County Sheriff insisting he's a "pitophile" for simply investigating the callous shooting of 2 innocent family pets.....

James Hassinger claims to be a victims advocate when in reality he's an old fashioned hater plain and quite obviously very simple.....

The story.....



Link to source..... BrevardCountySheriff/photos/

James Hassinger has very little sympathy for either pit bulls or their owners and despite claiming to be a "victims advocate" he rarely if ever does anything to help actual victims much like the majority of Bsl proponents who claim to be acting in the bests interests of the community whereas their actions indicate otherwise.

S J Martin (Stacey) as you can see Stacey has absolutely no empathy for the dogs regardless of whether they were aggressive or not they were pit bulls so she hates them and their owners and they deserved to be shot in spite of knowing very little of the actual circumstances......

Deby Evans also supports the shooters actions even though they discharged a firearm in a built up area therefore putting all other community members in the vicinity at risk.....

Joshua Gloner demands the removal of the sheriff for simply investigating this heinous crime and obviously supports the shooters actions in spite of the risk they represent to the broader community which seems to be the norm among these so called advocates.....

Jordan Eskew seems to be reasonable and actually questions the shooters actions namely putting the community at risk with gunfire something that doesn't go down well with other group members.....

John Wright insists the victims owners should be charged with "having the dogs at large" obviously he supports the shooters actions too in spite of there being no evidence the dogs actually done anything wrong.....

Joshua Gloner also supports the shooter blaming the sheriff for being a "pitnutter" and actually goes as far as labeling all the members of the police force in that area as being the "lowest and unprofessional" department in the land, all because the sheriff is investigating this abuse.....

Joanna McGinn chimes in with rhetoric typical of a complete fanatic exclaiming the sheriff should be put in a kennel with the victims all because he's investigating their callous shooting.....

Jordan Eskew once again questioning the validity of claims that the dogs were aggressive given that there's absolutely no indication or evidence the dogs actually did anything wrong other then be out of their yard.....

Von Dunn goes on a rant claiming the owners are liars in spite of there being absolutely no evidence supporting his argument, Von Dunn is a particularly nasty troll and is rarely troubled by actual facts or evidence both of which seem to be alien concepts to him/her.....

Jordan Eskew points out to the other members the reality that the dogs are not accused of doing anything other then being out of their yards and being consequently shot.....

Von Dunn then claims that the only reason the police are involved is because the sheriff is a "pit nut" and has a butthurt about a cat being shot but posts nothing actually supporting either theory in true anti pit bull activist style......

John Wright once again has a mindless rant finishing with a sick joke that the dogs couldn't dispute the shooters claims obviously he supports this sick individuals actions too.....

Jordan Eskew questions Von's assumptions based on the logical fact that if the shooter really did think they were doing the wrong thing then why have't they come forward..... (good question)

John Wright speaks in the shooters defense saying "maybe they didn't want to come forward" which sort of indicates he really doesn't care about the risk the shooters actions put the community at by discharging a firearm in a built up area.....

Glenn Montgomery then comments in support of Jordan questioning the shooters motives and subsequent actions namely hiding from authorities.....

Micheal J Boykin  chimes in saying a dog coming into his yard gives him reason enough to shoot it and he goes on to passively threaten to shoot a fellow group member for simply questioning his logic.....

John Wright then brags about threatening his neighbor with a 12 gauge shot gun he's obviously a real hero with a gun in his hand.....

Heather Jackson then chimes in saying "SSS" is the best way to deal with "shitbulls" and for those of you not aware of what that means, it means "shoot, shovel & shut up" which basically means just shoot any troublesome dogs and then bury it's remains so you can hide from the consequences of your actions.

This term is popular among these so called victims advocates.....

James Hassinger adds to his previous comments by claiming the sheriff is a "pitophile" one of many words and terms made up by these morally corrupt people.....

Joshua Gloner goes on to give the sheriff another roasting for simply doing his job and investigating this brutal case of abuse.....

Here's an excerpt from the story and a link to one of the original postings by media outlets.....

"The Sheriff's Pet Posse, which supports the Sheriff's Office Animal Shelter, is offering a $1,000 reward for information about the shooting."

Source.... deputies-seek-person-who-shot-dogs-grant-valkaria

James Hassinger as I've said is a particularly nasty and cowardly pit bull hater as you can see by his post below he promotes and encourages people to poison pets in the name of community safety which is quite ironic given that if a child or any other animal ingests that poison they will likely die too.....

These people in these groups claim to be victims advocates but one only has to see how they actually treat victims to know they're not victims advocates they're old fashioned fanatical haters and their so called advocacy puts more people at risk then pit bulls ever could given their need to constantly fantasizing and romanticizing about the brutal murder of innocent family pets all in the name of community safety.....

A quick perusal of any of these hate groups quickly confirms they don't really care about victims as much as they hate pit bulls as their groups do not post focusing on helping any victims in fact they persecute victims and use their images in their juvenile memes without their consent.....

The fact is there's not one recorded fatality alleged to have involved an actual fully papered legitimate American Pit Bull Terrier and I challenge any of these fools to prove me wrong?

The simple truth is throughout history more then 35 actual breeds of dogs have been involved in fatal attacks on humans confirming that Breed Specific Legislation will only possibly stop attacks involving "specific" breeds/types and leaves all other dogs to do as they please in relation to attacking humans or pets.....

Please don't fall for their garbage, they post alleged statistics from dogsbite which is clearly the most unethical site on the internet & only serves to earn a living for Colleen Lynn off the backs of hundreds of thousands of dead pit bulls, she's not a canine expert in fact she's not an expert at anything other then scamming her followers into earning her more "wine" money.

Please do not visit the hate group as they're really nasty individuals if you dispute their so called facts or heaven forbid expose their lies they will stalk you and cyber bully not only you but everyone you know, they will contact your landlord and your employer with screenshot of your comments seeking to get you fired or evicted depending on who they're talking too.

They're are not acting in anyone's best interests other then their own they're extremely selfish narcissistic individuals.....

More to come.....

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