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Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Keith De Cesare promoting and celebrating the shooting of a pregnant pit bull owner in "The Pit Bull Problem".....

Keith De Cesare

Keith De Cesare is a member of a particularly nasty Facebook hate group created by Valerie Brown and it's called "The Pit Bull Problem" where they claim to be a victims support group but one only has to see posts like the one below to realize these people are fanatics and they do absolutely nothing to help victims in fact they often attack victims and use their images without their consent.....

The post relates to a tragedy in which 2 men, a pregnant woman and a dog were all shot by a gun totting neighbor the incident was triggered by the shooting of a family pet for simply taking a toilet break in it's own yard.

As you can see from the image in the post the dog appeared to have been an American Bulldog mix & #notapitbull.....

Link to hate post..... hate post in hate group

Valerie Brown was the first to comment and she either didn't read the whole story or she's typically lying in support of this callous vile act ignoring the witness statements in relation to the dog doing little more then being let out to go to the toilet and being needlessly shot twice in the chest while going to the toilet.....

Keith De Cesare responds by accusing the dead and the injured of being the aggressive ones in spite of the fact that they were unarmed and murdered in cold blood giving an insight to the mindset of this despicable individual who obviously supports the shooters actions.....

Von Dunn chimes in blaming pit bulls when in reality pit bulls are not mentioned in the news article as the dog appeared to have been a American Bulldog mix but these fanatics all insist American Bulldog's are actually pit bulls which typically is a load of garbage.....

Jim Wilson joins the conversation again much like the former comment he too blames pit bulls in spite of the fact there was no pit bull involved.....

Von Dunn also seeks to blame the victims claiming they must have threatened the shooter whereas the fact that they were all shot seems to indicate there was only one gun involved and that belonged to the shooter and according to witnesses the man was trigger happy.....

Daryl Colvin joins the conversation and it seems he's made up a new word or term "pit delusionists" and he goes on to blame the victims claiming their own "potty" mouths got them shot demonstrating the true mindset of this hate group which regularly advocates the killing pit bulls by any means necessary.....

Keith De Cesare posts a link to a news article which claims that pit bull owners are all lower class trailer park criminal druggo lowlifes in support of the shooters actions.....

Von Dunn demonstrates the true mindset of this group further attacking the victims in spite of the fact they clearly were not the ones acting aggressively given that 2 unarmed men lost their lives in this callous shooting......

Keith De Cesare posts yet another "study" in support of his view/opinion that the victims were at fault & Daryl Colvin comments again making up yet another word/term "pitt-vermin" (he's actually referring to pit bull owners) claiming that pit bull owners will lose the plot upon learning of this tragedy and probably "go out and knock over a liquor store" demonstrating a complete lack of empathy for the actual victims.....

Cyn Rzeznik (Cynthia Neuman) is a particularly nasty pit bull hater and she demonstrates her hate by claiming she's glad the "shitbull" was shot which is normal operating procedure for this hater & S J Martin chimes in proclaiming she's glad the owners were shot too in spite of the fact that one was pregnant.....

SJ Martin goes on to say that the guy "deserves a medal" in true anti pit bull activist style they applaud and promote the execution of innocent family pets and their owners while claiming to be victims support advocates.

Stacey tries to blame the victims for this tragic incident which claimed the lives of 2 men and injured a pregnant woman in true hater style.....

Rufus De  is a fake profile that Facebook refuses to remove and as you can see he post a "Gif"celebrating this tragedy which claimed the lives of two men and left a dog dead and a pregnant woman in hospital with gun shot wounds.....

Raqueline Smith jumps into the conversation exclaiming that the shooter should be given a medal for this cowardly act of shooting a defenseless dog while it was on a potty break and then shooting 3 unarmed people one of which was pregnant a despicable act in most peoples eyes.....

Cyn Rzeznik (CynthiaNueman) goes on further to accuse "Pitophiles" of threatening Bsl advocates and given their constant nasty remarks and death threats to both pit bulls and their owners.


Cyn Rzeznik claims that the "pit bull" owners are the violent ones in spite of the fact that the owners of the dog were both shot & was is dead and the other a pregnant woman is still in hospital following the brutal shooting by this nutcase gun happy neighbor clearly demonstrating the constant state of delusion these people function in daily..... 

Keith De Cesare has obviously seen the blog and is sincerely butt hurt that his ugliness is being exposed he claims that the police are investigating as a result yet another baseless claim as clearly I've done nothing wrong so good luck with that Keith & Cyn Rzeznik  even claims to have been bullied and wants to blame it on me instead of realizing it's her own repulsive comments that are causing the drama to come her way clearly?

Cyn Rzeznik goes as far as accusing me of being a "child killer" demonstrating the lengths they will go to in order to berate and bully their foes.....

What actually happened.....

"“I saw Petey come out to go to the bathroom and the neighbor guy pulled out his gun and shot him twice,” said neighbor Tonya Galan.
Galan says she watched her neighbor shoot Bill’s dog even though the dog had not shown any signs of aggression.
“He was just trigger-happy. He kept saying he had a permit. He thought just because he had a handgun permit he was justified in shooting a dog,” said Galan.
Witnesses say after Bill got home from a road trip, he confronted his neighbor Sunday night. During that confrontation, gunshots erupted. Koenig and Hoffman were shot and killed."
And this from another news article.....

