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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness = thinly disguised anti pit bull activists group attacking pit bulls and their owners.....

Jeff Borchardt created Daxtons Friend's for Canine Education & Awareness under the guise of community safety whereas his hatred for both pit bulls and their owners has polluted his mind to the point where the site is little more then a thinly disguised hate group.....

Jeff claims that this screen shot was created using a fake Facebook page whereas it seems in keeping with the kind of content to be found on the majority of his Facebook hate pages and groups.....

The majority of Jeff's advocacy seems to revolve around stalking and cyber bullying he scoured the social media accounts of a victims sister to create a meme claiming the victim had been killed by pit bulls when in reality the child was killed by one of three dogs on the scene and none of them were pit bulls.

Jeff as I said created the meme below in his campaign against pit bulls......

As you can in the screen shot below from the victim's sister's Facebook page the dog involved was a mixed breed mutt.

Jeff's latest victim Leonard Ashford and his little Chihuahua "Bella. (RIP Bella), Bella tragically passed after an incident involving beef jerky and as you can see inspired by Jeff Borchardt's rambling his followers are bullying this victim.....

Leonard's other dog "Rusty" snapped at "Bella" making contact with her head and killing the little dog after she attempted to take his beef jerky according to Leonard.....

Screen shot confirmation relating to the beef jerky.....

In spite of the fact that there's no actual evidence or proof that "Rusty" actually is a "pit bull" the anti pit bull activists typically have jumped all over this man life and used his tragedy in their petty hate campaign because he thinks "Rusty" is a pit bull.

Holly White doesn't mess around asking the hard questions particularly relating to what most concerns her, killing pit bulls....

Johnny Brist goes straight for the jugular not even bothering to mention "Bella" the victim and one only has to google relating to  Resource Guarding issues in Canines to know that Johnny is telling fibs again as this issue is prevalent throughout all the breeds and types of dogs.....

Lisa Maddix Nelson (Lisa Maddox Nelson) concurs with Johnny obviously repeating his garbage about "normal" dogs not being prone to Resource Guarding whereas it is an issue for many types and breeds of dogs.....

As you can see Lisa is none to sensitive to Leonard's loss sarcastically attempting to bait him into responding in kind so she can screen shot it and share it top the hate group allegedly demonstrating how bad a person Leonard is but he doesn't take the bait.....

Johnny Brist in true hater style continues to berate and insult this poor man who has recently lost one of his beloved pets.....

Johnny Brist must most certainly be using a fake account as no-one would taunt a victim in this way using his real identity the majority of the anti pit bull activists use fake accounts to covet their true identities and it's not surprising considering the vile asinine dribble they secrete from their heads daily.....

Johnny Brist persists taunting both the victims owner and his friends supporting him in this time of grief and loss.....

Johnny Brist claims that the south African Pit Bull Association backs up everything he says the only problem is not one other animal organization or expert in the world backs up what the South African Pit Bull Association says Johnny?

Johnny went on to paste links to countless media reports in support of his claims all of which related to unconfirmed reports typically as his whole campaign revolves around incidents "alleged" to have involved pit bulls with o confirmation undertaken in true hater style.

Please follow the link to Leonard's post and show him support in this time of grief, I caution anyone from engaging the haters there as they will stalk you and steal your pictures if you expose either their hate or their lies.

Jeff Borchardt created a meme using this victims post from his social media page and the fact is no attempt has been made to confirm that "Rusty" was actually a "pit bull" Jeff really doesn't care if he is or isn't because he'll say he was regardless of the facts.....

Just because Leonard thinks rusty is a pit bull that doesn't necessarily mean the dog is a pit bull.....

Link to hate post..... daxtonsfriends

When Jeff's not busy stalking victims and making emotive memes out of their images without their consent he's posting pictures of babies without their parents consent.....

Link to post...... pitbullidentify/photos

Pit Bull Breed Identification Photos - Owner Submitted is where Jeff shares all the pictures he stalks from the internet in some sort of twisted attempt to bully pit bull owners.....

Jeff Borchardt is a second rate wedding Dj and lost his son to an alleged attack involving mixed breed mutts he insists were pit bulls.....

The dogs involved in Daxton Borchardt's death, Bosston & Penny according to the vets reports in the police report the dogs were actually "Boxer x" which essentially means mutts.....

Jeff's telling everyone and anyone that will listen to his drivel they were pit bulls using the unfortunate and tragic death of his son to gain notoriety and certain unscrupulous second rate media organizations seem to be aiding him in his hate campaign......

Jeff has exposed himself to be a bully and a bit of a creep saying this to a 12 year old girl he has since apologized twice but denied it three times claiming it's a beat up by the infamous and mythical "pit bull lobby".....

Jeff has since denied saying this in spite of issuing a full apology initially, honestly who apologizes for something they didn't even say, this is the first of two separate apologies.....

Then there was the whole "anti freeze" affair where Jeff threatened to poison his neighbors pets with "anti freeze" if they looked like pit bulls which is quite scary considering what Jeff considers to be a "pit bull".....

Then there was the threat to all the pit bulls in the United States of America and this post in particular gives an insight to the level of frustration Jeff is feeling as Americans on mass dismiss him as being a complete crackpot by rejecting his so called statistics for being the absolute nonsense they have been shown to be.....