"“(The dog) was just peeing and he just pulled out his gun and shot him twice in the chest,” said Galan. “I stood right here and watched him.”

Galan said the dog, named Petey, then walked into the home where he later died. She said Petey belonged to one of the men who was killed Sunday evening.

“He was a puppy, he was no more than 2 years old,” said Galan.
Police documents show officers responded to a home in the area for a report of a dog shot Thursday evening, but no arrests were made.
Police said 24-year-old Marquis England and 22-year-old Kalee England were arrested in connection to the shooting. Both face preliminary charges of murder."

The true irony lays in the fact that Valerie Brown previously posted virtually outlawing this kind of behavior in the group but jumped straight on the band wagon attacking these unfortunate victims shot and killed by a trigger happy fanatic.....

Source of SS.....

They all claim the the shooter "must" have been terrorized by the "pit bull" prior to taking this drastic action whereas the reality is there's absolutely no reports or information supporting their claims.

There's no evidence in support of the allegations that the dead dog had acted aggressively toward anyone nor are there any reports of the dead dog being a nuisance in the neighborhood in it's quite the contrary with the witnesses stating the dog done nothing other then come out of the house for a toilet break where it was shot for no reason mid stream.

The anti pit bull activists regularly post and comment in support of this type of inappropriate dangerously reckless behavior leading to the post (above) from Valerie Brown but as you can see even she can't follow her own directives.....

These anti pit bull activists demonstrate every day exactly why they're more dangerous to the community then any dog could ever be and they need to be taken seriously they're full blooded liars and they wish death upon both pit bulls and their owners and as you can see pregnant pit bull owners are fair game apparently.....

There's very little doubt that the actions of these fanatics contribute to and most likely triggers abuse against pit bulls by some of the more militant members of the anti pit bull cult and unstable members of society.....

****** Update******

These are the murderers the anti pit bull activists are supporting......

Source..... video-captures-double-homicide-2-charged-twice-with-murder/

According to reports and video footage from the victims home security cameras these men chased down and shot a pregnant woman in the stomach and Bsl proponents support and applaud this behavior typically.....


The hate group created by Jeff Borchardt - "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" and this story been shared there too where they're attacking the victims with one member going as far as stalking the victims page and then sharing screenshots back to the group it's disgusting here's the post from the second group of haters to rejoice this tragedy.....

Maria Tsotos Tzavaras

Link to post in hate group..... The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed.....

Clark Ay Caramba once again displays all the same traits as the members of the other hate group exclaiming that it's "problem solved" which is a sad indictment of his state of mind and the level of his hatred for pit bulls.....

Dan Saeger actually goes to his memorial page and takes screenshot in a despicable display demonstrating exactly how these people treat victims.....

Dan's not finished he shares yet another screenshot for the victims Facebook page which has bee converted to a memorial page for their grieving family and friends......

More gruesome details have come out relating to this brutal murder with video footage from the victims own security cameras revealing the level of violence involved in this totally avoidable incident.....

Now it seems this blog has come to the attention of the members of "The Pit Bull Problem" in particular Keith De Cesare and as reported previously he's claiming to have alerted the police and made a report and was advised the an investigation is under way.....

Susan Dawn posted to the group after seeing this blog.....

Bill Kapster comments that I'm crazy in essence dismissing the blog as nonsense in true anti pit bull activist style they dismiss anything that either exposes their lies or their poor behavior.....

Susan Dawn accuses me of using "smoke and mirror rhetoric" when in reality all I'm doing is screenshot-ing their comments from a public group and then blogging it for the world to see exactly how nasty they truly are while claiming to be victims advocates......

Cyn Rzeznik (Cynthia S Nueman) jumps straight in she really doesn't like her hate being exposed and as you can see she refers to ma as a "nasty old slimebag" and a "big joke" then confesses her hatred for "shit bulls".....

Keith De Cesare comments claiming to have been slandered and expressing extreme butthurt after being informed of his exposure he visited one of the Facebook page I admin and left a one star review (ouch, lol) then he tries to rally the militia to mass report both the Facebook pages featuring my blog and the blog itself......

Susan Dawn then shares a screenshot of a post I shared from Lori Peterson asking if I had permission to share her "Facebook Litigation" post and the answer is Yes I did......

Link to post by Lori Peterson..... FACEBOOK LITIGATION:

Keith De Cesare has posted a link to our page "The Anti Breedism Alliance" calling for everyone to monitor the page for abuse and report anything and record everything with a view to seeking damages whereas the reality is I've done nothing wrong as previously stated everything in this blog was in the public domain so there's no illegalities here.....

These people religiously try and play the victim whereas the the reality is these people are dangerous fanatics and their passionate hatred for pit bulls drives them to act deplorably in most situation using any and all means at their command to seek and ensure the total destruction of any dog that even remotely resembles a pit bull.

Well if they're going to act in this way they can expect me to monitor them and report on their tactics while contacting their victims and informing them they're under attack as in most cases these people block their victims prior to posting and encouraging all their friends to stalk and cyber bully their victims generally speaking either pit bull owners or people opposed to breed specific legislation whether they own pit bulls or not.....

More to come.....

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