Jeff is trying to blame all pit bulls and their owners for the death of his son whereas the reality is there was one person responsible for the tragic loss of his son & that's the babysitter as in spite of now claiming he had no reservations about the dogs prior to the tragedy he forbid Sussi from taking his son anywhere near her dogs......

Jeff is now claiming that Sussi's dogs were much loved family pets whereas the reality is the dogs were taken away from their mother way too early then kept either penned in the yard or crated in the house which possibly contributed to this gruesome outcome....

The fact is the baby sitter was told not to take the child anywhere near her pets and yet she took the child into the backyard with the dogs and the child payed with his life after the dogs allegedly attacked him.....

Jeff claims to be acting in the best interests in community safety whereas contrary to that cause he promotes and supports Breed Specific Legislation which only seeks to prevent attacks involving pit bull type dogs as opposed to supporting breed neutral legislation such as the "Calgary Model" which protects the community from all dangerous dogs.

Now I caution everyone about interacting with Jeff as he doesn't respond to kindly to being corrected and is likely to stalk your social media account and steal your pictures for posting in his hate groups after turning them into obnoxious memes.....

He reacts harshly to being advised that according to the police reports the dogs involved in Daxton's death were actually mixed breed mutts likely pit bull boxer mixes.....

Now it's abundantly obvious that neither Jeff or Sussi have a history of making good sound choices given their extensive criminal history and this is just an extension of that same behavior trying to blame an entire breed for a tragedy they weren't even involved with in the first place instead of taking responsibility for the part they played in the tragedy.....

The whole anti pit bull advocacy is driven by 3 main sites, Animals 24/7, Daxtons Friend's & and the owners of these sites are the only one's gaining anything out of their advocacy with them all sharing the donations among themselves with Colleen Lynn gaining the most as her media company actually hosts all three sites. actually pays Merrit Clifton for his work in spite of the fact the he has no credentials to actually do such a "study" and given that's he been extensively debunked in particular most recently by the Ombudsman in the Radio Canada complaint lodged by Merrit.

Daxtons Friends Canine Education & Awareness is not a legitimate victims advocacy or public safety orientated site it's focus is on denigrating pit bulls and their owners leaving all other breeds and types of dogs to attack and maul at will while claiming to help victims, so long as their victims of pit bulls and even then if they are if they won't jump on the hate train they'll be stalked and attacked too.

The majority of the donations gathered by his organization seem to have been wasted on roadside billboards featuring an image of an American Bully which is not a pit bull obviously being very confusing to novices to the issue.....

It seems Jeff is more interested in notoriety as opposed to helping victims as he's had the same confusing images put on posters at bus stops too.....

Yet his followers that want to help have to actually download and print their own fliers.....

So where do all the donations go then?, oh so they only had 55 people going and six people interested in the fundraiser.....

Is it any wonder he has little to no support when he posts stuff like this (below) where as you can see Jeff claims the baby sitter was seriously injured in the alleged attack that involved his son which is a blatant lie......

The fact is she had relatively minor injuries including bruising to her arms, a large bruise on her thigh, a bite on her thumb & a scratch on her neck she was released from hospital within hours of being seen by doctors with relatively minor injuries.....

He claims they were loving good nature-d well socialized family pets, well this seems to be a lie as the dogs spent their lives in a pen in the back yard when not in the house......

Jeff has let his bias for pit bulls to taint everything about his site regularly posting outright lies, disinformation & propaganda like the meme below not only does he not have permission to share this image but the dog was a Bulldog mix and not a pit bull typically but Jeff doesn't seem to let the facts get in the road of a good rant.....

Jeff knows as well as I do that pit bulls grow to a maximum of 65 lbs so why is he labeling these dogs as pit bulls  (below) given that witnesses claimed the dogs were 100-120 lb indicating they weren't pit bulls at all as obese pit bulls aren't real active much like any other obese canines generally.....

Jeff is using this site to promote & spread his own lies and hate in a vile campaign to seek revenge on innocent parties with the help of lazy reporting and a complete lack of due diligence on behalf of certain editors & publishers......

The fact is he's no expert, he's obviously not even that good of a Dj if he's had to take on casual jobs in order to make ends meet and now he's trying to take revenge on pit bull owners and pit bulls themselves because his babysitters mixed breed mutts allegedly attacked and killed his son.....

It's not surprising that the Facebook page for his site has little over 1,700 likes after years of toil (above) but given his own campaign is based off of lies and seems to mainly consist of cyber bullying, disinformation and emotive juvenile memes often using victim's images without their consent (below).....

There's no such thing as unpredictable aggression in any animal, all animals act and react for reason granted obviously most humans are none the wiser of the signs associated with predicting these actions/reactions but that doesn't mean they don't exist.....

Honestly this guy is obviously not real smart if he thinks people are going to fall for his ruse as only the weak of mind or the morally bankrupt could indulge in such madness.....

Unfortunately for Mr Borchardt the internet makes it not only possible but relatively quick to debunk 100% of his claims all of which are based on lies and blatant disinformation considering his only sources are dogsbite, Animals 24/7 & other equally erroneous sources is it any wonder he's being shot down in flames and exposed for the incompetent he seems to be?

More to come.....

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